Roger Moore, Facebook, Gay Bowl, Elton John, Justin Trudeau, Star Wars, Rachel Maddow: HOT LINKS

Roger Moore, Facebook, Gay Bowl, Elton John, Justin Trudeau, Star Wars, Rachel Maddow: HOT LINKS

SHOCKED AND SADDENED. Prince William releases statement after Manchester bombing: “Like everyone, Catherine, Harry and I are left shocked and saddened by the tragedy that unfolded in Manchester overnight. Hundreds of friends, parents, children and partners are confronting unimaginable grief today, and we send our thoughts to them all.”

RACHEL MADDOW. On surging ratings: “People are looking for answers.”

APPLE. We received secret letter from the government demanding personal information on a customer.

Roger MooreRIP. 007 Roger Moore dies at 89: “Before Sir Roger became the third actor to play James Bond in the main movie series, he was in several TV shows and movies including The Last Time I Saw Paris, The Saint, Maverick, Ivanhoe and The Persuaders. After George Lazenby didn’t work out as Bond and Sir Sean Connery decided he was finally done with sipping martinis and humping on Bond Girls, Sir Roger made his debut as James Bond in 1973’s Live And Let Die. He played Bond in six more movies (many of which are arguably the best Bond movies) and is the longest-serving 007.”

FACEBOOK MEDDLING. FEC asked to investigate whether Russian agents bought Facebook ads to spread damaging stories about Hillary Clinton: “’I think there is potential there for finding a violation, but I don’t want to suggest that I have prejudged anything that could potentially come before me,’ said FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub, a Democratic appointee to the commission.”

CANADIAN PROM. And a Justin Trudeau photobomb.

Prom season in #Vancouver

— Adam Scotti ??? (@AdamScotti) May 20, 2017

GAY BOWL ’17. New England Patriots to sponsor flag football tournament: “The Gay Bowl was created in 2002 as an annual national championship tournament for LGBT flag football teams. About 40 teams are expected to compete in several divisions, including a women’s division, from across North America. The San Diego Bolts are the five-time defending champion.”

ELTON JOHN. Classic songs given new videos after contest: “At a special screening in Cannes, Elton and Bernie viewed the winning entries, as chosen by themselves and an expert panel including Oscar-winning director Barry Jenkins. The winners included: Max Weiland’s live-action take on Tiny Dancer; Majid Adin’s animation for Rocket Man; and Jack Whiteley and Laura Brownhill’s choreographed interpretation of Bennie and the Jets. Each winning entrant presented their work with a few words.”

THE COVERS ARE WITH YOU. Vanity Fair releases four Star Wars covers for 40th anniversary.

Leading up to @StarWars‘s 40th anniversary, Vanity Fair introduces the next chapter in its saga: #TheLastJedi

— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) May 23, 2017

BEEF ON THE GRILL. James Corden talks with Katy Perry about her feud with Taylor Swift.

#VIDEO | @katyperry talks about Taylor Swift and their beef #KatyCarpool

— Katy Perry Pics (@katyspics) May 23, 2017

TOO HOT TUESDAY. Pietro Baltazar.

Instagram Photo


Instagram Photo


Instagram Photo


Instagram Photo

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Roger Moore, Facebook, Gay Bowl, Elton John, Justin Trudeau, Star Wars, Rachel Maddow: HOT LINKS

HRC Equidad MX Lanza Innovadora Encuesta Sobre Inclusión LGBTQ en Centros de Trabajo

HRC Equidad MX Lanza Innovadora Encuesta Sobre Inclusión LGBTQ en Centros de Trabajo

Hoy, la Fundación Human Rights Campaign, el brazo educativo de la organización de derechos civiles de personas lesbianas, gais, bisexuales, transgénero y queer (LGBTQ) más grande de Estados Unidos, anunció que HRC Equidad MX: Programa Global de Igualdad en los Centros de Trabajo, está llevando a cabo una encuesta innovadora sobre las políticas y prácticas inclusivas de personas LGBT en las empresas mexicanas. Siguiendo con su larga trayectoria de apoyo a la igualdad, los principales empleadores Citibanamex, Accenture, Google, Kellogg y Mastercard ya se han comprometido a participar en la encuesta y el informe centrados en México.

La encuesta fue anunciada en un evento organizado hoy por Citibanamex y llega durante un tiempo de progreso significativo de la inclusión LGBTQ en el lugar de trabajo en todo el mundo. En los próximos meses, HRC Equidad MX, con sede en México, recogerá las respuestas de la encuesta que será efectuada paralelamente a la encuesta anual del Índice Corporativo de Igualdad (CEI, por sus siglas en inglés) de HRC y dará a conocer los resultados durante el otoño de 2017. En el próximo reporte se evaluará a las empresas y multinacionales sobre tres pilares fundamentales de la inclusión LGBT:

  • Adopción de políticas de no discriminación;
  • Creación de grupos de recursos para empleados o consejos de diversidad e inclusión;
  • Participación en actividades públicas para apoyar la inclusión LGBT.

Los empleadores altamente calificados recibirán una designación similar a la certificación Best Places to Work ofrecida a través de la CEI.

“Las empresas de todo el mundo continúan liderando la igualdad LGBT. De las compañías que toman la encuesta de Equidad MX sobre la inclusión en la Coalición de Negocios Globales de la BLC, los socios del sector privado en todo el mundo están enviando un claro mensaje de que la igualdad y la inclusión son buenas para los negocios”,dijo Mary Beth Maxwell, vicepresidenta de Programas, Investigación y Capacitación de HRC.

“El contar con el apoyo de estas cinco empresas tan importantes significa para Human Rights Campaign un gran paso en concientizar a las empresas mexicanas.  México es un gran aliado comercial y social para los Estados Unidos, por lo que replicar el trabajo que hemos realizado durante 15 años en EE. UU, con las empresas que han participado en el Índice Corporativo de Igualdad, significará un parteaguas en las empresas mexicanas y multinacionales que operan en este país”, dijo Deena Fidas, directora del Programa de Equidad Corporativa de la Fundación Human Rights Campaign.

Por su parte, Liliana Iñigo, embajadora LGBT de Citi para América Latina y directora ejecutiva de Mercadotecnia de Citibanamex, comentó: “Citibanamex es una institución comprometida en dar lo mejor de México y lo mejor del mundo a nuestros clientes y empleados. Este compromiso va de la mano con el respeto y la inclusión laboral de la población LGBT. Establecemos una cultura que promueve la integridad y confianza para que nuestros colaboradores puedan potencializar su talento, sin importar su orientación sexual o identidad de género. Participar en la certificación HRC Equidad MX demuestra la convicción que tenemos para construir el mejor ambiente laboral para la población LGBT en México y en nuestro Grupo Financiero”.

Asimismo, Guillermo González Guerra, director de Recursos Humanos de Kellogg Latinoamérica, recalcó que Kellogg busca fomentar una cultura de inclusión para todos sus colaboradores y generar un ambiente de trabajo en el que las personas sean apreciadas y puedan ser auténticas.

“A través de su programa K-Pride & Allies, la compañía trabaja para convertirse en el empleador de elección de la comunidad LGBT al promover la equidad, la solidaridad y el respeto. Obtener el distintivo HRC Equidad MX, será un paso muy importante en este sentido”dijo González Guerra.

Accenture, Google y Mastercard son miembros de la Coalición de Negocios Globales de HRC, una cohorte de empleadores globales públicamente comprometidos con la inclusión en todas partes donde hacen negocios.

Al respecto, Jorge Torres, director de Tecnología de Accenture, comentó que su empresa es una entidad incluyente que promueve un ambiente de confianza y motiva a cada uno de sus integrantes a ser auténticos.

“Nos sentimos orgullosos de ser una firma multinacional que trabaja cada día en brindar un ambiente de trabajo equitativo, independientemente de la orientación sexual o identidad de género de las personas. Con esto, declaramos formalmente nuestro compromiso de continuar trabajando hacia la inclusión LGBT apoyados de la certificación HRC Equidad MX”, comentó Torres.

Delfina Grossi, gerente de Google Marketing Solutions y embajadora de Diversidad para Google México mencionó que: “La misión de Google es organizar la información y hacerla accesible y útil para todos. En este sentido, nuestra búsqueda por la diversidad es una extensión natural de esta misión ya que buscamos aumentar el acceso a las oportunidades, derribando las barreras y empoderando a las personas a través de la tecnología”.

“Mastercard se enorgullece de participar en la Coalición de Negocios Globales de HRC y en la promoción de la cultura corporativa inclusiva y diversa con diferentes acciones que refrendan nuestro compromiso principal con nuestro capital más importante, el humano y en la comunidad en la que trabajamos”, dijo Brenda Hernández, directora de Recursos Humanos de Mastercard México, Centroamérica y el Caribe, señaló:

A través de su Índice Corporativo de Igualdad, la Fundación HRC ha establecido una hoja de ruta para la adopción de políticas, beneficios y prácticas inclusivas de LGBTQ entre las principales corporaciones. El año pasado, por segundo año consecutivo, HRC lanzó su CEI internacional en la Ciudad de México junto con la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en México, The Dow Chemical Company, J.P. Morgan Chase y la petrolera estatal mexicana PEMEX. Junto con el lanzamiento del CEI de 2017, HRC Equidad MX lanzó una caja de herramientas en español para los lugares de trabajo en México y en Latinoamérica. La guía provee a lugares de trabajo hispanos con un recurso para ayudar a entrenar y equipar a los empleados a construir ambientes inclusivos de personas LGBT.

HRC Equidad MX: Programa Global de Igualdad en los Centros de Trabajo, que fue lanzado el año pasado, busca aumentar la conciencia sobre la importancia de la diversidad e inclusión de personas LGBTQ en los lugares de trabajo mexicanos desarrollando modelos de consultoría y educación para empresas y organizaciones mexicanas. También utiliza las herramientas y relaciones de HRC para comprometer a las compañías interesadas en alinear sus políticas corporativas con la inclusión de LGBTQ a los estándares internacionales.

Para obtener más información sobre la participación en la encuesta HRC Equidad MX, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] y para saber más sobre HRC Equidad: MX, visite

You can’t unsee this video of Donald Trump’s awkward sword dance with Saudi officials

You can’t unsee this video of Donald Trump’s awkward sword dance with Saudi officials
Donald Trump attended a ceremonial Saudi sword dance outside the Murabba Palace in Saudi Arabia over the weekend and it was awkward to say the least.

Melania Shuts Down Trump’s Hand-Holding Attempt Again, in Rome: WATCH

Melania Shuts Down Trump’s Hand-Holding Attempt Again, in Rome: WATCH

Donald Trump Melania hand-holding

For the second time in as many days, Melania Trump employed a strategic and well-timed move to avoid holding her husband’s hand. Upon the president’s arrival in Rome, Trump reached for his wife’s hand and she moved it away immediately, so he grabbed something else instead.

On Monday in Israel in a moment that quickly went viral, Melania appeared to flick the president’s hand away when he reached for it on the tarmac red carpet.

Handgate, Pt.2:

Proof Trump is a slow learner. He arrives in Rome and yet again tries to hold Melania’s hand. She declines again.

— Mohamed Hemish (@MohamedHemish) May 23, 2017

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Melania Shuts Down Trump’s Hand-Holding Attempt Again, in Rome: WATCH

HRC Equidad MX Launches Groundbreaking LGBTQ Workplace Inclusion Survey

HRC Equidad MX Launches Groundbreaking LGBTQ Workplace Inclusion Survey

HRC announced that its HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program is undertaking a groundbreaking new survey of Mexican businesses’ LGBT inclusive policies and practices. Continuing their long record of support for equality, major employers Citibanamex, Accenture, Google, Kellogg and Mastercard have already committed to participate in the Mexico-focused survey and report.

The survey was announced at an event today hosted by Citibanamex and comes during a time of significant progress in LGBTQ workplace inclusion around the globe. In the coming months, Mexico-based HRC Equidad MX will collect responses to the survey, which will run parallel to HRC’s annual Corporate Equality Index (CEI) survey, and release the results during the Fall of 2017. The forthcoming report will evaluate major Mexican business and multinational companies on three core pillars of LGBT inclusion:

  • Adoption of nondiscrimination policies;
  • Creation of employee resource groups or diversity and inclusion councils;
  • Engagement in public activities to support LGBT inclusion.

Highly rated employers will receive a designation similar to the Best Places to Work certification offered through the CEI.

“Businesses around the world continue to lead on LGBTQ equality,” said Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC’s Vice President for Programs, Research and Training. “From the companies taking the Equidad MX survey on inclusion to the HRC Global Business Coalition raising the bar, private sector partners around the world are sending a clear message that equality and inclusion are good for business.”

“Having these five important companies support this effort by the Human Rights Campaign represents a significant step in raising awareness of  workplace equality among Mexican companies,” said Deena Fidas, Director of HRC’s Workplace Equality Program. “Mexico is a great commercial and social partner for the United States, and replicating the work we have done with companies over the past 15 years in the U.S. through our Corporate Equality Index will be a watershed moment for Mexican and multinational companies operating here.”

“Citibanamex is an institution committed to giving the best of Mexico and the best in the world to our clients and employees. This commitment goes hand in hand with respect and job inclusion of the LGBT population,” said Liliana Iñigo, Citibanamex’s LGBT Ambassador for Latin America and Citibanamex’s Executive Director of Marketing. “We establish a culture that promotes integrity and confidence so that our collaborators can enhance their talent, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Participating in the HRC Equidad MX certification shows the conviction we have to build the best working environment for the LGBT population in Mexico and in our Financial Group.”

“Accenture is an inclusive company that promotes an environment of trust and motivates each one of its members to be authentic. We are proud to be a multinational firm that works every day to provide a fair work environment, regardless of the sexual orientation or gender identity of the people. With this, we formally declare our commitment to continue working towards the LGBT inclusion supported by the HRC Equity MX certification,” said Jorge Torres, Accenture’s Chief Technology Officer.

“Google’s mission is to organize information and make it accessible and useful for everyone. In this sense, our search for diversity is a natural extension of this mission as we seek to increase access to opportunities, breaking down barriers and empowering people through technology,” said Delfina Grossi, Google Marketing Solutions Manager and Diversity Ambassador for Google Mexico.

“Kellogg seeks to foster a culture of inclusion for all its employees and generate a work environment in which people are appreciated and can be authentic,” said Guillermo González Guerra, Director of Human Resources at Kellogg Latin America. “Through its K-Pride & Allies program, the company works to become the employer of choice for the LGBT community by promoting equity, solidarity and respect. Getting the HRC Equidad MX badge will be a very important step in this regard.”

“Mastercard is proud to participate in HRC’s Global Business Coalition and to promote inclusive and diverse corporate culture with different actions that reinforce our commitment with our most important capital, the human and in the community in which we work,” said Brenda Hernandez, Director of Human Resources for Mastercard Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.

Accenture, Google and Mastercard are members of HRC’s Global Business Coalition, a cohort of global employers publicly committed to inclusion everywhere they do business.

Through its Corporate Equality Index, the HRC Foundation has established a roadmap for the adoption of LGBTQ-inclusive policies, benefits and practices across major corporations. Last year, for the second year in a row, HRC launched its international CEI in Mexico City along with the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, The Dow Chemical Company, J.P. Morgan Chase, and the Mexican state-owned petroleum company, PEMEX. In conjunction with the launch of the 2017 CEI, HRC Equidad MX released a Spanish-language toolkit for workplaces in Mexico and around Latin America.  The guide provides predominantly Spanish-language workplaces with a resource to help train and equip employees to build LGBT-inclusive environments.

HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program, which launched last year, works to increase awareness about the importance of LGBTQ diversity and inclusion in Mexico’s workplaces by developing consulting and education models for Mexican companies and organizations. It also utilizes HRC’s tools and relationships to engage interested companies in aligning their corporate policies on LGBTQ inclusion to international standards.

To learn more about participating in the HRC Equidad MX survey, please email [email protected]

And to learn more about HRC Equidad: MX, visit

Migos Reportedly Refused To Perform With Drag Queens On ‘SNL’

Migos Reportedly Refused To Perform With Drag Queens On ‘SNL’

After a recent performance on the Season 42 finale of “Saturday Night Live” with Katy Perry, hip-hop trio Migos has found themselves in hot water once again. Appearing on the May 20 episode of “SNL,” the group teamed up with Perry to perform the song “Bon Appétit” but reportedly had a problem with the drag queens…

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Migos Reportedly Refused To Perform With Drag Queens On ‘SNL’