It’s Time to Disarm Hate

It’s Time to Disarm Hate
It's Time to Disarm Hate

The safety of LGBTQ people — and others disproportionately targeted by hate — requires the adoption of common-sense gun safety measures, including limiting access to assault-style rifles, expanding background checks, and limiting the ability for suspected terrorists, and those with a history of domestic abuse to access guns. The urgency to combat hate and violence in all its forms was made tragically clear yet again this week, after our nation was rocked by at least three mass shootings on Wednesday, including one that injured a Republican Member of Congress, U.S. Capitol Police officers and others.

Now as always, we must stand united in support of justice and equality, and show the world that we are stronger than hate and fear.

Trump Pressed NSA Chief Mike Rogers To Absolve Him: Report

Trump Pressed NSA Chief Mike Rogers To Absolve Him: Report

Mike Rogers

A recent National Security Agency memo documents a phone call where U.S. President Donald Trump pressures agency chief Admiral Mike Rogers to publicly state there is no evidence of collusion between his campaign and Russia, say reports. The memo was written by Rick Ledgett, the former Deputy Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), sources familiar…

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HIV/AIDS인권활동가네트워크: 악법으로 이중낙인을 받고 있는 HIV감염인

HIV/AIDS인권활동가네트워크: 악법으로 이중낙인을 받고 있는 HIV감염인
최근 동성애자 A대위 사건으로 차별을 조장하고 사회적인 낙인을 찍는 악법이 존재한다는 것을 가슴 아프도록 느껴버린 최근, HIV감염인으로서 이중적인 낙인을 찍히는 악법이 존재하고 있다. 후천성면역력결핍증예방법 제19조 전파매개행위의 금지(감염인은 혈액 또는 체액을 통하여 다른 사람에게 전파매개행위를 하여서는 아니 된다.)가 바로 그 법이다. 겉으로 보기에는 HIV예방을 위한 법이나 실상은 예방에 1도 도움이 되지 않을뿐더러 낙인을 조장하고 있다는 것을 앞으로 나올 이야기에서 들어보자.

기사 보기: Hiv, Aids, 에이즈, 동성애, 게이, 사회, 감염인, Korea News



もっと見る: ライフスタイル, Lifestyle, Japan Lgbt, Lgbt, カミングアウト, プライドパレード, 同性愛, レインボープライド, プライド月間, 親子, Japan News