RuPaul’s Queens Dish the Fallout from This Week’s ‘Drag Race’ Princess Challenge on ‘Untucked’ – WATCH

RuPaul’s Queens Dish the Fallout from This Week’s ‘Drag Race’ Princess Challenge on ‘Untucked’ – WATCH

Being a princess is hard work.

After cheering each other through possibly the most physical challenge in Drag Race herstory, the Queens untuck and discuss the judge’s opinions of their looks and performances. The reality of who’s on top and who’s on bottom settles in because for the first time this season, someone will sashay away.

RELATED: Which Queen Made The Best Princess On ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’? Our Ranking and RECAP

Find out our rankings of this week’s queens HERE.

And watch the full episode of Untucked, below:

The post RuPaul’s Queens Dish the Fallout from This Week’s ‘Drag Race’ Princess Challenge on ‘Untucked’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

RuPaul’s Queens Dish the Fallout from This Week’s ‘Drag Race’ Princess Challenge on ‘Untucked’ – WATCH

동성애자 인권 보호에 앞장섰던 시애틀 시장이 미성년자 성매매 논란에 휩싸였다

동성애자 인권 보호에 앞장섰던 시애틀 시장이 미성년자 성매매 논란에 휩싸였다
동성애자 인권 보호에 앞장서고 있는 에드 머레이 미국 시애틀 시장이 과거 미성년자 성매매를 했다는 주장이 제…

기사 보기: 국제, 동성애, 인권, 시애틀, 에드 머레이, 미성년자 성매매, Korea News



もっと見る: 国際, ロシア, 同性愛宣伝禁止法, Lgbt, プーチン, 同性愛, Japan News

Pentatonix ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Cover Will Make You Queen Out: WATCH

Pentatonix ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Cover Will Make You Queen Out: WATCH

Pentatonix Bohemian Rhapsody

“It was either going to be massive or it was going to be nothing,” said Queen’s Roger Taylor of Freddie Mercury’s iconic masterpiece, “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

And well, it turned out to be the former. Premier a cappella group Pentatonix tackles the song that inspired a thousand covers, and delivers a quite nice one, it turns out.


The post Pentatonix ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Cover Will Make You Queen Out: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Pentatonix ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Cover Will Make You Queen Out: WATCH