홍승은: 어느 대학에서 열린 ‘동성애 혐오 강연’
두 번째 강연 주제는 ‘차별금지법과 동성애 독재’. 변호사라는 강연자는 강연 내내 ‘동성애 독재’, ‘표현의 자유’를 자주 입에 올렸다. 차별금지법이 합법화되면 동성애 독재가 시작된다고 주장하던 그는 점점 격앙되더니 소리 높여 “저들은 자유라는 이름으로 동성애를 외치지만, 동성애를 반대하는 사람들의 자유는 무시합니다. 우리에게 자유가 있습니까”라고 말했다. 표현의 자유는 혐오할 자유가 아니다. 하지만 그는 끝까지 “학문의 자유, 양심의 자유, 표현의 자유, 신앙의 자유가 사라지는 독재 시대가 찾아옵니다”라고 주장했다. 헷갈렸다. 이곳은 대학인가.
Monthly Archives: May 2017
One Piece for Chechnya
One Piece for Chechnya
Gay Star News interviews Edmund Farmer, organizer of One Piece, a special exhibition and sale of artwork in the East End of London.
The event will raise awareness and funds to alleviate the persecution of gay and bisexual men in Chechnya.
The interview was recorded LIVE.
Use #OnePieceForChechnya on social media to get involved or find out more.
Follow Gay Star News: twitter.com/gaystarnews
Today’s Sci-Fi Oddly Adheres to Strict Gender Norms
Today’s Sci-Fi Oddly Adheres to Strict Gender Norms
From Sense8 to Alien: Covenant, the future appears to be binary.
Trumpa Loompa Dumpdee doo, we’ve given the sign that we don’t want you!
Trumpa Loompa Dumpdee doo, we’ve given the sign that we don’t want you!
Red Cathedral is in the Pyrenees posted a photo:
Trump & Erdogan were in Belgium for a NATO meeting.. and over 12000 Belgians took to the streets to protest their presidencies.
It’s objectively too late to restrain population and consumption growth so as to avert what ecologists of the 1970s called a “hard landing.”
It is the lie that human society can continue growing its population and consumption levels indefinitely on our finite planet, and never suffer consequences.
Perhaps Donald Trump succeeded because his promises spoke to what civilizations in decline tend to want to hear. It could be argued that the pluralistic, secular, cosmopolitan, tolerant, constitutional democratic nation state is a political arrangement appropriate for a growing economy buoyed by pervasive optimism. (On a scale much smaller than contemporary America, ancient Greece and Rome during their early expansionary periods provided examples of this kind of political-social arrangement). As societies contract, people turn fearful, angry, and pessimistic—and fear, anger, and pessimism fairly dripped from Trump’s inaugural address. In periods of decline, strongmen tend to arise promising to restore past glories and to defeat domestic and foreign enemies. Repressive kleptocracies are the rule rather than the exception.
maria.morisot posted a photo:
All I see
is the ocean.
No longer can I hear
the reverberating
wounds of your voice,
No more the
of your smile,
And I count
the days,
to the hour,
From where you
left me standing
on the shore.
Cornflower Blue Blouse
Luxembourg’s First Gentleman Poses With Spouses of Other World Leaders
Luxembourg’s First Gentleman Poses With Spouses of Other World Leaders
Gauthier Destenay, the husband of Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, ate dinner and toured a museum with the wives of other NATO nation leaders.
DeVos Won’t Say If She Would Withhold Federal Funding From Schools That Discriminate
DeVos Won’t Say If She Would Withhold Federal Funding From Schools That Discriminate
Rep. Barbara Lee called DeVos’s statements “appalling and sad.”