이 퀴어 아티스트는 항문에 '미국을 다시 위대하게' 슬로건을 문신했다(사진 주의)

이 퀴어 아티스트는 항문에 '미국을 다시 위대하게' 슬로건을 문신했다(사진 주의)
퀴어 퍼포먼스 아티스트인 아벨 아즈코나가 도널드 트럼프에 대한 예술적 풍자를 다음 레벨로 진화시켰다. 트럼…

기사 보기: 문화, 예술, 아티스트, 항문, 문신, 도널드 트럼프, 이상한 뉴스, 동성애, Korea News


박수진: 트럼프의 미국에서 동양인이자 게이로 산다는 것

박수진: 트럼프의 미국에서 동양인이자 게이로 산다는 것
1. 이달 초 ‘자유주의자들이 원하는 미래’라는 제목으로 화제가 된 사진이 있다. 니캅을 쓴 무슬림 여성과 드랙퀸…

기사 보기: 문화, 남성성, 여성성, 성 역할, 성 고정관념, 허프 인터뷰, 허핑턴 인터뷰, 미국, 드랙퀸, 게이, 성소수자, 동성애, 판다 둘세, 아시안 아메리칸, 소수자, 인권, 인종차별, Korea News


Jussie Smollett ‘FUW’ is a Blistering Anti-Trump Anthem of Rage and Resistance – WATCH

Jussie Smollett ‘FUW’ is a Blistering Anti-Trump Anthem of Rage and Resistance – WATCH

Jussie Smollett FUW

Empire actor Jussie Smollett debuted “F.U.W.” (short for “f**ked up world), a new track accompanied by a searing anti-Trump video (directed by Smollett) that captures how many are feeling under this new regime.

smollettBillboard reports:

The black-and-white video features men and woman of various ethnicities and highlights injustices, from human and LGBT rights to religious and racial prejudices. A woman wears a hijab in one scene, a boy wears a hoodie in another and four women put their fists up as they stand in front of the words, “My body, my rights.”

“This song is for the oppressed. That’s why I feel like people will connect with it because it is very broad, because oppression is so broad,” he said in an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press.

In another scene, a man in a wheelchair runs over a Donald Trump mask.

“That mask is a representation of this false idea of patriotism. And that mask is a representation of this idea of white male privilege,” 34-year-old Smollett said. “It’s so much bigger than him. It’s what he represents, and it’s because of that representation, that’s why he’s the president of the United States currently.”

“It’s our opportunity to take those masks off and shatter them, so that’s what I did,” he added.


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Jussie Smollett ‘FUW’ is a Blistering Anti-Trump Anthem of Rage and Resistance – WATCH