#AM_Equality Tipsheet: August 29, 2017

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: August 29, 2017

#ProtectTransTroops — HRC IS PLAINTIFF IN LAWSUIT AGAINST TRUMP’S TRANS MILITARY BAN: HRC, represented by Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN, became a plaintiff along with Gender Justice League and transgender individuals affected by the action, in a federal lawsuit challenging the White House directive that interferes in Department of Defense personnel policy by pushing forward the Trump-Pence’s transgender military ban. “Our military is stronger when any qualified American willing to defend our country is able to serve, regardless of their gender identity,” said HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride). “It is an unconscionable and unconstitutional breach of trust for the president to single out brave transgender service members and able recruits for discrimination. The harm that this administration is causing to both these courageous Americans and our national security must be stopped. We are proud to be a plaintiff on behalf of our transgender members currently serving or wishing to enlist or commission, but who find their careers and their future under attack – and we thank all of the plaintiffs, Lambda Legal and Outserve-SLDN for their leadership in challenging this dangerous directive.” More from HRC, Metro Weekly, Washington Blade, HuffPost, The Hill, NPR and Politico.

  • The named plaintiff is Ryan Karnoski, a transgender man and social worker from Seattle. More from KIRO.
  • A powerful USA Today piece by Army veteran Rob Cuthbert calls on Defense Secretary Mattis to stand against this discrimination. Read the full piece from USA Today.
  • The Palm Center has identified six forms of discrimination that the anti-transgender directive mandates. Read the full report here.

OUR THOUGHTS ARE WITH THOSE AFFECTED BY THE DISASTER IN TEXAS — HERE ARE SOME WAYS TO HELP: The LGBTQ community in Houston is stepping up, with both the Montrose Center, the city’s LGBTQ community center, and the Houston-based Transgender Foundation of America establishing funds for victims of the flooding, reports Lou Chibbaro Jr. of the Washington Blade. A comprehensive list of national and local organizations assisting people affected by the disaster, and guidance on how to donate, is provided by The New York Times.

TUESDAY TWEET — ICYMI, HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT JOE ARPAIO: The Phoenix New Times, which has covered the racist Joe Arpaio for more than 20 years, tweeted out his long, grotesque record of violating the civil rights of Maricopa County’s Latinx population, and carrying out a hate-filled agenda through extreme racial profiling. By pardoning Arpaio, Trump is again aligning himself with his nationalist, racist, anti-LGBTQ supporters — in the wake of the violent extremism in Charlottesville. During his tenure, Arpaio has attacked nearly every marginalized community, including using anti-LGBTQ schemes to humiliate inmates at his ‘Tent City’ prison. Read more here.

We’ve been covering Joe Arpaio for more than 20 years. Here’s a couple of things you should know about him… 1/many

— PhoenixNewTimes (@phoenixnewtimes) August 26, 2017

FEDERAL JUDGE UPHOLDS TRANSGENDER-INCLUSIVE SCHOOL POLICIES: The decision came in a lawsuit filed by four students who unsuccessfully argued that the Boyertown (Pa.) Area School District’s policy, which allows transgender students to use facilities aligned with their gender identity, is an “invasion of privacy.” More from WFMZ.

ILLINOIS GOVERNOR SIGNS TWO PRO-EQUALITY BILLS: Republican Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law measures banning so-called “gay panic” defenses in criminal proceedings and simplifying the process of changing the gender listed on one’s birth certificate. More from The Chicago Tribune.

GUIDANCE FOR JUDGES INTERACTING WITH LGBTQ PEOPLE: The new resource, produced by the National Center of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), the National Juvenile Defender Center and the State Justice Institute, lays out best practices for judges interacting with LGBTQ people in the courtroom. More from the NCJFCJ.

WASHINGTON BLADE RELEASES SPECIAL EDITION ON SPORTS: It includes a piece by Ashland Johnson (@AshlandJ11), HRC Foundation’s Director of Public Education and Research. She breaks down the value of sports as a tool for equality and the need for further LGBTQ inclusion in sports. Read it in the Washington Blade.

THOUSANDS RALLY FOR AUSTRALIAN MARRIAGE EQUALITY: The Melbourne rally broke records as one of the largest for LGBTQ equality in the country. More from The Advocate.

Same-sex marriage advocates gather in Melbourne’s CBD as part of a rally in support of a ‘Yes’ vote in the upcoming postal survey. #9News pic.twitter.com/ARuJIp4A1I

— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) August 26, 2017

CHILEAN PRESIDENT INTRODUCES MARRIAGE EQUALITY BILL TO CONGRESS: “We do this with the certainty that it is not ethical nor fair to put artificial limits on love, nor to deny essential rights just because of the sex of those who make up a couple,” Chilean President Michelle Bachelet said of the bill. More from Reuters.


BuzzFeed asks readers to share their best advice for people who identify outside of the gender binary; U.S. News & World Report gives tips for finding LGBTQ-friendly law schools.

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Watch the Entire Cast of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Take on RuPaul’s ‘Call Me Mother’ — VIDEO

Watch the Entire Cast of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Take on RuPaul’s ‘Call Me Mother’ — VIDEO

On last night’s So You Think You Can Dance, the All-Stars and the Top 8 dancers performed together to “Call Me Mother”, from RuPaul’s recent album American. The performance was choreographed by Mark Kanemura.



RuPaul tweeted the lyrics to the track last night as the show aired:

LYRICS: “Call Me Mother” @marksluckie pic.twitter.com/ObsQJ66YPE

— RuPaul (@RuPaul) August 29, 2017

The post Watch the Entire Cast of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Take on RuPaul’s ‘Call Me Mother’ — VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Watch the Entire Cast of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Take on RuPaul’s ‘Call Me Mother’ — VIDEO

Ein Kind wird gemobbt, dass es keine “echte Familie” habe – dann greift seine Patentante durch

Ein Kind wird gemobbt, dass es keine “echte Familie” habe – dann greift seine Patentante durch
“Manche Leute sagen dir vielleicht, dass deine Mütter nicht für dich sorgen dürften. Sie haben Unrecht.”

Weiterlesen: Lifestyle, Lgbt, Ehe, Ehe Für Alle, Mobbing, noad_mid_article, Eltern, Germany News


Ein Kind wird gemobbt, weil es keine “echte Familie” hätte – dann greift seine Patentante durch

Ein Kind wird gemobbt, weil es keine “echte Familie” hätte – dann greift seine Patentante durch
“Manche Leute sagen dir vielleicht, dass deine Mütter nicht für dich sorgen dürften. Sie haben Unrecht.”

Weiterlesen: Lifestyle, Lgbt, Ehe, Ehe Für Alle, Mobbing, noad_mid_article, Eltern, Germany News


The Benefits Of LGBT Counseling

The Benefits Of LGBT Counseling

familytimecenter01 posted a photo:

The Benefits Of LGBT Counseling

A more disturbing fact is that LGBT issues are often ignored or cast out, making it nearly impossible for members to feel they deserve counseling. These social stigmas have generated a hesitation towards receiving treatment for mental health; however, LGBT benefited countless individuals and families. Below are some fantastic outcomes and realistic expectations of LGBT counseling.See More: familytimecenters.com/lgbt-counseling

The Benefits Of LGBT Counseling