Andy Cohen Reveals Anderson Cooper’s Biggest Turn On: WATCH

Andy Cohen Reveals Anderson Cooper’s Biggest Turn On: WATCH

Andy Cohen Anderson Cooper

Andy Cohen spilled the tea on Anderson Cooper’s sexual interests on Watch What Happens Live! on Wednesday night, turning the Silver Fox a speechless shade of scarlet red, and sending the audience into shrieks of approval.

Can you guess Anderson’s biggest turn on before watching the clip?


“What’s @andersoncooper‘s biggest turn on?” 1…2…3… ? #WWHL

— WWHL (@BravoWWHL) July 26, 2017

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Andy Cohen Reveals Anderson Cooper’s Biggest Turn On: WATCH

In Court Brief, Trump Administration Says Anti-Gay Discrimination OK Under Federal Law

In Court Brief, Trump Administration Says Anti-Gay Discrimination OK Under Federal Law

Jeff Sessions

Once again showing his true anti-queer colors, the Trump Administration’s Department of Justice just filed a brief in an ongoing case at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that federal law permits employers to fire, deny promotion to, and generally discriminate against their employers just for being gay. The brief, which contradicts several federal court decisions and the decisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, argues that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex”, does not cover sexual orientation discrimination.

This was an unusual filing. The Second Circuit never asked the DOJ to weigh in. Rather, Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and the Republicans that run this Administration felt so strongly about allowing employers to discriminate against gay people that it submitted the brief on their own, just to make the point known. Let that sink in.

The case is a standard sexual orientation discrimination case. The plaintiff, a skydiver (which is awesome!), argues that he was fired by American Altitude because he is gay. Based on more than a decade of federal court precedent, firing someone because he or she is gay is “discrimination on the basis of sex” in two different, but related ways. We’ve discussed this before.

The first way that sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination is pretty direct. Say Alice, a lesbian, is fired because she married her now-wife, Rebecca. Had Alice been a man (Alex) who married Rebecca, Alex would not have been fired. That’s an example of discriminating against women on the basis of their sex and gender.

Another way Title VII covers discrimination against gays and lesbians is through its prohibition on sex stereotyping. The Supreme Court even weighed in on this one. An employer cannot fire a woman for not being feminine enough. Nor can he fire a man for not being manly enough. Doing so would be “discrimination on the basis of sex” because if a woman acts the way society expects a man to act, and is fired by her employer, that employer would be treating the sexes differently. A man who acts masculine would not be fired; a masculine woman would be.

The Trump Administration’s arguments against this reasoning is flimsy. The brief suggests that firing someone because he or she is gay is not sex discrimination because employees of both sexes can be fired. That’s a neat trick, but one easily unraveled. Just because employers would fire men and women for being gay does not mean sex is taken out of the equation. In fact, the sexes are treated differently when you jump from who is being fired to the reason they were fired, which is really what anti-discrimination law is all about.

The brief’s second argument is even worse. Taking a page right out of the Antonin Scalia (and Neil Gorsuch) playbook, it notes that masculine women and effeminate men are the only ones who can bring sex stereotyping claims. A man who acts the way heteronormative society expects, however, can be fired for being gay, according to the brief. That strains logic. How is sex not part of the latter firing? That firing ostensibly happened because the man did not act according to his employer’s expectations of how men should act (i.e., have sex with women). That is sex stereotyping, period.

The Second Circuit will consider these arguments soon. A court dominated by progressives, it should slap the Administration down. But Trump and Sessions did not really write this brief for the Second Circuit. Rather, it is a signal–to conservatives, to the Federalist Society, to conservative judges in district and appellate courts and at the Supreme Court that a new administration is in town. It’s anti-queer, and it’s encouraging every other conservative jurist to come out as anti-queer whenever a case presents itself.

Elections matter. Judicial appointments matter. This action by Trump and his Administration threatens to take us back decades. Let’s not let him. #resist.

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In Court Brief, Trump Administration Says Anti-Gay Discrimination OK Under Federal Law

한채윤: 한국 교회여, 어디로 가십니까

한채윤: 한국 교회여, 어디로 가십니까
최근 한국에서 가장 큰 개신교 교단인 대한예수교장로회(예장) 합동이 헌법 개정안을 발표했는데 그 내용이 놀랍다. 목사의 자격에 ‘만 30세 이상의 남자’로 명시하는 성별 제한 규정을 추가하고, 목사의 권위로 동성애자 교인을 쫓아낼 수 있는 조항을 신설하려고 한다. 합동 교단의 총회장이기도 했던 임태득 목사가 여자가 기저귀를 차고 강단에 오를 수 없다는 발언을 해서 크게 비난을 받았던 사건이 2003년에 있었다. 시간이 거꾸로 흐르는 것일까. 왜 좀더 나아지지 않은 것인가.

기사 보기: 교회, 여성, 성소수자, 한채윤, 종교, 문화, 사회, 동성애, Korea News

Trump Targets Legal Effort to Protect LGBT Workers From Bias

Trump Targets Legal Effort to Protect LGBT Workers From Bias

adr1682305408 posted a photo:

Trump Targets Legal Effort to Protect LGBT Workers From Bias

Source Photo and Content: Trump Targets Legal Effort to Protect LGBT Workers From Bias Subscribes: Pinterest: Facebook: WordPress: Twitter: Content: U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration came out against an effort by civil rights groups to ban workplace discrimination against gays and lesbians nationwide, putting him at odds with some of the country’s most valuable companies. The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday urged the federal appeals court in Manhattan to reject a lawsuit by a former skydiving instructor who claimed he was fired for being gay. Rights groups argue workers should be protected by existing federal law against gender bias by employers. The Justice Department doesn’t agree. It essentially argues that laws against workplace gender bias don’t apply to the LGBT community because companies that fire workers over their sexual orientation will presumably do so whether they are male or female.

장서연: 문재인 정부가 지금 당장 할 수 있는 일

장서연: 문재인 정부가 지금 당장 할 수 있는 일
한국 정부는 여전히 성소수자 인권 보호에 소극적이며, 심지어 성소수자에 대한 차별행위의 직접적 가해자가 되고 있다. 대표적인 예가, 법무부가 성소수자 인권단체의 사단법인설립신고를 거부하고 있는 것이다. 비온뒤무지개재단은 성소수자 인권단체인데, 2014년 11월 법무부에 사단법인 설립신청을 하였으나, 법무부가 이를 거부하여 소송을 제기하였고, 1심과 2심에서 승소하였다. 법원은 1심과 2심에서 일관하여 법무부가 인권옹호에 관한 사무를 관장하고 있으므로 비온뒤무지개재단의 법인설립 주무관청에 해당한다고 판결하였다. 그러나 법무부는 법원의 판결에 불복하여 대법원에 상고함으로써 비온뒤무지개재단의 설립을 지연시키고 있다.

기사 보기: 성소수자 인권, 문재인 정부, 비온뒤무지개재단, 차별금지법, 학교 성교육 표준안, LGBT Rights, Korea News