坂東慎一郎: 「ゲイは不幸」という図式を壊したくて、根気強く母と向き合い続けた(シリーズ:隣人たち)

坂東慎一郎: 「ゲイは不幸」という図式を壊したくて、根気強く母と向き合い続けた(シリーズ:隣人たち)

もっと見る: ライフスタイル, Lifestyle, Japan Lgbt, ゲイ, 札幌, 同性パートナーシップ, レインボー, カミングアウト, セクシュアリティ, バラエティ, Japan News


#AM_Equality Tipsheet: May 22, 2017

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: May 22, 2017

DISCRIMINATION APPROVED BY TX SENATE — ANTI-LGBTQ HB 3859 ADVANCES: Last night, HRC called out the Texas Senate for approving the discriminatory HB 3859, a bill that would allow child welfare organizations — including adoption and foster care agencies — to turn away qualified Texans seeking to care for a child in need, including LGBTQ couples, interfaith couples, single parents, married couples in which one prospective parent has previously been divorced, or other parents to whom the agency has a religious objection. It also could harm children in care; HB 3859 would forbid the state from canceling a state contract with an agency that subjected children in their care to dangerous practices such as so-called “conversion therapy.” “HB 3859 is a dangerous, discriminatory bill that shows the type of overarching anti-LGBTQ animus that is coloring so much of the Texas legislature this session,” said Marty Rouse, national field director for the Human Rights Campaign and a foster and adoptive parent. “This ‘Slate of Hate’ that the Texas legislature has made a priority harms LGBTQ Texans. It is unconscionable that a bill would prioritize discrimination over the best interest of kids in the child welfare system, but Texas lawmakers have done just that. As HB 3859 heads to Governor Abbott’s desk, we hope he does not buy into a hateful agenda over the best interest of some of his most vulnerable constituents — Texas’ children looking for loving, stable homes.” The bill how heads to the governor’s desk. More from HRC.

ALSO, DISCRIMINATORY ANTI-TRANSGENDER AMENDMENT PASSES TEXAS HOUSE: HRC called on the Texas Senate to stop a measure that could further ostracize and harm transgender students. House lawmakers today added the discriminatory amendment to an otherwise unrelated education bill. Policies such as this one, which make classifications on the basis of “biological sex,” are designed to alienate transgender students from their peers. “This shameful amendment is yet another example of Texas lawmakers’ anti-LGBTQ agenda,” said JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs. “Transgender youth deserve the same dignity and respect as their peers, and this craven attempt to use children as a pawn for cheap political points is disturbing and unconscionable.” More from HRC.

ALARMING — ANTI-LGBTQ SHERIFF CLARKE POSSIBLE DHS APPOINTEE: Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr., one of America’s most controversial and anti-LGBTQ law enforcement officials, could soon be tapped by President Trump to fill a prominent role at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) — raising alarms with civil rights groups across the country. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Clarke is claiming he will accept a position at DHS’s Office of Partnership and Engagement as a liaison with state, local and tribal law enforcement and governments. Although DHS has yet to confirm Clarke’s claim, HRC and other civil rights organizations, including GLAAD and the Anti-Defamation League have expressed grave concerns. Clarke’s tenure as sheriff was challenged following the deaths of four people — including a baby — under his supervision; his abhorrent “leadership” also includes a long and expansive anti-LGBTQ record. More from HRC.

  • Students at the University of Notre Dame yesterday protested Mike Pence’s commencement speech and anti-Muslim, anti-LGBTQ views by walking out of the ceremony. More from The Advocate and NPR.

MUST WATCH MONDAY: In a special report from Telemundo, correspondent Alonso Castillo (@acastilloT48) interviews HRC’s Laya Monarez and Lisbeth Melendez about the transgender Latinx community, and what HRC and the National Center for Transgender Equality are doing to fight anti-transgender legislation and the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color. More from Telemundo.

ANTI-LGBTQ JUDGE THOUGHT HE COULD AVOID SAME-SEX ADOPTION CASES… BUT HE THOUGHT WRONG: Kentucky family court judge W. Mitchell Nance recently submitted a proposed procedural change to the state’s chief justice that would let him avoid cases involving adoptions by same-sex couples — a topic he has openly stated his opposition to. Chief Justice John D. Minton Jr. denied the request. More from The Associated Press.

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER ED BOARD SUPPORTS STATEWIDE LGBTQ NONDISCRIM PROTECTIONS: The Cleveland Plain Dealer Editorial Board made a strong case moral and economic case for the Ohio Fairness Act — a bill being considered in the Ohio legislature that would bring statewide nondiscrimination protections to the LGBTQ community. The Board writes, “That such protections also have an economic dimension should go without saying. Ohio doesn’t want companies trying to hire young, talented high-tech workers to move to states that do protect the full civil rights of all employees. To compete in this job market, numerous big Ohio employers already forbid anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender discrimination.” Read the full piece from Cleveland Plain Dealer.

.@Clevelanddotcom editorial board: #HB160 seeks fairness for #LGBTQ people & is way overdue. We couldn’t agree more. t.co/zqhpxLHlcs

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) May 19, 2017

HONORING HARVEY MILK ON HIS 87th BIRTHDAY: Milk envisioned a place where all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated equally. HRC, as well as countless LGBTQ organizations, pro-equality lawmakers and supporters, strive everyday to make Milk’s dream a reality for millions of LGBTQ people. It is now more vital than ever that we, as a community, work tirelessly towards achieving what Milk sacrificed his life for — equality and justice for all. More from HRC.

.@HRC celebrates #HarveyMilk on his 87th birthday. His mission of achieving full #LGBTQ equality continues to endure t.co/5bgoFIIMT7 pic.twitter.com/JcxgGbFU1T

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) May 22, 2017

TORONTO BLUE JAYS SUSPEND PLAYER FOR ANTI-GAY SLUR: Kevin Pillar has been suspended for two games after calling Atlanta Braves pitcher Jason Motte an anti-gay slur. More from Bleacher Report.

TV SHOW THE FOSTERS HIGHLIGHTS IMPORTANCE OF LGBTQ ACCEPTANCE IN FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION: In honor of National Foster Care Month, HRC is highlighting The Fosters, a television show on Freeform that has done more to bring awareness to the issues of LGBTQ youth, same-sex couples and the importance of adoption and foster care than most other shows in recent memory. More from HRC.

MARRIAGE EQUALITY MAY ARRIVE IN TAIWAN THIS WEEK: The decades-long work of Asian activists across the vast continent to achieve marriage equality may finally bear fruit this week in Taiwan. The country’s Constitutional Court is expected to issue a ruling on May 24th in a marriage equality case brought by a veteran LGBTQ activist with support from authorities in the capital city, Taipei. Taiwan could become the first Asian country with marriage equality. More from Taiwan News.

BANGLADESHI AUTHORITIES HAVE ARRESTED 27 MEN ON SUSPICION OF BEING GAY OR BISEXUAL: This troubling report comes a year after Bangladeshi LGBTQ advocate Xulhaz Mannan was murdered. Bangladesh is one of at least 72 countries that criminalize same-sex sexual activity. More from The Independent.


The Advocate recounts the incredible story of two women who sailed from Russia to Canada to start a life together; HRC shares that rock band The Main has join its Equality Rocks campaign;

Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH

Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH

Celine Dion Cher

Before her own heartstopping rendition of the Titanic 1997 classic “My Heart Will Go On”, Celine Dion was giving Cher her fellow diva support as the 71-year-old performed “Believe”.

Watch the backstage action go down:

INCREDIBLE MOMENT just now backstage at @BBMAs @celinedion stops to watch @cher perform and the press room joins in! #BBMAs pic.twitter.com/8M93HGh4fb

— Good Morning America (@GMA) May 22, 2017

Celine Dion was all of us during Cher’s performance✨ #BBMAs pic.twitter.com/0YxevFfJe5

— billboard (@billboard) May 22, 2017

Here’s Cher receiving the icon award:


Earlier this morning British blowhard Piers Morgan trashed Cher for “putting herself out there like that” before getting a karmic cup of coffee all over himself.


And if there was any doubt, Celine brought the house down:

The post Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Celine Dion Worshiped and Warbled Cher’s ‘Believe’ Backstage at the Billboard Music Awards: WATCH

On Harvey Milk Day We Remember a Man Who Devoted His Life to Equality

On Harvey Milk Day We Remember a Man Who Devoted His Life to Equality

Today. Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected into public office, would have celebrated his 87th birthday.

Milk made history in 1977 when he was elected to serve as a San Francisco City Supervisor, becoming one of the first openly LGBTQ elected officials in the country. Sadly, less than a year later on November 28, 1978, he was assassinated.

Despite his short time in office, Milk’s contributions and influence the fight for LGBTQ equality live on in the work of activists and allies throughout the U.S. and around the world.

Milk envisioned a place where all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated equally. HRC, as well as countless other LGBTQ organizations, pro-equality lawmakers and supporters, share that vision and strive every day to make full equality a reality for millions of LGBTQ people.

During these uncertain times, it is more vital than ever that we, as a community, continue to work tirelessly towards achieving what Milk sacrificed his life for — equality and justice for all.

The HRC Action Center and Store in San Francisco’s historic Castro District is located in Milk’s former camera shop. In addition to keeping LGBTQ individuals and allies informed on national issues, the action center engages advocates to push leaders at all levels in support of equality.  

Learn more about HRC’s Action Center and Store in San Francisco here and share the image below to show your support in the fight for LGBTQ equality.


텍사스가 끔찍한 반 LGBTQ 법을 통과할지 모른다

텍사스가 끔찍한 반 LGBTQ 법을 통과할지 모른다
텍사스 입법 심의회가 막바지에 이르렀다. 트럼프 정권을 둘러싼 위기가 커지며 전국의 매체의 관심을 빨아들이…

기사 보기: Kr-Gay-Voice, 동성애, Lgbt, 국제, 텍사스, 공화당, 도널드 트럼프, 반 동성애, Lgbtq, Korea News


게이법조회: “군형법 제92조의6은 위헌무효이다” 했던 말 또 하게 하지 말아주세요

게이법조회: “군형법 제92조의6은 위헌무효이다” 했던 말 또 하게 하지 말아주세요
지나치게 절망하지는 말자. 군형법상 추행죄에 대해 헌법재판소에서 3번의 판단을 내린 바 있었는데 2002년 결정에서는 2인, 2011년 결정에서는 3인의 반대의견이 있었고 2016년엔 4인의 반대의견이 있었는데 이 가운데에는 지난 5월19일 차기 헌법재판소 소장으로 임명된 김이수 재판관도 있었다. 이렇듯 군형법상 추행죄를 위헌이라고 판단하는 ‘소수의견’은 점점 증가하고 있다. 그리고 이는 가만히 입을 닥치고 언제 올지 모르는 ‘나중’을 기다렸기 때문이 아니라 계속하여 군형법상 추행죄의 위헌성에 대해 지적한 결과이다. 그러므로 군형법 추행죄가 폐지될 때까지, 나아가 성소수자 인권이 위협받지 않는 그날까지 우리는 계속 설치고 말하고 비판할 것이다.

기사 보기: 군형법, 게이법조회, 사회, 동성애, 성소수자, 김이수, 헌법, Korea News
