りぃな: 「人と違うこと」を責めない~誰にとっても生きやすい社会とは?~

りぃな: 「人と違うこと」を責めない~誰にとっても生きやすい社会とは?~

もっと見る: 社会, LGBT, 名古屋, 多様性, diversity, ダイバーシティ, あおぞら部, japan lgbt, Japan News


“It’s Making Transgender Kids a Target”

“It’s Making Transgender Kids a Target”

“It would turn her world upside down to send her to the boys
restroom. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s really painful and difficult
thing to explain to a seven year old why that’s happening.” – A mother gives a heart wrenching account of the real world consequences of anti-trans bills being debated in Texas special session.