Young man lives in constant fear of unknowingly hooking up with one of his gay uncle’s exes

Young man lives in constant fear of unknowingly hooking up with one of his gay uncle’s exes
“I’m always scared that I might can be going out with some of his f*ck buddies, and I don’t want that!”

Almost 70 Percent of U.S. White Evangelical Christians Say Homosexuality is Unacceptable

Almost 70 Percent of U.S. White Evangelical Christians Say Homosexuality is Unacceptable

A recent survey has found that American Muslims are now more accepting than white evangelicals of LGBT people.

Conducted between January and May of this year, 52 percent of Muslim respondents to the Pew Research Center survey said that homosexuality should be accepted by society. This is an increase of 25 percent since 2007.

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However, only 34 percent of white evangelical Protestants said they believe homosexuality should be accepted. This is the smallest percentage of any group surveyed.

NBC reports:

Within the U.S. Muslim community, women and college graduates had the highest acceptance rate of homosexuality (both 63 percent), followed by less religious Muslims (62 percent) and millennials (60 percent).

While results found that acceptance of homosexuality in the U.S. Muslim community corresponds with wider acceptance in the U.S. general public, there remained generational differences in acceptance within both populations. Researchers found younger U.S. Muslims are more accepting of homosexuality than their older counterparts. Within the U.S. Muslim community, 60 percent of millennials said homosexuality should be accepted in society — 14 percentage points fewer than the general millennial population in 2016. In contrast, the U.S. Muslim “Baby Boomer or older” demographic had a 42 percent acceptance rating of homosexuality in 2017, 11 points lower than the general population’s acceptance rate around the same time.

Additionally, the survey found that white mainline Protestants have the highest acceptance rate of LGBT people, with 76 percent saying it should be accepted by society.

Read the survey results below.

(Image: Alisdare Hickson Creative Commons via Flickr licensed unde rCC BY-SA 2.0)


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Almost 70 Percent of U.S. White Evangelical Christians Say Homosexuality is Unacceptable

Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS

Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS

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If the #Democrats manage to reverse this election with their usual dirty tricks, there will be #CivilWar. This is not going to end well.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 4, 2017

I’ve never witnessed such hatred for a man who is willing to work for free to make his beloved country a better place. It is pathological.

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The post Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Sam Smith, Mike Pence, Lena Dunham, James Woods, Russia Subpoenas, Ed Sheeran, Chechnya: HOT LINKS

PrEP May Prevent HIV Infection Even When Not Used Daily

PrEP May Prevent HIV Infection Even When Not Used Daily

prep truvada

The medication used to prevent HIV infection, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP), can now be taken as needed rather than daily, according to a new study. Researchers found that on-demand use reduced risk of HIV infection by 97 percent. The team also noted that while using the medication, more people opted not to use a condom, rising…

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PrEP May Prevent HIV Infection Even When Not Used Daily