Performance: Lauren Shippen

Performance: Lauren Shippen
Performance: Lauren Shippen

Digital Pride brings you exclusive performances from talented LGBTI artists and allies.

Lauren Shippen is a writer and actor living in Los Angeles. She is the creator and writer for The Bright Sessions, a science fiction audio drama that was named one of the Best Podcasts of 2016 by iTunes, Wired, Popular Science Magazine, and IndieWire.

As a member of the LGBTI community, Lauren is always striving to use her art for good and is very excited to be taking part in this year’s Digital Pride!

심기용: '연행당한 성소수자'의 10가지 생각

심기용: '연행당한 성소수자'의 10가지 생각
아무도 문재인의 멱살을 잡지 않았다. 활동가들이 한 것이라고는 무지개 천을 문재인 앞에서 펼치고, “저는 동성애자인데 지금 저를 반대하십니까?”라고 물어본 것이 전부이다. 실정법에서 위반사항이나, 현행 체포의 긴박성 등을 다투는 것은 더 중요한 이야기를 잊게 한다. 활동가들은 문재인 후보에게 이 말을 하러 간 것이다. 나는 동성애자이고, 당신은 나를 반대할 수 없다. 성소수자의 존재가 여기 있고, 그 존재의 인권을 보장해달라. 그리고 고작 이 말을 하기 위해 연행까지 각오해야 하는 현실. 바로 이것들이 이 사건을 통해 말해져야 할 것들이다.

기사 보기: 심기용, 문재인, 동성애, 사회, 정치, 성소수자, Korea News

강남순: “정의는 기다리지 않는다” | 2017 대선 동성애 논쟁을 보면서

강남순: “정의는 기다리지 않는다” | 2017 대선 동성애 논쟁을 보면서
매일매일 혐오의 시선과 차별적 제도들에 의하여 고통속에 있는 이들에게 끈기 있는 인내심을 가져야 한다고 하는 것은 참으로 아픈 일이다. 성소수자들에 대한 정의는 즉각적으로 이루어져야하기 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 현상태에 대한 절망과 좌절이 아니라, 이루어내야 할 정의를 향한 지속적이고 끈기 있는 희망의 끈을 부여잡아야 하는 것이다. 데리다의 말은 이 점에서 의미심장한 메시지를 우리에게 전하고 있다: “정의는 기다리지 않는다. . . 그렇기 때문에 정의는 언제나 ‘다가올 정의’이다 (Justice does not wait . . . But for this very reason, justice remains justice-to-come).”

기사 보기: 강남순, 동성애, 성소수자, 대선, 정치, 사회, 대통령, Korea News

#ThrowbackThursday: Ellen DeGeneres Came Out 20 Years Ago

#ThrowbackThursday: Ellen DeGeneres Came Out 20 Years Ago

This week, we mark the 20th anniversary of Ellen DeGeneres coming out.

DeGeneres came out publicly on her TV show Ellen on April 30, 1997, in “The Puppy Episode.” The episode featured several big names, including Oprah Winfrey and Laura Dern, and a brief cameo by DeGeneres’ real-life mom and longtime HRC supporter Betty DeGeneres.

Ellen’s courageous decision to live openly and honestly– both on- and off-screen – was truly historic. Not long after coming out, DeGeneres was honored at HRC’s first-ever National Dinner with our National Civil Rights Award.

In her acceptance speech, she said:

“This hasn’t been an easy journey for me. I lived with a sense of shame for a long time. Every interview, I tried to dodge around that dreaded question, ‘Are you gay?’ My answer was always:

‘My private life is my private life.’ And it is. But my sexuality is as much a part of me as my skin color. I tried to justify why I should keep it hidden for as long as I could. I finally got to a point where living honestly and being proud of who I am was more important than fame. Ironically, my being honest made me more famous. So much for those who said it would hurt my career. I was willing to risk it all and I was rewarded for it. My life is better than it’s ever been – I found love and there’s nothing more important than that…

I feel so good knowing I’ve made a contribution – that’s my reward. I never wanted to be an activist – I just wanted to entertain people to make them feel good. But as I’ve witnessed the discrimination -the double standards- and heard the statistics of teen suicides-I’ve had to re-think that. If by standing up for what I think is right makes me an activist- I’m an activist.”

During DeGeneres’ coming out episode, HRC planned coming out house parties across the country and sponsored a TV commercial about anti-LGBTQ job discrimination. While the national ABC Network turned the ad down, citing its policy against “controversial issue advertising,” 65 ABC affiliates across the country accepted the ad and 12 refused. HRC ultimately aired the spot in 35 markets across the country, raising awareness around the issue of job discrimination against LGBTQ Americans.

Stay turned to HRC’s blog as we highlight Ellen DeGeneres and the historic impact she has made for LGBTQ people everywhere.

Coming out — whether it is as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or allied — is a deeply personal journey for every individual. For more resources on coming out, visit HRC’s Coming Out Center.

Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act Reintroduced in Congress

Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act Reintroduced in Congress

Today, Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) and Sens. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) reintroduced the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act, which would require colleges and universities to have comprehensive anti-harassment policies that include LGBTQ young people.

Specifically, the legislation would require policies that prohibit harassment of enrolled students by other students, faculty, and staff based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion and would require colleges to distribute their anti-harassment policy to all students and employees, including prospective students and employees upon request. It would also explicitly prohibit behavior often referred to as cyberbullying.

Tyler Clementi, for whom the bill is named, was an 18 year-old freshman at Rutgers University in the fall of 2010. Without Clementi’s knowledge, his roommate streamed video footage on the internet of Clementi being intimate in his dorm room with another male. After his roommate attempted to stream another such interaction a few days later, Clementi ended his life.

After his death, Clementi’s parents founded the Tyler Clementi Foundation to combat bullying and harassment and to promote safe and inclusive environments for LGBTQ youth. Last July, Jane Clementi, Tyler’s mom, testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee and implored the Committee to include the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act in any reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.

“I believe this bill will allow institutions of higher education to take a fresh look and reexamine their policies and procedures that are and are not in place,” Jane shared in her written testimony to the committee. “In addition this legislation is your opportunity to not only keep our own young adults safe but to also have a global influence. Book knowledge is important but the wisdom of empathy and compassion is priceless. Bullying does not magically disappear when someone turns 18. We must continue to provide safe and supportive learning environments for all students in all learning environments including higher education.”

HRC applauds Senators Murray and Baldwin and Representative Pocan for their unwavering support for LGBTQ young people. We will continue to work with them and all of our champions on Capitol Hill to pass this legislation.