Trevor Noah and Angelica Ross tell allies to ‘listen’

Trevor Noah and Angelica Ross tell allies to ‘listen’

 (Photo by Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images for GLAAD)Zachary Quinto and Janet Mock presented the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Talk Show Episode to The Daily Show with Trevor Noah at the 28th Annual GLAAD Media Awards at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York City on Saturday.  Trevor Noah and  Angelica Ross, the transgender actress and founder of TransTech Enterprises featured in the interview, accepted the award.

 In its interview of Angelica Ross, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah shed light on the discrimination and barriers to employment that transgender people face.

Accepting the award, Noah recounted his experience of having to “uncondition” the belief instilled growing up that LGBTQ people are not people. The Daily Show host also highlighted the importance of listening for when it comes to being an ally:   “Whether it means listening to black people in America who are oppressed, black women who are at the bottom of the totem pole in America, whether it means listening to the LGBTQ community. Just listen.”

In her acceptance speech, Ross shared a message of empowerment to trans women of color: “Never give up, because your dreams matter, your stories matter, your lives matter,” and concluded saying “ nomatter what challenge you’re faced with, you can overcome it. You can overcome it.”

The Los Angeles GLAAD Media Awards were held April 1 at the Beverly Hilton. The 28th Annual GLAAD Media Awards are presented by Delta Airlines, Hilton, Ketel One Vodka, Liberty Mutual Insurance, and Wells Fargo.

The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community and the issues that affect their lives.  They also fund GLAAD’s work to amplify stories from the LGBTQ community that build support for equality and acceptance.

May 9, 2017

Sally Yates Warned White House that Flynn ‘Could be Blackmailed’ by Moscow: Testimony

Sally Yates Warned White House that Flynn ‘Could be Blackmailed’ by Moscow: Testimony

WASHINGTON — Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates testified Monday for the first time that she warned White House lawyers at least twice in January that President Donald Trump’s national security adviser at the time, Michael Flynn, “could be blackmailed” by Moscow, may have violated criminal statutes and had misled Vice President Pence about his dealings…

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Sally Yates Warned White House that Flynn ‘Could be Blackmailed’ by Moscow: Testimony

Albert Serna Jr: “Wie im Konzentrationslager”: In einem russischen Gefängnis werden Schwule brutal gefoltert

Albert Serna Jr: “Wie im Konzentrationslager”: In einem russischen Gefängnis werden Schwule brutal gefoltert
In einem Artikel einer russischen Nachrichtenseite, den viele Mensch zuerst für einen Aprilscherz hielten, wurde geschrieben, dass die Tschetschenische Regierung schwule Männer gefangen hält und foltert.

Weiterlesen: Blogs, Politik, Homosexuelle, Schwule, Lesben, Toleranz, Germany News

표범: 내가 가장 싫어하는 말

표범: 내가 가장 싫어하는 말
“동성애자 괜찮지. 난 존중해. 내 가족이나 친한 애들만 아니면 되지 뭘.” 내가 가장 싫어하는 말 중 하나. 저 짧은 한 줄의 말 안에 수많은 혐오와 존재 부정이 모두 들어 있다. 인정은 해. 근데 가까운 사람이나 가족은 안 돼. 이 말은 즉, 가족이나 가까운 사람은 그래서는 안 되며, 나와 연관이 있을 수도 없는 남의 일이고, 지금 이야기를 듣는 사람이 동성애자일 것이라는 가능성은 조금도 생각지 않는, 배려 없음의 극치를 보여주는 말이다. 저 말은 실제 나와 가까운 성 소수자 친구들이 가장 많이 상처받았다고 했던 말들 중 하나이다.

기사 보기: A대위, 성소수자, 동성애, 표범, 사회, Korea News