Angela Merkel Pushes Putin on Torture of Gay Men in Chechnya

Angela Merkel Pushes Putin on Torture of Gay Men in Chechnya

German chancellor Angela Merkel took the opportunity of her first visit to Russia since 2015 to urge Putin to react to reports of an ongoing crackdown against gay men in Chechnya.

As accounts of the detention, torture, and even murder of gay men in the Russian republic in the Caucasus continue to spread, Merkel called on Putin to intercede on behalf of the persecuted:

At a tense joint news conference with Mr Putin, Mrs Merkel said she had received “negative reports on the treatment of homosexuals, particularly in Chechnya”.

“I asked President Putin to use his influence to guarantee the rights of minorities,” she added.

Merkel further raised the matter of the freedom of protesters to gather, following the roundup of St. Petersburg LGBT activists yesterday who sought to throw light on the urgency of the situation in Chechnya:

She also called for freedom of assembly to be protected, after Russian riot police arrested protesters demonstrating against the persecution. “It’s important to have the right to demonstrate in a democracy, and the role of NGOs is very important,” Ms Merkel said.

Putin has seemed to accept Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov’s insistence that the reports were untrue. The grave human rights violations in Chechnya came to light last month, and the journalist who broke the story has since fled for her safety.

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Angela Merkel Pushes Putin on Torture of Gay Men in Chechnya

GLAAD: Possible anti-LGBTQ executive order is nothing more than a “License to Discriminate”

GLAAD: Possible anti-LGBTQ executive order is nothing more than a “License to Discriminate”

Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD – the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization, issued the following statement after Politico reported the Trump Administration could sign an executive order that would use “religious freedom” as a way to permit open discrimination against LGBTQ Americans across the nation. Reports cite that this executive order is not “dialed back much – if at all” compared to the draft order leaked to the media last February.

“If this possible executive order is similar to February’s draft, it would do nothing except give a national license to discriminate, and endanger LGBTQ people and their families. President Trump is trying to create an America where my children could be turned away if a pediatrician doesn’t accept my wife and me. Nothing could be more un-American.”

May 2, 2017

“Qweenz English” teaches the children vital vocab like “slay” and “KaiKai” (with puppets, naturally)

“Qweenz English” teaches the children vital vocab like “slay” and “KaiKai” (with puppets, naturally)
If she’s twirling non-stop and she do a death drop… Watcha say?

Charlotte Pride LGBTQ College Scholarship Welcomes Straight Applicants

Charlotte Pride LGBTQ College Scholarship Welcomes Straight Applicants

A scholarship awarded by Charlotte Pride to help LGBTQ students pay for college has a catch: straight applicants can receive the scholarship as well.

The scholarship, which will award recipients up to $2,000 over four years for the purpose of attending an accredited two or four-year college, is open to LGBT and straight college students, the scholarship website states. The Charlotte Observer adds that the scholarship will award up to $10,000 in the first year.

“The Charlotte Pride Scholarship aims to improve economic mobility for LGBTQ and straight ally college students from the Charlotte metro area by funding college scholarships,” the website states.

Education is a key pathway to economic mobility says @OpportunityCLT. Our new scholarship is for #CLT #LGBTQ youth.

— Charlotte Pride (@cltpride) April 11, 2017

The inclusion of straight applicants could draw some criticism, but Charlotte Pride spokesman Matt Comer told the Observer that the inclusion was meant to assist children of LGBT children.

“Part of the idea to include straight allies is that there are young people who are the children of LGBTQ partners,” Comer said. “LGBTQ parents who have children are struggling with employment discrimination, housing discrimination and economic hardships.”

The scholarship is a stepping stone in an effort to offer support to the city’s LGBT community year-round, according to a Charlotte Pride statement about the scholarship.

“Over the past three years, we have also striven to create new opportunities to enrich, empower and strengthen our community,” the adds. “We’re excited to begin this new effort to support lower-income LGBTQ and straight ally young people.”

Eligible applicants should have “a significant, unmet financial need,” the website says, and should have a high school GPA of at least 2.8. Multiple applicants will be selected and applications are now being accepted for students who will enter or continue college in the fall 2017 semester. The application deadline is Monday, May 15, 2017 at 11:59 p.m.

Image from Charlotte Pride Twitter page.

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Charlotte Pride LGBTQ College Scholarship Welcomes Straight Applicants

Bigotry is winning? LGBTQ people are retreating back into the closet, new survey finds.

Bigotry is winning? LGBTQ people are retreating back into the closet, new survey finds.
“Discrimination is doing its dirty work,” Laura Durso, vice president of the LGBT Research and Communications Project at CAP, tells Vox.

Comic Book Authority Kept Gays Out Of Comics: Historian

Comic Book Authority Kept Gays Out Of Comics: Historian

Wonder Woman

A nonprofit organization ominously operating under the monicker the Comics Code Authority was responsible for preventing openly LGBT characters from appearing in comic books until the late 1980s, according to a report on by comic book historian Alan Kistler.

From 1954 to 1989, the Code, as Kistler calls it, enforced rules against portraying LGBT characters in comic books, Kistler wrote. Likened to the MPAA, the Code Authority had no governmental authority, but retailers were very hesitant to carry comics that lacked the Code’s seal of approval.

The Code came about after psychiatrist Dr. Frederic Wertham published his book “Seduction of the Innocent” and spoke before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, testifying that comics were a leading cause of juvenile crimes, Kistler said. It wasn’t until 2013 that Carol Tilley, a professor of library and information science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, discovered that much of Wertham’s research had been fabricated. But the damage had been done.

Kistler reports that the Code finally dropped its ruled against depicting LGBT characters and themes in 1989, the same year that DC Comics confirmed that many women on Wonder Woman’s home of Themyscira were in same-sex romantic and sexual relationships.


marvel comics…the first gay superhero wedding…”northstar” from Alpha Flight, and his beau…

— @jhreaganorg (@jhreaganorg) May 22, 2012

Now, as online culture website Complex reports, there are more than a handful, though still enough, of openly LGBT characters in comics. Marvel’s Northstar came out as gay in 1992 and eventually married, a first for the comic giant. In 2006, DC’s Batwoman was also reimagined as an openly gay former West Point student and in 2013, Alysia Yeoh, the roommate of Batgirl, aka Barbara Gordon, came out as transgender.

I just wanted to share an important trans comic book character, Alysia Yeoh, created by the great @GailSimone. #transrightsarehumanrights

— Katrina (@hopeimophelia) February 23, 2017

Though that’s only a handful out of hundreds of mainstream comic, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn recently said that there could be LGBT characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that viewers don’t know about yet, Comic Book Resources reports.

“…there’s a lot of characters in the MCU and very few of them that we’ve delved into what their sexuality is. Whether it’s guy or straight or bisexual, we don’t really know. Um, so I imagine that there are probably, you know, gay characters in the Marvel universe, you know, we just don’t know who they are yet.”

The post Comic Book Authority Kept Gays Out Of Comics: Historian appeared first on Towleroad.

Comic Book Authority Kept Gays Out Of Comics: Historian