HRC Launches Website Debunking the Junk Science of Anti-LGBTQ Extremists’ Favorite Fake ‘Expert’

HRC Launches Website Debunking the Junk Science of Anti-LGBTQ Extremists’ Favorite Fake ‘Expert’

Today, the HRC Foundation launched McHugh Exposed, a website that pulls back the curtain on the anti-LGBTQ myths and junk science being peddled by Dr. Paul McHugh, the go-to ‘expert’ for anti-equality extremists. The resource includes a detailed timeline of how McHugh’s hateful and damaging essays have been used to target and attack LGBTQ people and a new video featuring renowned LGBTQ health expert, Dr. Tonia Poteat. It can be found at

McHugh’s false, non-scientific assertions have been used by anti-equality activists in state legislatures and courtrooms to defend discrimination against LGBTQ people. Recently, McHugh’s opinions were featured in an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States opposing the rights of transgender students like Gavin Grimm, a Virginia teenager who filed suit against his school board alleging it violated Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 by denying him use of the boy’s restroom. The case was recently sent back to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals for a new hearing.

Additionally, anti-equality activists continue to reference McHugh’s specious claims in Congressional hearings and legislative debates — even making their way into the media.

“Paul McHugh’s writings continue to dangerously undermine the safety, security and wellbeing of LGBTQ people, and particularly transgender youth, across the country,” said Mary Beth Maxwell, HRC Vice President for Research, Training, and Programs. “McHugh’s junk science is still being referenced in legislative and legal battles despite the fact that Paul McHugh has no academic expertise in either gender or sexual orientation, and actively avoids publishing any of his anti-LGBTQ pieces in peer-reviewed journals. Policy makers, informed citizens and parents deserve to know that this is junk science and personal opinion – not at all in the mainstream of current medical and academic research and not endorsed by Johns Hopkins regardless of how McHugh uses his title to suggest credibility or expertise.”

The extensive new website includes a video that features acclaimed LGBTQ health expert Dr. Tonia Poteat, who debunks key myths about gender identity and sexual orientation, explains the central role of peer review in the scientific process, and outlines McHugh’s failure to engage in this vital aspect of rigorous scientific research. McHugh’s writings have been published by religious magazines and political think tanks, not credible scientific journals, allowing him to circumvent the vital review and evaluation of the broader scientific community. highlights how LGBTQ health experts and other scientists have pushed back against these tactics, making clear that McHugh ignores broad scientific consensus on a range of issues.

In August of 2016, McHugh and biostatistician Lawrence Mayer published a 116-page “special report” on gender and sexual orientation in The New Atlantis, a conservative bioethics magazine. The report made a number of claims that have long been rejected by gender and sexuality researchers. While the report’s falsehoods attack the entire LGBTQ community, McHugh’s history reflects particular animus toward transgender people, including collaborating with an organization designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and penning opinion articles mocking people who transition as “caricatures,” “counterfeits,” “impersonators,” “confused” and “mad.”

The personal ideology McHugh is pushing runs contrary to the overwhelming medical consensus endorsed by leading medical organizations including the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. In March, researchers at Vanderbilt University released a joint letter with nearly 600 LGBTQ health experts, scholars, and medical providers denouncing McHugh’s positions. HRC recently deducted 25 points from Johns Hopkins Hospital, the healthcare facility associated with McHugh’s home institution, Johns Hopkins University, for its failure to make clear that the hospital disagrees with McHugh’s hateful work and to explicitly affirm Hopkin’s commitment to abide by the medical consensus and established standards of care when it comes to the treatment of transgender patients.

To learn about Paul McHugh and anti-LGBTQ junk science, visit

FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page

FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page

A partially-corroborated dossier on Trump regarding Russian intelligence operations surrounding his candidacy and campaign also led to a wiretap authorization for one of his aides, Carter Page, to investigate his ties to Russian agents, according to American officials briefed on the investigation.

The warrant was issued to the FBI last summer by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge due to probable cause that Page was working as an agent of a foreign power, namely Russia. The dossier made headlines earlier this year for some of its more salacious details pertaining to compromising information Russia is alleged to have gathered on Trump:

The dossier is a collection of memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative working for political opponents of Trump. The memos purport to describe efforts by Russian intelligence to gather compromising information on Trump. CNN reported earlier this year that both President Obama and then-President Elect Trump were briefed on the dossier’s existence in part to ensure that Trump understood what was being circulating among intelligence agencies investigating the dossier, and also to emphasize that Russia sought to compile information damaging to Republicans and Democrats. US investigators say they have corroborated some aspects of the allegations, particularly the conversations between foreign nationals that took place as described in the reports.

Page has stated he will file a lawsuit asserting that he had been improperly surveilled, although the warrant had been obtained through proper channels. He has also laughably compared himself to Martin Luther King, Jr. as an unjust target for surveillance. While claiming that the FBI acted out of political motivation, he hasn’t explained why he in particular would be singled out among several Trump campaign officials, or referenced how he had identified as a contact for a Russian undercover agent as early as 2013. He claimed in that case that he had been unaware of the spy’s true nature.

The post FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page appeared first on Towleroad.

FBI Used Dossier on Trump to Get FISA Warrant on Carter Page

육군 동성애자 대위 구속에 '나도 잡아가라'는 대자보가 붙었다

육군 동성애자 대위 구속에 '나도 잡아가라'는 대자보가 붙었다
“나도 잡아가라. 나는 의무경찰이며 남자랑 연애와 섹스를 즐기는 의경 게이다.”

지난 19일 서강대 캠퍼스에 …

기사 보기: 사회, 게이, 동성애, 육군, 대자보, 서강대학교, Korea News

Engaging Our Youngest Learners on National Kindergarten Day

Engaging Our Youngest Learners on National Kindergarten Day

Post submitted by Kimmie Fink, Welcoming Schools Consultant

Friday, April 21, marks National Kindergarten Day. Although the day recognizes Johann Friedrich Oberlin, the founder of kindergarten, it also honors our youngest explorers, scientists, artists and curious learners. As we celebrate kindergarteners today, we’d like to take the opportunity to share some ideas for teachers in engaging young children in conversations about diversity with Welcoming Schools books and lessons.

The lesson “Words That Hurt, Words That Heal” helps youngsters see themselves as allies in a caring community. Using the book One, the teacher facilitates a discussion about the importance of words and actions. Budding readers can role play as hothead color red, quiet color blue, and upstanders yellow, orange, green and purple.

“A Welcoming Classroom” is a lesson designed to look at what makes students feel welcome or not, an ideal activity for kindergarteners who are new to school themselves. After reading the book The New Girl…And Me, students respond to the prompts “I feel unwelcome when…” and “I feel welcome when,” and the teacher records their answers on chart paper.

For a simple activity to address gender stereotypes with young ones, try “We Are All Human Beings.” It’s important for children to identify all the things we have in common rather than the things that separate us. The book Whoever You Are serves as a springboard for student ideas about commonalities. Each child then has the opportunity to illustrate one of these human truths.

These are just a few examples of the many lessons and books at your disposal as a teacher of young students. Don’t underestimate the value of conversations about diversity at an early age. After all, everything we need to know, we really do learn in kindergarten.

HRC’s Welcoming Schools is the nation’s premier program dedicated to creating respectful and supportive elementary schools in embracing family diversity, creating LGBTQ-inclusive schools, preventing bias-based bullying, creating gender-expansive schools, and supporting transgender and non-binary students.

성소수자 부모모임: 한국 군대는 '게이 수용소'인가

성소수자 부모모임: 한국 군대는 '게이 수용소'인가
한국에서 동성애자는 군 면제 대상이 아니다. 그래서 반드시 군대에는 가야 하지만, 만약 군대에서 다른 동성애자 병사가 아웃팅 협박에 못 이겨 자신의 이름을 자백하거나, 게이 데이팅 어플을 감시하던 군검사에게 적발된다면 감옥에 가야 한다. 사실상 한국 군대가 게이 수용소의 역할을 맡고 있는 것이다. 선진국에선 동성애자가 군 내 위협요소가 아니라는 사실이 증명된 지 오래이다. 동성애자 군인이 미 육군 장관으로 임명된 사례는 동성애자 군인에 대한 시류를 똑똑히 보여주고 있다. 이에 반해 한국의 육군참모총장은 본인의 그릇된 종교적 신념을 위해 군의 수사 인력을 동성애자 표적 수사에 투입하는 무의미한 일에 국방비를 쏟아붓고 있는 것이다.

기사 보기: 동성애, 육군, 군대, 성소수자 부모모임, 게이, 사회, 군형법, Korea News