The big love story
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한채윤: 거룩한 혐오는 없다
지난 4월3일에 전국 17개 광역시도 기독교연합회 회장단이 모여서 ‘동성애’ 차별금지법 제정에 찬성하는 대선 후보는 지지하지 않을 것이며, 동성애를 옹호·조장하는 전국 광역시도 및 시군구 인권조례가 제정되지 않도록 대처하겠다고 결의했다. 돌이켜보면 차별금지법 제정은 2002년 말 제16대 대통령 선거 당시 노무현 대통령 후보의 공약이었다. 노무현 정부는 2003년에 바로 국가인권위원회 안에 ‘차별금지법제정추진위원회’를 꾸렸고 마침내 2007년 10월에 입법 예고를 했다.
I Am Different – Jewish Budapest: 61% Off
DifferentWho posted a photo:… – #Amazon, #Autism, #Communities, #Deals, #Different, #Discounts, #Lgbt, #Sales
Trump Finds a New Way to Terrorize Women
Not long before Trump delivered a speech to empower women, he rescinded an order that forced companies to be open about pay disparities and sexual harassment claims.
North Carolina Republicans are targeting transgender people again
The lunacy persists.
These 18 Republicans Urged Trump to Discriminate Against LGBTs
Will the president sign an executive order legalizing bias? The senators hope so.
Man robbed by Grindr date, among the items stolen: His beloved dog
Think twice the next time you meet up for a Grindr date. You may want to drop off your dog at the neighbor’s house first.
20 House Dems Tell Paul Ryan: Recuse Devin Nunes from Trump-Russia Inquiry
Twenty Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, including ranking member Rep. Eliot Engel (NY-16), have called for Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) to be recused by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) from the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into ties between Trump campaign and transition officials and Russia.
Nunes has come under fire for meeting with White House officials to view classified documents related to whether Trump or members of his team were under surveillance for Russian links. He also purportedly briefed Trump on the work of his committee, as well as relayed mischaracterized or misleading info regarding the documents to the media.
“Chairman Nunes’ recusal is critical in order to preserve the integrity and independence of the U.S. House of Representatives,” they wrote in a Tuesday letter to Ryan.
“Congress must come together in a bipartisan fashion to understand the nature of this attack and the scope of Russian ties to [President Trump’s 2016] campaign, transition team and presidential administration,” they added.
“This is about country, not party. Chairman Nunes has demonstrated his bias, and the public will no longer accept the results of this probe as legitimate under his leadership.”
The letter also quoted from Senate Republicans who have criticized Nunes:
Due to these actions and his role on the Trump transition team, Chairman Nunes has lost the faith of the public to carry out an investigation in an honest, transparent and bipartisan fashion.
Republican Senator John McCain said, “If we’re really going to get to the bottom of these things, it’s got to be done in a bipartisan fashion. And as far as I could tell, Congressman Nunes killed that.” His colleague Senator Lindsey Graham said, “If he’s not willing to tell the Democrats and Republicans on the committee who he met with and what he was told, has has lost his ability to lead,” and added, “The House is off track and probably can’t get back on track.”
This inquiry will not be credible if Nunes remains at the helm.
The only signature missing from Democrats on the committee was Rep. Ted Deutch (FL-21), for unclear reasons. He has separately called for an independent investigation into the matter, in his capacity as ranking member on the House Ethics Committee.
Ranking Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-28) of the House Intelligence Committee has also been a fierce critic of Nunes, charging that intelligence was “laundered” through him at the White House’s behest, and that Nunes was trying to control and keep information from other members of the committee.
The post 20 House Dems Tell Paul Ryan: Recuse Devin Nunes from Trump-Russia Inquiry appeared first on Towleroad.
20 House Dems Tell Paul Ryan: Recuse Devin Nunes from Trump-Russia Inquiry
A Great Big World Joins HRC’s Equality Rocks Campaign
American music duo A Great Big World has joined HRC’s Equality Rocks campaign.
After meeting while studying at New York University, Ian Axel and Chad King formed their duo in 2012. The group has toured with a number of prominent musicians, and their songs have been featured on FOX’s musical television series Glee. The group blew up when their single “Say Something” was released in 2013 featuring The Voice’s Christina Aguilera.
Their single “Hold Each Other”, released in 2015 and performed live at HRC’s National Dinner, became a coming out song for band member Chad King, changing the lyrics, “Something happens when I hold her”, to “Something happens when I hold him”. The idea was proposed by his musical partner Ian Axel, and King, who was unsure of the idea at first, eventually decided to make the lyric change. “I have to do this. This is my truth, people will respond to that,” King told 103.7 KVIL. “I know they will and I hope it inspires other people to sing about their own truth or or speak about their own.”
The Equality Rocks campaign is sparking a conversation about love, fairness and equality around the globe. To join, visit
To tune into the artists who rock for equality, including the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Florence and the Machine, Phoenix, Sara Bareilles, Tegan and Sara, Sleater-Kinney, and Animal Collective, follow HRC on Spotify now.
American music duo @agreatbigworld joined HRC’s Equality Rocks campaign! Tap twice to thank them for supporting #LGBTQ #equality. #EqualityRocks #HumanRightsCampaign #LGBT #
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