“동성애는 하늘의 뜻에 반하기 때문에 법적으로 금지가 아니고 엄벌을 해야 한다”, 홍준표

“동성애는 하늘의 뜻에 반하기 때문에 법적으로 금지가 아니고 엄벌을 해야 한다”, 홍준표
자유한국당 홍준표 대선후보가 오늘 충남 서산 동부시장에서 있었던 거점유세를 마친 후 기자들과의 간담에서 …

기사 보기: 홍준표, 2017대선, 자유한국당, 동성애, 성소수자, 정치, 사회, Korea News


Caitlyn Jenner Tells Don Lemon She Still Believes in Trump, May Run For Public Office: VIDEO

Caitlyn Jenner Tells Don Lemon She Still Believes in Trump, May Run For Public Office: VIDEO

Don Lemon Caitlyn Jenner

Still shilling her new book to anyone who’ll listen, Caitlyn Jenner has said she doesn’t regret her decision to vote for Donald Trump despite his record on LGBT rights.

During the election campaign, Jenner first supported Ted Cruz, blasted Hillary Clinton as a “f**king liar”, and pulled a bathroom stunt at Trump Tower in an attempt to show how LGBT-inclusive Trump really is.

Last week, she said she no longer supports Trump. Except she does. Today.

In a CNN interview with Don Lemon on Tuesday, Jenner said:

“As far as LGBT issues, yes, he’s made some mistakes. I don’t support him in everything that he does. But we needed to shake the system up.”

She added that she still believes Trump is the man “we need to turn this country around,” for better or worse.

“To, you know, to have career politicians constantly, the Clintons, the Bushes, run this country,” she said, “we need to get outside that box and shake things up again.”


She added that she felt obligated to broach the topic of being transgender in her new memoir to educate the public.

“I was no more a woman the day before I had the surgery than I was the day after I had the surgery. It’s just the public’s perception is, they think that’s what it’s all about, but it’s not about that. It’s about my soul,” she said.

“My loyalties are with my community and I want to make it better.”

Jenner also warned that she has not entirely ruled out the notion of running for public office.

Watch the interview below.


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Caitlyn Jenner Tells Don Lemon She Still Believes in Trump, May Run For Public Office: VIDEO

이태경: '동성애 논란'에서 참여정부의 몰락을 보다

이태경: '동성애 논란'에서 참여정부의 몰락을 보다
참여정부의 역사는 지지자들의 이탈의 역사이기도 했다. 참여정부의 지지자들은 대북송금특검을 노무현이 받았다고 이탈하고, 이라크에 재건부대 파병한다고 지지 철회하고, 버블세븐 아파트값 오른다고 등 돌리고, 대연정 제안했다고 지지 철회하고, 한미FTA체결한다고 참여정부에 대한 정치적 반대자로 변신했다. 물론 참여정부에 대한 지지를 철회한 사람들은 각자가 가장 소중하게 여기는 가치가 배반당했다고 여겨 참여정부에 등을 돌린 것이었다. 그러고 나니 노무현 주변엔 지지자가 한줌밖에 남지 않았다.

기사 보기: 동성애, 문재인, 이태경, 참여정부, 노무현, 사회, 정치, 대선, 대통령, 선거, Korea News
