James Woods Attacks Gender Nonconforming Child in Vicious Tweet Predicting Kid Will Murder Parents
On Monday, actor and conservative troll James Woods decided he’d spew some hate into the world and tweeted an attack on a gender nonconforming child and his supportive parents.
Woods tweeted out a photo of 10-year-old CJ Duron and his parents Lori and Matt Duron, writing: “This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage.”
This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage pic.twitter.com/1k3ITApFsF
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 10, 2017
Duron’s parents spoke to the HuffPost about being targeted by the actor. Said Lori:
Like, my brain couldn’t register that James Woods ― a somewhat public figure ― was saying that my sweet, happy, harmless 10-year-old son will eventually kill us, dismember us and stuff us in the freezer.
Woods also implied that we force our son to be gender creative. Anybody who has followed our journey knows that is not true. I’ve written about how much easier our lives would be if both of our boys were straight and cisgender. We had to evolve to the place where we are now, that’s what my writing is all about ― to show our evolution as parents and people and hope that it inspires others. I’m also always disturbed and surprised when adults ― who are old enough to know better ― think it’s okay to talk about a child in a negative way. Especially when they do it so graphically. The biggest rule we have in our house and the life lesson we stress most to our two children is “Don’t be a jerk.” When adults are jerks it makes me wonder about the way they were parented, not how I parent. That’s a reflection of them, their background and their intentions, not mine. So, yes, I say I’m immune to hate thrown my way, but I must admit, Woods’ tweet proved me wrong. I’ve had to remind myself of another thing we teach our kids: You can’t let hate breed hate and fear breed fear. Some of my initial reactions to the tweet included hate and fear, I had to exercise some self-control because lashing out wouldn’t help the situation.
Thankfully, Woods’s hate has been eclipsed by the support the Durons have received from other people as well as celebrities, like Neil Patrick Harris, who blasted Woods, tweeting: “Utterly ignorant and classless, Mr. Woods. I’m friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself.”
Utterly ignorant and classless, Mr. Woods. I’m friends with this family. You know not of what you speak, and should be ashamed of yourself. t.co/ZrbtZH49sp
— Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) July 11, 2017
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James Woods Attacks Gender Nonconforming Child in Vicious Tweet Predicting Kid Will Murder Parents