Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH

Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH

Celine Dion Cher

Before her own heartstopping rendition of the Titanic 1997 classic “My Heart Will Go On”, Celine Dion was giving Cher her fellow diva support as the 71-year-old performed “Believe”.

Watch the backstage action go down:

INCREDIBLE MOMENT just now backstage at @BBMAs @celinedion stops to watch @cher perform and the press room joins in! #BBMAs pic.twitter.com/8M93HGh4fb

— Good Morning America (@GMA) May 22, 2017

Celine Dion was all of us during Cher’s performance✨ #BBMAs pic.twitter.com/0YxevFfJe5

— billboard (@billboard) May 22, 2017

Here’s Cher receiving the icon award:


Earlier this morning British blowhard Piers Morgan trashed Cher for “putting herself out there like that” before getting a karmic cup of coffee all over himself.


And if there was any doubt, Celine brought the house down:

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Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH

On Harvey Milk Day We Remember a Man Who Devoted His Life to Equality

On Harvey Milk Day We Remember a Man Who Devoted His Life to Equality

Today. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected into public office, would have celebrated his 87th birthday.

Milk made history in 1977 when he was elected to serve as a San Francisco City Supervisor, becoming one of the first openly LGBTQ elected officials in the country. Sadly, less than a year later on November 28, 1978, he was assassinated.

Despite his short time in office, Milk’s contributions and influence the fight for LGBTQ equality live on in the work of activists and allies throughout the U.S. and around the world.

Milk envisioned a place where all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated equally. HRC, as well as countless other LGBTQ organizations, pro-equality lawmakers and supporters, share that vision and strive every day to make full equality a reality for millions of LGBTQ people.

During these uncertain times, it is more vital than ever that we, as a community, continue to work tirelessly towards achieving what Milk sacrificed his life for — equality and justice for all.

The HRC Action Center and Store in San Francisco’s historic Castro District is located in Milk’s former camera shop. In addition to keeping LGBTQ individuals and allies informed on national issues, the action center engages advocates to push leaders at all levels in support of equality.  

Learn more about HRC’s Action Center and Store in San Francisco here and share the image below to show your support in the fight for LGBTQ equality.


텍사스가 끔찍한 반 LGBTQ 법을 통과할지 모른다

텍사스가 끔찍한 반 LGBTQ 법을 통과할지 모른다
텍사스 입법 심의회가 막바지에 이르렀다. 트럼프 정권을 둘러싼 위기가 커지며 전국의 매체의 관심을 빨아들이…

기사 보기: Kr-Gay-Voice, 동성애, Lgbt, 국제, 텍사스, 공화당, 도널드 트럼프, 반 동성애, Lgbtq, Korea News


게이법조회: “군형법 제92조의6은 위헌무효이다” 했던 말 또 하게 하지 말아주세요

게이법조회: “군형법 제92조의6은 위헌무효이다” 했던 말 또 하게 하지 말아주세요
지나치게 절망하지는 말자. 군형법상 추행죄에 대해 헌법재판소에서 3번의 판단을 내린 바 있었는데 2002년 결정에서는 2인, 2011년 결정에서는 3인의 반대의견이 있었고 2016년엔 4인의 반대의견이 있었는데 이 가운데에는 지난 5월19일 차기 헌법재판소 소장으로 임명된 김이수 재판관도 있었다. 이렇듯 군형법상 추행죄를 위헌이라고 판단하는 ‘소수의견’은 점점 증가하고 있다. 그리고 이는 가만히 입을 닥치고 언제 올지 모르는 ‘나중’을 기다렸기 때문이 아니라 계속하여 군형법상 추행죄의 위헌성에 대해 지적한 결과이다. 그러므로 군형법 추행죄가 폐지될 때까지, 나아가 성소수자 인권이 위협받지 않는 그날까지 우리는 계속 설치고 말하고 비판할 것이다.

기사 보기: 군형법, 게이법조회, 사회, 동성애, 성소수자, 김이수, 헌법, Korea News


홍승희: 나에겐 당신을 찬성할 자격이 없습니다

홍승희: 나에겐 당신을 찬성할 자격이 없습니다
“합법화를 통해 동성애가 보호되면 가장 큰 문제점은 동성애를 반대하는 많은 국민의 양심과 표현, 종교와 학문의 자유가 억압되는 데 있다.” ㅎ대학 학보에 실린 동성애 합법화 반대 칼럼에 있는 문장이다. 같은 주제의 기사가 두 번씩 연이어 게재되었고, 학생들에게 비판을 받자 학보사는 “특정 인물에 대한 비난, 욕설, 범죄의 소지가 있는 글을 제외한 모든 글을 싣습니다”라고 해명했다. 동성애자는 특정 ‘인물’도 아닌 걸까. 학보사 기자는 동성애를 차별하는 거냐고 묻는 ‘사상검증’은 옳지 않으니 ‘검열’할 수 없고 동성애를 반대하는 기사는 표현의 자유라며 동성애를 반대하는 신념을 밝혔다.

기사 보기: 홍승희, 사회, 동성애, Korea News


BREAKING: Discrimination Tentatively Approved by Texas Senate, Anti-LGBTQ HB 3859 Advances

BREAKING: Discrimination Tentatively Approved by Texas Senate, Anti-LGBTQ HB 3859 Advances

HRC called out the Texas Senate for approving the discriminatory HB 3859, a bill that would allow child welfare organizations — including adoption and foster care agencies — to turn away qualified Texans seeking to care for a child in need, including LGBTQ couples, interfaith couples, single parents, married couples in which one prospective parent has previously been divorced, or other parents to whom the agency has a religious objection. It also could harm children in care; HB 3859 would forbid the state from canceling a state contract with an agency that subjected children in their care to dangerous practices such as so-called “conversion therapy.” The bill now heads to the governor’s desk.

HB 3859 is just the latest bill in a slate of unconscionable anti-LGBTQ bills being pursued by the Texas legislature, which is undertaking a systematic effort to roll back the rights of LGBTQ Texans, piece by piece.

“HB 3859 is a dangerous, discriminatory bill that shows the type of overarching anti-LGBTQ animus that is coloring so much of the Texas legislature this session,” said Marty Rouse, national field director for the Human Rights Campaign and a foster and adoptive parent. “This ‘Slate of Hate’ that the Texas legislature has made a priority harms LGBTQ Texans. It is unconscionable that a bill would prioritize discrimination over the best interest of kids in the child welfare system, but Texas lawmakers have done just that. As HB 3859 heads to Governor Abbott’s desk, we hope he does not buy into a hateful agenda over the best interest of some of his most vulnerable constituents — Texas’ children looking for loving, stable homes.”

HB 3859 would enshrine discrimination into Texas law by allowing discrimination in two directions: against prospective parents, and against children in their care.

It would allow state contractors who provide child welfare services to discriminate against qualified same-sex couples seeking to care for a child in need — including LGBTQ couples, interfaith couples, single parents, married couples in which one prospective parent has previously been divorced, or other parents to whom the agency has a religious objection.

National child welfare organizations such as the Child Welfare League of America, the Donaldson Adoption Institute, North American Council on Adoptable Children and Voice for Adoption have condemned this bill in a letter to lawmakers. This law would most harm children in the system who are awaiting placement in qualified, loving homes and are instead forced to remain in care. Child welfare services should be guided by the overarching principle that guides all family law: all determinations should be in the “best interest of the child.” It isn’t in the best interest of a child to deny them a qualified, loving family simply because that family doesn’t share all of the tenets of the placing agency’s faith.

Further, this bill would have a significant and tremendously harmful impact on children in care. HB 3859 would allow the agencies tasked by the state with caring for these children to put discrimination over the best interests of the child – they are allowed to refuse to provide services that children in care may desperately need, or subject children to care that is contrary to a child’s best interest. For example, this bill would allow an agency responsible for caring for LGBTQ youth to refer that child to a provider of the abusive, discredited practice of so-called “conversion therapy,” if that was consistent with the agency’s religious beliefs, without the state being able to intervene, cancel the contract, or withdraw support in other ways.

Research consistently shows that LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the foster care system, as many have been rejected by their families of origin because of their LGBTQ status, and are especially vulnerable to discrimination and mistreatment while in foster care. HB 3859 will only exacerbate the challenges faced by LGBTQ young people.

HRC has seven field organizers in four offices across Texas who work to mobilize opposition to any anti-LGBTQ legislation. HRC continues to work alongside Equality Texas, ACLU of Texas, Texas Freedom Network, the Transgender Education Network of Texas and others on the ground to battle against dangerous or harmful bills that attack the dignity of LGBTQ Texans. As a coalition, we will stand together; we will support and comfort one another; and we will continue to work together until we defeat every bill this session that discriminates against LGBTQ Texans.
