Fabulous New Orleans drag queen descends upon local library for children’s story time

Fabulous New Orleans drag queen descends upon local library for children’s story time
“Drag queens are fabulous storytellers for kids because we are these kinds of magical unicorn versions of people.”


Gollum Reads Donald Trump’s Tweets: WATCH

Gollum Reads Donald Trump’s Tweets: WATCH

What happens when a serious Lord of the Rings fan has an actual star from the epic trilogy on his late-night talk show? This. On Tuesday’s Late Show, J.R.R. Tolkien superfan Stephen Colbert welcomed British actor Andy Serkis on to discuss his latest movie War for the Planet of the Apes. But the comedian couldn’t resist…

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Gollum Reads Donald Trump’s Tweets: WATCH

The FCC is Trying to Destroy Net Neutrality. You Can Help Fight to Save the Internet As We Know It.

The FCC is Trying to Destroy Net Neutrality. You Can Help Fight to Save the Internet As We Know It.

The FCC is trying to destroy net neutrality and it must be stopped. Join today’s day of action.

Writes GLAAD:

So what is net neutrality and why is it important? Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) should allow users equal access to all online content. In practice, net neutrality restricts ISPs from blocking content and speeding up or slowing down data from certain websites who pay for priority status. Imagine internet networks as a highway–without net neutrality, there would be fast and slow lanes, and wealthier drivers would be able to buy access to the faster route. ISPs would also be able to restrict content they find objectionable–this could include silencing LGBTQ content. It’s time to raise our voices and push back.

In the coming days, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will begin the process to overturn net neutrality rules. The consequences of overturning net neutrality could have a huge impact on the LGBTQ community. ISPs could make it more difficult for users to access political coverage they don’t like, or resources for marginalized groups, like the LGBTQ community. Additionally, important LGBTQ resources are often provided by smaller organizations and nonprofits, and in a system that would require sites to pay for prioritization or even visibility, the voices of those who cannot afford to pay to be heard will be extinguished.

Major internet companies are joining the action today.

Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, and a host of other tech giants will join with online activists, librarians, minority rights, and free speech groups today in a day of protest against the Trump administration’s plans to roll back rules in what critics charge is a “war on the open internet.”

The “day of action” — which supporters claim will be the largest online protest in history — comes as the new head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the US telecoms and media watchdog, prepares to defang tough rules protecting internet access in the US following pressure from cable companies and other internet service providers (ISPs).

Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight For the Future, the not-for-profit group organizing the day of action, said the protest came at a critical moment for the internet. “The internet has had a profoundly democratizing impact on our society. If we lose these protections, then we will lose all that diversity,” she said.

Call your senators and representatives NOW.

Today we join #BattlefortheNet to save #NetNeutrality
1. Call Reps ➡️ t.co/u1QOgYqUQK
2. Leave a comment ➡️ t.co/IDiVpCswDn pic.twitter.com/taNwWoh8xi

— 5 Calls ?? (@make5calls) July 12, 2017

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The FCC is Trying to Destroy Net Neutrality. You Can Help Fight to Save the Internet As We Know It.

Nico Tortorella Posts Naked Photo, Talks About His Sex Life

Nico Tortorella Posts Naked Photo, Talks About His Sex Life

Nico Tortorella blessed his Instagram feed with a naked photo of himself, likely an outtake from a recent shoot by Luke Fontana for an Advocate article in which the Younger actor and Love Bomb podcaster talks about his sexual propensities, labels, and related juice. He’s been in a 10-year polyamorous relationship with fitness entrepreneur Bethany Meyers, who describes herself as gay.

Check out the full length photo HERE.

Said Tortorella to The Advocate: “I think for so long there’s been like one quote-unquote normal way of life. And anybody that doesn’t live in that structure needs to find a home of sorts. And I think labels are really important for kids, especially, [who] can’t find their tribe where they are, and need to go find their people, their family. For that reason, I think labels are extremely important.”

Added Tortorella: “I think the way I use the word fluidity is like fluid in everything, fluid in train of thought; not this, not that; beyond definition. It doesn’t always have to be one thing. The one thing anybody can talk about, no matter race, religion, sexuality or gender, is love. Everyone has some sort of explanation, feeling, memory, backstory, or idea of love.”

Tortorella also says he calls himself bisexual to battle bi erasure: “I can be emotionally, physically attracted to men. I can be emotionally,  physically attracted to women. The ‘B’ in LGBTQ-plus has been fought for, for so long. I’m not going to be the person that’s like, ‘No, I need a ‘P,’ I need another letter!’ I stand by people that have paved this way for somebody like me…I believe in the spectrum, the full universe of gender and sexuality, and probably I fall more into the pansexual fluid terms which fall into the umbrella of bisexual in LGBTQ-plus.”

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78-Year-Old And 13-Year-Old Discuss Their Different Experiences Of Coming Out

78-Year-Old And 13-Year-Old Discuss Their Different Experiences Of Coming Out
It’s been 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalised in the UK – and in that time, a lot has changed.
To mark the anniversary, 78-year-old Perc…

Read more: UK Dating and Relationships, LGBT Living, Love, Gay News, UK Lifestyle News
