Zefrog posted a photo:
Scott Humphries at Daddy Issues #11, at Tipsy (Dalston) – 12 May 2017
Cops Look Other Way as Protesters Troll Trump at His L.A. Golf Club
At least 200 people formed the word “Resist!” at the Trump National Golf Course in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.
Spicer and Trump’s Relationship Enters the Next Level (On ‘SNL’)
Saturday Night Live‘s interpretation of the president and his press secretary included a bizarre make-out session.
Love Wins in the South
“My wife and I got married August 8, 2012 in Alabama . We flew out to D.C. and got our marriage license the next day. It took 6 months, multiple trips and getting a lawyer just to change Ariel’s last name to my last name. Two years later Ariel got pregnant with our beautiful daughter Mavis . The amount of paper work our lawyer had to do for us just to make sure if anything
Jamal El Amsy loves you; honest-to-God new “Twin Peaks” footage; “Real O’Neals” canceled
The week’s best in gay culture — right where you want it.
Demiboyhood; foto ©Jasna Klančišar; asist. Maja Ličen
Razstava 30″ posted a photo:
Razstava: 30″ – portreti transspolnih in cisspolno nenormativnih oseb / Exhibition: 30″ – Portraits of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Persons
Find someone who looks at you the way you’re looking at Broderick Hunter
Male gorgeousness, anyone?
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