Hillary Clinton: We need to “make it clear where our country stands” on LGBT issues

Hillary Clinton: We need to “make it clear where our country stands” on LGBT issues
Hillary Clinton: We need to

Hillary Clinton: “I think we have to face the fact that we may not ever be able to count on (the Donald Trump) administration to lead on LGBT issues…We need to resist, insist, persist and enlist.” She spoke at a benefit for The Center in New York.


Jeff Sessions, Chechnya, Liberal Redneck, Barry Manilow, Jake Shears, Rob Lowe, Barack Obama: HOT LINKS

Jeff Sessions, Chechnya, Liberal Redneck, Barry Manilow, Jake Shears, Rob Lowe, Barack Obama: HOT LINKS

LIBERAL REDNECK. “Nothing gets the thick syrupy blood flowing to [Trump’s] base’s freedom boner quite like a war.”

THEY STARVE YOU. THEY SHOCK YOU. More stories from inside the gay camps in Chechnya.

JEFF SESSIONS. WTF quote about the judge in Hawaii blocking Trump’s Muslim ban: “I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power.”

NO REGRETS. Jeff Sessions ain’t sorry: “I wasn’t criticizing the judge or the island,” he told CNN’s Kate Bolduan on “At This Hour.” “I think it’s a fabulous place and had a granddaughter born there.”

JUICERO. Investors disappointed to learn that high-tech juicer is basically a $400 bag squeezer.

Barack ObamaOBAMA. University of Chicago to host first public event for former president: “Obama and young leaders will hold a conversation on civic engagement and discuss community organizing at the university’s Logan Center for the Arts, his office announced Friday. Hundreds of people are expected to attend, chosen from area universities that were given tickets for distribution, said Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president. About six young people will appear on stage with him for the 11 a.m. discussion, Lewis said.”

Jake ShearsTHE FIRST TOUR. Tickets for Jake Shears solo tour go on sale.

SO OLD AND SO HOT. Ryan Phillippe responds to questioning fan.

ZAC EFRON. He’s ready to settle down: “I didn’t think much about settling down until recently. Now that I’m getting closer to my 30s, I’m around some great relationships and I’ve seen expert couples at work. I’m realizing that you have to find your own happiness before you can make somebody else happy.”

MANILOW. Barry talks about why he stayed silent about his sexual orientation for so long.

ROB LOWE. The new Colonel Sanders:

FRIDAY FLASH. Note Prompapan.

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Jeff Sessions, Chechnya, Liberal Redneck, Barry Manilow, Jake Shears, Rob Lowe, Barack Obama: HOT LINKS

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: April 21, 2017

#AM_Equality Tipsheet: April 21, 2017

“TRUMP’S ANTI-LGBT ARMY SECRETARY NOMINEE THINKS VETERANS LIKE ME HAVE ‘A DISEASE’”: This morning in The Washington Post, retired Army Col. Sheri Swokowski, a transgender woman who served her country for more than three decades, lays bare the extreme anti-LGBTQ animus of Mark Green, Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. Army, and the terrible message the president is sending to LGBTQ service members. “Leading the Army requires an appreciation for every individual, without exception, and Green wouldn’t have the confidence of the thousands of LGBT soldiers proudly and openly serving today,” Swokowski writes in a powerful oped. “Every soldier needs to know that those at the top, uniformed and civilian, have their back. But based on the way he has used anti-LGBT politics to advance his career, that’s not him.” Trump’s nomination of Green, she says, shows the president’s “true colors on LGBT issues.” She also notes that if Senators vote to confirm, they will be doing the same. Swokowski ends with a direct message to Green, a former Tennessee legislator: “Oh, and Sen. Green, I’m not diseased.” Read about Green’s record of anti-LGBTQ extremism at HRC, and Swokowski’s full piece here.

  • In radio interview, Army Sec nominee Green says his transphobia will help him “crush evil.”  In a bizarre interview, uncovered by Huffington Post’s Amanda Terkel (@ATerkel), Green claims that his anti-transgender views are intended “to create an environment where people who do right are rewarded and the people who do wrong are crushed. Evil is crushed.” More from The Huffington Post.
  • Hillary Clinton warns of LGBTQ rights rollback under Trump, cites Green nomination:  During a speech in New York at The Center, an LGBTQ community organization, she called Green an “outspoken opponent” of LGBTQ rights, and also said her “heart broke” when Trump rescinded protections for transgender students. Read more at CNN.

Hey @DrMarkGreen4TN, the only thing that’s “evil” is the disease of hate & harm you are causing to #LGBTQ people. t.co/t4h709eIHR

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) April 20, 2017

THE WORLD CANNOT IGNORE GAY MEN BEING DETAINED AND MURDERED IN CHECHNYA: In the weeks since a Russian newspaper and LGBTQ advocates in the country have reported that Chechen police have been detaining, torturing and killing gay men, HRC has been vigilant in drawing the attention of world leaders to these horrors. In advance of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent trip to Russia, HRC President Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) sent a letter to him, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and members of the White House National Security Council encouraging them, “to make clear to your Russian counterparts that such lawless detentions, arrests, torture and murders are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.” Despite a message of condemnation from the State Department, Secretary Tillerson made no public remarks on the matter. HRC is working closely with the Russian LGBT Network, which asserts that as many as 20 men may have been killed in the attacks in the Russian republic.  The Network — the primary organization leading efforts to evacuate people in danger in Chechnya — has set up a hotline to provide assistance to LGBTQ Chechens. More from HRC.

We must not ignore these human rights violations happening to gay men in #Chechnya – global leaders must act. t.co/EZ8f0UV2Q9

— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) April 20, 2017

#McHUGHEXPOSED — HRC LAUNCHES SITE DEBUNKING JUNK SCIENCE OF ANTI-LGBTQ EXTREMISTS’ FAVORITE FAKE ‘EXPERT’: Today, HRC launched #McHughExposed, a website that pulls back the curtain on the anti-LGBTQ myths and junk science being peddled by Dr. Paul McHugh. The site includes a timeline of how McHugh’s damaging essays have been used to target and attack LGBTQ people, and a new video featuring renowned LGBTQ health expert, Dr. Tonia Poteat. McHugh’s false, non-scientific assertions have been used by anti-equality activists in state legislatures and courtrooms to defend discrimination against LGBTQ people, including in an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States opposing the rights of transgender student Gavin Grimm. “Paul McHugh’s writings continue to dangerously undermine the safety, security and wellbeing of LGBTQ people, and particularly transgender youth, across the country,” said Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC Vice President for Research, Training, and Programs. Read more about how McHugh and other anti-LGBTQ activists are leveraging junk science to advance their agenda at www.McHughExposed.org

(NOT SO) FUNNY FRIDAY: Presented without comment from Charlotte Observer cartoonist Kevin Siers (@KevinSiers)… but if you need some background, find it here at HRC.

TODAY — DAY OF SILENCE TO HIGHLIGHT ANTI-LGBTQ BULLYING: Today, HRC honors Day of Silence, an annual event led by GLSEN that highlights the bullying and harassment LGBTQ youth face. LGBTQ youth experience bullying at school more frequently than their non-LGBTQ peers. In January, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the U.S. Learn more about Day of Silence here. More from HRC.

BUZZFEED CELEBRATES LGBTQ FAMILIES: The LGBTQ community is as diverse as the fabric of this nation, and BuzzFeed showed this in a recent article featuring beautiful LGBTQ families. The family stories encompass raising children as a same-sex couple, the legal battles of adoption, protecting transgender and gender nonconforming children and more. Celebrate these families (and maybe shed a few “Feel Good Friday” tears) from BuzzFeed.

GEORGIA COUNTY VOTES TO PROTECT ITS LGBTQ EMPLOYEES: The ordinance, which passed Tuesday night by a 6-3 vote, adds sexual orientation and gender identity to existing nondiscrimination protections for county employees. More from WMAZ.

CO-CHAIRS NAMED FOR LGBTQ MARCH ON WASHINGTON: The Equality March for Unity and Pride, scheduled for June 11, will be co chaired by 13 people, including HRC Foundation Board Member Ashley Smith; LGBTQ immigrants rights advocate and Casa Ruby’s Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications Catalina Velasquez; and Latino GLBT History Project President Jose L. Plaza. More from The Washington Blade.

TODAY — NATIONAL KINDERGARTEN DAY: Today marks National Kindergarten Day. Although the day recognizes Johann Friedrich Oberlin, the founder of kindergarten, it also honors our youngest explorers, scientists, artists and curious learners. To celebrate, HRC shares some ideas for teachers in engaging young children in conversations about diversity with Welcoming Schools books and lessons. More from HRC.


Vogue interviews transgender model Stav Strashko about her story and the importance of trans visibility in the fashion industry; Quartz looks at the history of laws affecting Iran’s transgender community;

Have news? Send us your news and tips at AMEquality@hrc.org. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Nigeria: 53 Charged for ‘Same-Sex Marriage ‘Conspiracy’

Nigeria: 53 Charged for ‘Same-Sex Marriage ‘Conspiracy’


Nigerian prosecutors have charged 53 people for allegedly witnessing a same-sex marriage, which is punishable by 10 years in prison in the socially conservative West African country. Police in the northern state of Kaduna arrested the accused on April 15, Nigeria’s Premium Times reported. A police prosecutor said that the persons “conspired to celebrate a gay

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Nigeria: 53 Charged for ‘Same-Sex Marriage ‘Conspiracy’

HRC Launches Website Debunking the Junk Science of Anti-LGBTQ Extremists’ Favorite Fake ‘Expert’

HRC Launches Website Debunking the Junk Science of Anti-LGBTQ Extremists’ Favorite Fake ‘Expert’

Today, the HRC Foundation launched McHugh Exposed, a website that pulls back the curtain on the anti-LGBTQ myths and junk science being peddled by Dr. Paul McHugh, the go-to ‘expert’ for anti-equality extremists. The resource includes a detailed timeline of how McHugh’s hateful and damaging essays have been used to target and attack LGBTQ people and a new video featuring renowned LGBTQ health expert, Dr. Tonia Poteat. It can be found at www.McHughExposed.org.

McHugh’s false, non-scientific assertions have been used by anti-equality activists in state legislatures and courtrooms to defend discrimination against LGBTQ people. Recently, McHugh’s opinions were featured in an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States opposing the rights of transgender students like Gavin Grimm, a Virginia teenager who filed suit against his school board alleging it violated Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 by denying him use of the boy’s restroom. The case was recently sent back to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals for a new hearing.

Additionally, anti-equality activists continue to reference McHugh’s specious claims in Congressional hearings and legislative debates — even making their way into the media.

“Paul McHugh’s writings continue to dangerously undermine the safety, security and wellbeing of LGBTQ people, and particularly transgender youth, across the country,” said Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC Vice President for Research, Training, and Programs. “McHugh’s junk science is still being referenced in legislative and legal battles despite the fact that Paul McHugh has no academic expertise in either gender or sexual orientation, and actively avoids publishing any of his anti-LGBTQ pieces in peer-reviewed journals. Policy makers, informed citizens and parents deserve to know that this is junk science and personal opinion – not at all in the mainstream of current medical and academic research and not endorsed by Johns Hopkins regardless of how McHugh uses his title to suggest credibility or expertise.”

The extensive new website includes a video that features acclaimed LGBTQ health expert Dr. Tonia Poteat, who debunks key myths about gender identity and sexual orientation, explains the central role of peer review in the scientific process, and outlines McHugh’s failure to engage in this vital aspect of rigorous scientific research. McHugh’s writings have been published by religious magazines and political think tanks, not credible scientific journals, allowing him to circumvent the vital review and evaluation of the broader scientific community. McHughExposed.org highlights how LGBTQ health experts and other scientists have pushed back against these tactics, making clear that McHugh ignores broad scientific consensus on a range of issues.

In August of 2016, McHugh and biostatistician Lawrence Mayer published a 116-page “special report” on gender and sexual orientation in The New Atlantis, a conservative bioethics magazine. The report made a number of claims that have long been rejected by gender and sexuality researchers. While the report’s falsehoods attack the entire LGBTQ community, McHugh’s history reflects particular animus toward transgender people, including collaborating with an organization designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and penning opinion articles mocking people who transition as “caricatures,” “counterfeits,” “impersonators,” “confused” and “mad.”

The personal ideology McHugh is pushing runs contrary to the overwhelming medical consensus endorsed by leading medical organizations including the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. In March, researchers at Vanderbilt University released a joint letter with nearly 600 LGBTQ health experts, scholars, and medical providers denouncing McHugh’s positions. HRC recently deducted 25 points from Johns Hopkins Hospital, the healthcare facility associated with McHugh’s home institution, Johns Hopkins University, for its failure to make clear that the hospital disagrees with McHugh’s hateful work and to explicitly affirm Hopkin’s commitment to abide by the medical consensus and established standards of care when it comes to the treatment of transgender patients.

To learn about Paul McHugh and anti-LGBTQ junk science, visit www.McHughExposed.org.


FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page

FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page

A partially-corroborated dossier on Trump regarding Russian intelligence operations surrounding his candidacy and campaign also led to a wiretap authorization for one of his aides, Carter Page, to investigate his ties to Russian agents, according to American officials briefed on the investigation.

The warrant was issued to the FBI last summer by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge due to probable cause that Page was working as an agent of a foreign power, namely Russia. The dossier made headlines earlier this year for some of its more salacious details pertaining to compromising information Russia is alleged to have gathered on Trump:

The dossier is a collection of memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative working for political opponents of Trump. The memos purport to describe efforts by Russian intelligence to gather compromising information on Trump. CNN reported earlier this year that both President Obama and then-President Elect Trump were briefed on the dossier’s existence in part to ensure that Trump understood what was being circulating among intelligence agencies investigating the dossier, and also to emphasize that Russia sought to compile information damaging to Republicans and Democrats. US investigators say they have corroborated some aspects of the allegations, particularly the conversations between foreign nationals that took place as described in the reports.

Page has stated he will file a lawsuit asserting that he had been improperly surveilled, although the warrant had been obtained through proper channels. He has also laughably compared himself to Martin Luther King, Jr. as an unjust target for surveillance. While claiming that the FBI acted out of political motivation, he hasn’t explained why he in particular would be singled out among several Trump campaign officials, or referenced how he had identified as a contact for a Russian undercover agent as early as 2013. He claimed in that case that he had been unaware of the spy’s true nature.

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FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page