Chris Hemsworth, Maxine Waters, Julian Assange, Italy, Charlie Hunnam, Mike Pence: HOT LINKS
WIRETAPPING. Pence won’t say if he believes Donald Trump’s claim: “What I can say is that the president and our administration are very confident that the congressional committees in the House and Senate that are examining issues surrounding the last election, the run-up to the last election, will do that in a thorough and equitable way.”
Julian Assange during a Jan. 3 interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity
LONDON. Brexit activist Nigel Farage meets with Julian Assange in London: “Buzzfeed was waiting outside the Embassy when Farage emerged. He wouldn’t say whether or not he was there to meet with Assange, though it’s a bit hard to imagine what else would bring him to the Embassy of Ecuador. “I never discuss where I go or who I see,” he told a Buzzfeed reporter. ”
MAKEOVER. Chris Hemsworth’s Thor got a haircut.
MICHAEL FLYNN. Former national security adviser lobbied for Turkish-linked firm after election: “President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn wrote an op-ed on Election Day calling for the U.S. to kick out an anti-government Turkish cleric without disclosing he was being paid by a firm linked to the Turkish government, according to documents newly filed with the Justice Department.”
MAXINE WATERS. On the Trump golden showers scandal…
Rep. Waters says “we already know” the Trump-Russian prostitute sex tape is “absolutely true.” Didn’t give evidence.
— Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) March 9, 2017
HRC IS HONORING. Katy Perry and America Ferrera for LGBTQ advocacy.
CHARM OFFENSIVE. Donald Trump cajoles with Cruz, Rubio: “The meetings come as Trump continues to lob unsupported accusations at his predecessor in the White House, Barack Obama, alienating a potential source of guidance as he’s turned his focus toward selling a legislative agenda that he’ll need every possible ally to pass. That means wooing former rivals like Cruz and Sen. Rand Paul, whom Trump has spoken to several times since taking office, including this week, said Paul’s spokesman Sergio Gor.”
HAVE SEX, OFTEN. Charlie Hunnam’s recipe for staying fit.
ARKANSAS. Bill proposed to make marriage between a man and a woman: “Twenty Representatives and one Senator introduced House Bill 2098. Representative Stephen Meeks (R-Greenbrier) is the lead sponsor of the bill. HB2098 would not recognize marriages between two people of the same sex, even if the marriage happened in a different state or country. The bill states ‘Marriage shall be only between a man and a woman. A marriage between persons of the same sex is void.’ The bill joins at least fifteen other bills designed to limit the freedoms of Arkansas’ LGBT community.”
SCOTT PRUITT. The new EPA chief is dangerous as hell.
ALABAMA. Drive-in that wouldn’t screen Beauty and the Beast also mistakenly booked a drag queen flick: That’s not in her comfort zone either.
ITALY. Court recognizes gay men as fathers to adopted children for first time: “The decision marks the first time that Italy has officially recognized an adoption in a different country by a gay couple. Florence’s Court for Minors issued the ruling on Wednesday, granting both children Italian citizenship…The decision differs from similar cases which have seen gay women allowed to adopt their partners’ biological children. And in February this year, two gay men were recognized as the legal fathers of a child born to a surrogate mother in America, the first time an Italian court ruled that a child had two fathers.”
THIRSTY THURSDAY. Naaser Al Massabi.

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Chris Hemsworth, Maxine Waters, Julian Assange, Italy, Charlie Hunnam, Mike Pence: HOT LINKS