Jimmy Kimmel Asks Gay People ‘What’s the Straightest Thing You’ve Ever Done?’ – WATCH

Jimmy Kimmel Asks Gay People ‘What’s the Straightest Thing You’ve Ever Done?’ – WATCH

In honor of LGBTQ Pride month, Jimmy Kimmel took to the streets of West Hollywood to ask the gays, “what’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done?”

The remarks may or may not resemble you.

What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done?

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Jimmy Kimmel Asks Gay People ‘What’s the Straightest Thing You’ve Ever Done?’ – WATCH

Chelsea Manning Speaks Out in First Interview Since Release: WATCH

Chelsea Manning Speaks Out in First Interview Since Release: WATCH

Chelsea Manning

Convicted Wikileaker Chelsea Manning gave the first interview since her sentence was commuted by President Obama and she was freed last month.

Mediaite reports:

After she was sentenced, Manning (birth name Bradley) came out as transgender, and requested hormone treatments, which was originally denied by the military, leading to several suicide attempts and stints in solitary confinement.

On her fight for hormone treatments, Manning said “it’s literally what keeps me alive,” adding “it keeps me from feeling like I’m in the wrong body.”

“I used to get these horrible feelings, like I just wanted to rip my body apart.”

Chang asked the newly freed soldier what she would say to Obama if she had the chance, at which point Manning welled-up, saying “thank you. I was given a chance, that’s all I wanted.”

“That’s all I asked for, was a chance, that’s it,” Manning said. “And this is my chance.”

Chang noted after the interview that while Manning’s sentence was commuted, she was not pardoned, and “the seven years she served was already longer than any other leaker in U.S. history.”


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Chelsea Manning Speaks Out in First Interview Since Release: WATCH

Security Tight as LGBTQ Community Set to March in Tel Aviv

Security Tight as LGBTQ Community Set to March in Tel Aviv

Road closures expected throughout the city during annual Pride Parade, which this year focuses on bisexuality By Times of Israel staff Revelers assemble ahead of the Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv on Friday, June 9, 2017 (Luke Tress/Times of Israel) Some 200,000 people, including tens of thousands of tourists, were expected to descend on the…

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Security Tight as LGBTQ Community Set to March in Tel Aviv

Gay best friends put on the spot for #BestFriendsDay

Gay best friends put on the spot for #BestFriendsDay
Gay best friends put on the spot for <a href=#BestFriendsDay“>

In this hilarious video LGBTI people and their best friends share love, embarrassing moments and their deepest secrets for National Best Friends Day.

Follow Gay Star News: twitter.com/gaystarnews


A WAY FOR ME by Nicolai Heidlas Music soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library youtu.be/Q-yp9a8gKD8