The Red Sox just celebrated Pride and it was amazing
Despite Trump, the country is changing in wonderful ways.
Daily Archives: June 13, 2017
Oliver Stone, Golden State Warriors, Calvin Harris, Despacito, Frozen, Megyn Kelly: HOT LINKS
Oliver Stone, Golden State Warriors, Calvin Harris, Despacito, Frozen, Megyn Kelly: HOT LINKS
OLIVER STONE. He spent two years interviewing Vladimir Putin and last night got a grilling from Stephen Colbert.
39 STATES. Russian incursion into U.S. electoral system more widespread than previously known: “In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.
GOLDEN STATE RESISTANCE. The Warriors will not visit the White House.
KATY PERRY. She revealed which guy – Diplo, Orlando Bloom, or John Mayer, was best in the bedroom, and changed lyrics to “Swish Swish” so they’re nicer to Taylor Swift.
NANCY PELOSI. Trump will ‘self-impeach’: “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi believes President Donald Trump will “self-impeach” and that Democrats should wait for the Russia investigations — especially special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe — to play out before pushing to remove him from the Oval Office. Pelosi also believes that if Trump fired Mueller — which some Trump allies are encouraging the president to do — it would be enough to push Republicans to begin seriously considering acting against the president on their own.”
MOCKERY. Senator Chuck Schumer trashes Trump’s cabinet meeting.
GREAT meeting today with the best staff in the history of the world!!!
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) June 12, 2017
MEGYN KELLY. JP Morgan moves ads over Alex Jones interview.
REP. ADAM SCHIFF. Devin Nunes refuses to fully recuse himself from Russia probe: “It’s still inexcusable that he’s ultimately a check on what the Russia investigation can do.”
NEWARK. Cardinal welcomes gays to the Catholic Church: “I am Joseph, your brother,” Cardinal Tobin told the group, which included lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics from around New York and the five dioceses in New Jersey. “I am your brother, as a disciple of Jesus. I am your brother, as a sinner who finds mercy with the Lord.”
CRISTIANO RONALDO. The footballer has been accused of $16.5 million in tax fraud.
Lady Gaga gets her own line of drinks at Starbucks
— Fortune (@FortuneMagazine) June 12, 2017
BOISE, IDAHO. Police investigate burning of Gay Pride flag: “Police said the burning occurred sometime between 10 p.m. on June 10 and 8 a.m. on June 11. The incident comes a little more than a week before the Boise Pride Festival, slated for Friday, June 16, and Saturday, June 17.
SAN FRANCISCO. Woman gets 9 years for attack on five patrons outside gay club.
JULIUS CAESAR, YOUNG AND GAY. A 1971 opera revised: “When the Encounters music series in Pasadena asked for an opera, Harrison was at a loss for a subject until his partner, Bill Colvig, proposed in 1969 that he explore a gay subject. The result was what may well have been the first overtly male gay opera in history, complete with a love affair between the teenage Julius Caesar, as an emissary from Rome, and Nicomedes, the king of distant Bithynia, on the south shore of the Black Sea. It even had a gay orgy, depicted with puppets.”
Be a fish. You have no reason to be scared of a hermit crab, right ?
PREVIEW OF THE DAY. Calvin Harris teases new album Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1.
— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) June 12, 2017
DESPACITO. Justin Bieber doesn’t know the words to his #1 global hit, so somebody launched a water bottle at him.
TEASER OF THE DAY. Olaf’s Frozen Adventure.
The post Oliver Stone, Golden State Warriors, Calvin Harris, Despacito, Frozen, Megyn Kelly: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.
Oliver Stone, Golden State Warriors, Calvin Harris, Despacito, Frozen, Megyn Kelly: HOT LINKS
The LGBT Films of the L.A. Film Festival
The LGBT Films of the L.A. Film Festival
Get a jump on all things queer and celluloid.
Valencia College posted a photo:
Memorial ceremony held on Valencia College’s East campus on the one year anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting. Photos by Kenneth Cook, June 12th, 2017 in Orlando, Fla.
Why the Internet was invented: Joe Jonas dancing around in short-shorts is a sight to see
Why the Internet was invented: Joe Jonas dancing around in short-shorts is a sight to see
We can live with this. Forever.
Donald Trump Blocks Progressive, Pro-LGBT Veterans Group on Twitter
Donald Trump Blocks Progressive, Pro-LGBT Veterans Group on Twitter
Donald Trump has blocked Vote Vets, a progressive, pro-LGBT veterans group, on Twitter.
Tweeted the group: “The Commander in Chief can block @VoteVets, the voice of 500k military veterans and families, but we will NOT be silenced”
The Commander in Chief can block @VoteVets, the voice of 500k military veterans and families, but we will NOT be silenced.
— VoteVets (@votevets) June 13, 2017
The group has in the past criticized the president over his budget proposal, Republican attempts to repeal and replace ObamaCare and the president’s executive order temporarily barring individuals from certain predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States.
In one television advertisement aired during MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in early February, VoteVets spoke directly to Trump, telling him to start acting like “a legitimate president.”
“Look, you lost the popular vote … You’re having trouble drawing a crowd … And your approval rating keeps sinking …” a veteran of the war in Afghanistan says in the ad.
“But kicking thousands of my fellow veterans off their health insurance by killing the Affordable Care Act, and banning Muslims won’t help … And that’s not the America I sacrificed for … . You want to be a legitimate president, sir? Then act like one.”
Looks like he is blocking all veterans. Blocked me as well
— Brandon Neely (@BrandonTXNeely) June 13, 2017
The post Donald Trump Blocks Progressive, Pro-LGBT Veterans Group on Twitter appeared first on Towleroad.
Donald Trump Blocks Progressive, Pro-LGBT Veterans Group on Twitter
#HonorThemWithAction offers 49 ways to respect lives claimed at Pulse
#HonorThemWithAction offers 49 ways to respect lives claimed at Pulse

To mark one year since the unprecedented mass shooting that claimed 49 lives at Pulse Night Club, advocates for the Orlando LGBTQ community are mobilizing organizations and people around the world to recognize those who were taken that night and their surviving families with #HonorThemWithAction. GLAAD is a proud partner of the campaign, which is also accessible in Spanish.
This campaign offers tangible and meaningful ways to create a culture of safety, acceptance, and equality in order to honor the memory of the lives claimed in the horrific 2016 attack, who were overwhelmingly young, Latinx, and LGBTQ. By acknowledging and defending those intersecting identities, partners and participants of #HonorThemWithAction commit to combating hatred and creating lasting change.
Starting one year from the nation’s deadliest attack on LGBTQ people, #HonorThemWithAction suggests new ways to participate daily in the campaign. The first day of action encourages spreading the word by using the hashtag on social media to raise awareness against anti-LGBTQ discrimination and violence. The campaign provides a toolkit for those looking to get invovled online.
As an #HonorThemWithAction partner, GLAAD has created various resources to ensure the people and communities most impacted by the attack on Pulse are not forgotten and that their legacies mobilize others to accelerate aceptance. GLAAD staff was recently on the ground in Orlando equipping survivors and surviving loved ones with the tools to amplify their voices in the media. Additionally, GLAAD created and distributed accessible & sharable guidelines for media professionals looking to accurately, fairly, and respectfully cover the one-year mark of the attack, which are available in English and in Spanish.
GLAAD also released a video of LGBTQ young advocates and influencers discussing the importance of safe, welcoming, and affirming places for LGBTQ people, who often face rejection and violence for being who they are:
Over the past year, GLAAD has been working alongside organizations in Orlando, such as Equality Florida, to assist in honoring the victims and their families. “The horrific attack on Latin night at Pulse nightclub is a tragic reminder of how far we have left to go to achieve full acceptance of LGBTQ people,” said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis.
You can sign up here to become a Pulse Partner and tell the world about what you are doing to uproot anti-LGBTQ bias and bigotry in honor of the lives claimed in Orlando one year ago.
Why LGBTQ Protesters Blocked the Capital Pride Parade
Why LGBTQ Protesters Blocked the Capital Pride Parade
Protesters say the D.C. parade has catered to corporations and police while ignoring the concerns of marginalized people.
Colton Haynes was 13 when he lost his virginity to a guy
Colton Haynes was 13 when he lost his virginity to a guy
The actor is an open book these days.