Meet the gorgeous contestants of Mister Global 2017 who say ‘cheese’ in 11 languages
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Kyle J. Letendre posted a photo:
All the things I was most eager to hide growing up are the things I want to bedazzle the living bejeezus out of as an adult.
Christians rally around gay teen struggling with his sexuality, offer love and support
United Airlines Flight Attendant Accuses Gay Dad of Molesting His Son: VIDEO
United Airlines Flight Attendant Accuses Gay Dad of Molesting His Son: VIDEO
A gay man from North Carolina says he is devastated after a United Airlines flight attendant accused him of inappropriately touching his son’s genitals.
Henry Amador-Batten (above center) was flying to North Carolina with his five-year-old son Ben when a flight attendant made the accusation.
Henry Amador-Batten, a gay father flying to his North Carolina home, was accused by United flight attendants of…
— Hometown Directories (@HmetwnDirectory) May 28, 2017
Huffington Post reports:
Amador-Batten, who was returning home from a family visit in Puerto Rico, said he was caught completely off guard by the accusation, but cooperated with police. He said he explained to the officers that Ben was afraid of flying, and he’d simply placed his hand on his son’s lap to comfort him as he fell asleep. Meanwhile, Amador-Batten’s husband, Joel, waited for the pair outside of airport security as the ordeal unfolded.
In the end, Amador-Batten was not charged with a crime and released. However, he told HuffPost that both he and Ben remain traumatized by the experience. “That flight attendant’s false accusation did not save a child, it put an entire family in danger,” he said. “We’re [made to] understand that families like ours, created out of choice and love, are fragile by nature. … We are not as protected nor solidified, and we need to be.”
In a Facebook post last week, Amador-Batten’s husband Joel wrote:
United has no idea who they’re messing with!!! We will not keep quiet while you conduct your internal investigation, we will not give anyone the benefit of the doubt when it comes to protecting our family from accusations of things as disgusting as pedophilia, and my husband and I will continue to use our own voices, amplified by the love and support of the massive community that you are all a part of, to shout as loud as we can that an individual who is the face of a company, and therefore of its standards and practices, cannot just accuse someone of something so dreadful as child molestation without any sort of investigation.
Henry said that an apology he received from United Airlines was “empty and hollow.” The couple, who are in the process of adopting a second son, have hired an attorney and are now planning to seek damages.
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Kenneth Padowitz, a Florida-based criminal defense attorney representing Henry, said:
“Based on the horrible situation that they placed him in front of their son and other people on the plane, we are going to vigorously pursue to be compensated by the airline for this horrible embarrassing treatment.
“To have your young child see you be stopped by the police and be questioned like you have done something wrong based on nothing would cause any traveler to be mortified. That type of emotional distress and improper persecution of one of their customers based off zero evidence needs to be rectified.”
Henry said that the ordeal has been especially difficult for Ben. “The most painful part of this continues to be how this affected my son, and how it may continue to,” he said. “He’s not been sleeping well, refusing to sleep in his own room and just wants to be by his daddies.”
Last month, United Airlines came under scrutiny when a passenger was filmed being violently dragged off one of their planes.
Watch an interview with the couple below.
(Image via Facebook)
The post United Airlines Flight Attendant Accuses Gay Dad of Molesting His Son: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.
United Airlines Flight Attendant Accuses Gay Dad of Molesting His Son: VIDEO
Disabled, gay, and single: Josh Galassi is ready to mingle this Pride season
maria.morisot posted a photo:
Intergalactic glacial foray;
speeding up to interstellar
Specification; trigger finger
Light, wet particles of flesh,
over & under a dimmed encyclopedia
of faith meets bone.
And on the underside,
a sea turtle’s shell,
and the softened underbelly
of what spills out.
Guts & smut…
Bad Weather
Bad Weather
maria.morisot posted a photo:
In a concrete bunker;
waiting for the bomb to drop,
licking an orange popsicle,
waiting for the train
to roll me over.
A century of miniaturization,
prepares us for the birth
of some new stratagem;
Survivalism & profundity,
a culture kept warm
like a slow cooked meal.
Every streak of…
MVA | 58
同性愛者を「みだらな行為」として韓国軍内で処罰 参謀総長、人権団体の追及に逃げ出す
Basic RGB
Basic RGB
TudorSfatosu posted a photo:
I was looking for some of the best female representation and I find this selection to be the best. I am stunned by the apps AI and I am looking forward for a 3D version of it and more filters to come.
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