Missouri Lawmaker Says Being Gay and ‘Being a Human Being’ Are Different: VIDEO

Missouri Lawmaker Says Being Gay and ‘Being a Human Being’ Are Different: VIDEO

Rick Brattin Missouri

Missouri state representative Rick Brattin has said that there is a distinction between being gay and being human.

Brattin made his statement on Monday while arguing against an amendment to Senate Bill 43, which would have banned discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the state.

“When you look at the tenets of religion, of the Bible, of the Qur’an, of other religions,” he said, “there is a distinction between homosexuality and just being a human being.”

RELATED: Murder of Mother and Daughter in Missouri Under Investigation as Anti-LGBT Hate Crime: VIDEO

In the past, Brattin has sought an equal footing for teaching creationism in public schools, reports the Kansas City Star. He has also proposed requiring the father’s consent before an abortion except in cases of “legitimate rape.”

Add your name to the letter to ask Governor Greitens to oppose discrimination and veto SB 43 >> t.co/eJIzUVYuHX #moleg #StopSB43 pic.twitter.com/E1ow4KIXsP

— Balance The Scales (@BalanceScalesMO) May 10, 2017

According to Huffington Post, the bill’s author, Republican Rep. Kevin Engler ended up scrapping the amendment when it became clear that there were not enough votes to support it.

After all the amendments were dropped, the House passed Senate Bill 43, a measure that would make it more difficult to sue for discrimination.

Eric_Greitens_2011-7In an editorial published Tuesday, the Kansas City Star wrote:

The bill is another unnecessary blemish on the state. The legislation’s original sponsor [Senator Gary Romine – right] owns a company facing a discrimination lawsuit, making the decision even more questionable.

The governor has made clear his desire to bring new businesses and jobs to Missouri. Supporters say SB 43 is part of an effort to make the state more business-friendly.

But what business wants to operate in a state that tolerates discrimination? Or a state where a representative thinks gays and lesbians are less than human?

The states that grow in the 21st century will be those that show tolerance, acceptance and intelligence. Missouri’s lawmakers are sending a clear signal this state is not any of those things.

The governor should veto the bill. And Brattin should apologize.

The bill has now been sent to Gov. Eric Greitens. RFT notes that Greitens has until July 14 to sign the bill or veto it. If he does neither, at that point, it becomes law.

Watch Brattin discuss “legitimate rape” below.

(Greitens image via Wikipedia)

The post Missouri Lawmaker Says Being Gay and ‘Being a Human Being’ Are Different: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Missouri Lawmaker Says Being Gay and ‘Being a Human Being’ Are Different: VIDEO

Trump’s Explanation for Comey Firing is Rife with Inconsistency, Implausibility, and Unsupportable Claims: WATCH

Trump’s Explanation for Comey Firing is Rife with Inconsistency, Implausibility, and Unsupportable Claims: WATCH

Trump Comey

In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt on Thursday night, Donald Trump spewed a load of assertions about the firing of James Comey and the Russia investigation rife with inconsistencies, implausibility, and unsupportable claims.

Trump told Holt that Comey told him he was not under investigation even though Comey has testified under oath that Trump is under investigation. Would Comey have had such a discussion? And such a conversation would make Trump an obstructor of justice.

Writes the Washington Post:

In the interview, Trump made clear it was his idea to fire the FBI director earlier this week. Trump fired Comey on Tuesday, after receiving a memorandum from the deputy attorney general criticizing Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

“Regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey,’’ said Trump.

The president said Comey told him on three occasions that the FBI was not investigating him, offering more details of an assertion he made in his letter dismissing the FBI director. …

The exchange as described by the president is remarkable in that he said the FBI director was discussing an ongoing investigation with the president — something Justice Department policy generally prohibits — at the same time Comey was seeking assurances he would remain in his job.


The post Trump’s Explanation for Comey Firing is Rife with Inconsistency, Implausibility, and Unsupportable Claims: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump’s Explanation for Comey Firing is Rife with Inconsistency, Implausibility, and Unsupportable Claims: WATCH

표범: ‘군대니까’가 이유가 될 수 없는 이유

표범: ‘군대니까’가 이유가 될 수 없는 이유
동성애자 군인 색출사건에 있어서, 저는 이것이 절대 군 인권과 떼어놓을 수 없는 문제라고 생각합니다. 그것은 제가 생각하는 군 인권 문제와 생각의 궤를 같이합니다. 사회에서는 성인 동성애자가 상호 동의하에 성관계를 맺었다고 해서 감옥에 갇히지 않습니다. 경찰이 그들을 잡아가 취조하며 ‘좋아하는 체위는 어떤 것인지’ ‘동성과 관계를 맺은 횟수는 몇 번인지’등을 묻지 않습니다. 그런데 왜, 군대 내에서는 그것이 이루어질 수 있었을까요? 심지어 영내에서 관계를 가진 것도 아니고, 성인과, 합의하에 관계를 맺은 군인이 구속되었을까요? 답은 하나입니다. 군인은 ‘그렇게 할 수 있는’ 존재이기 때문입니다.

기사 보기: 군대, 동성애, 인권, 표범, 사회, 성소수자, Korea News


Transgender – Koovagam

Transgender – Koovagam

Mali posted a photo:

Transgender - Koovagam

Koovagam Annual Transgender Festival 2017

Koovagam is a village in the Ulundurpettai taluk in Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu. It is famous for its annual festival of transgender and transvestite individuals, which takes place in the Tamil month of Chitrai (April/May). The festival takes place at the Koothandavar Temple dedicated to Aravan (Koothandavar). The participants marry the Lord Koothandavar, thus reenacting an ancient myth of Lord Vishnu/Krishna who married him after taking a form of a woman called Mohini. The next day, they mourn the god Koothandavar’s death through ritualistic dances and by breaking their bangles.

© Mali Shots

Transgender - Koovagam