Erratic President Duterte Backtracks on Same-Sex Marriage in Philippines

Erratic President Duterte Backtracks on Same-Sex Marriage in Philippines

philippines gay

President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines has reversed his previous campaign stance supporting the legalization of same-sex unions by blithely ruling it out for the foreseeable future.

Before Trump and his Twitter account there was Duterte, similarly known for blustering insults and trying-too-hard womanizing, shifting policies on a whim from one day to the next, and being elected last year without a majority of the popular vote. He has gotten into hot water for wolf-whistling at a woman reporter during a press conference, praising the wonders of Viagra during a formal speech, making a joke about the gang rape of an Australian missionary, and calling then-President Obama a “son of a bitch” and telling him to go to hell, presumably because he thought it made him look tough. (Ever the charmer, he also insulted the American ambassador with a homophobic slur.) Behind all of the bravado lies a draconian, ill-conceived drug war that has led to the extrajudicial killings of thousands from which even children are not safe.

Amidst this problematic public persona, to say the least, a scarce bright spot was Duterte’s previously laissez-faire attitudes towards same-sex unions:

In a pre-election forum in January last year, Mr. Duterte endeared himself to progressives and the gay community when he was asked whether he would push for legislation to allow same-sex marriages, and he replied that he would. He said there appeared to be an “error in the Bible” when it said unions must be only between men and women.

It should have stated that marriages were for “Adam, Eve and the gays,” he said, to cheers from the crowd.

That has all changed now after a speech he gave to the Filipino community in Myanmar on a visit this week:

“That is their [Western] culture,” he said . . . “That’s for them. That can’t apply to us, because we are Catholics. And there is the civil code, which states you can only marry a woman for me, and for a woman to marry a man. That’s the law in the Philippines.”

Mr. Duterte, who turns 72 next week, said he was only following what was in the books, asserting that he did not take issue with anyone’s sexuality. Two of his brothers-in-law, and some of his cousins, are gay, he said.

But he stressed: “Wherever God has placed you, stay there.” He noted that no one was empowered to “erase the great divide between a woman and a man.”

Despite this seeming embrace of Catholicism, he has previously called the church hypocritical and corrupt, while church figures have criticized his drug war policies as inhumane and even organized a peaceful protest against him earlier this year.

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Erratic President Duterte Backtracks on Same-Sex Marriage in Philippines

Trump threatens 17-year-old for creating online game where he gets attacked by kittens

Trump threatens 17-year-old for creating online game where he gets attacked by kittens

A 17-year-old girl from San Francisco says she was just slapped with a cease and desist letter from the President of the United States of America.

“As I’m sure you’re aware,” the alleged letter reads, “the Trump name is internationally known and famous.”

Her offense?

Coding a website called TrumpPunch where users can click on Donald Trump’s face and watch him get punched by kitten paws.


The girl’s name is Lucy. Her dream is to have a career in web development, so she made the site during a coding bootcamp as a “fun, little” project to put on her resume for when she applies for jobs after graduation.

To satisfy Trump and his attorneys, Lucy changed the name of the site from to, at the advice of her family’s lawyer.

“But after changing,” she tells The Observer, “they still came at me.”

“It’s so sad that his administration is focused more on being liked, burying real news and taking down sites like mine as they supposedly make him look bad.”

The Trump Organization insists the story is #fakenews.

“This is completely false,” Alan Garten, executive vice president and chief legal officer at The Trump Organization, insisted in a statement. “No such letter was ever sent by us.”

But Lucy says it’s 100% true. And the White House has yet to comment.

Before Trump drew attention to the site, it only has about 1,200 hits. Since the alleged cease and desist letter, it has received almost 55,000 hits. In fact, interest in the site was so intense that it crashed the host’s server.

The site is currently down so adjustments can be made to the cache to accommodate the sudden spike in traffic.

“It’s … outrageous that the president of the United States has his team scouring the internet for sites like mine to send out cease and desists and legal action claims if we don’t shut down,” Lucy says, adding that she has no intention to taking the site down. Ever.

Related: “Miserable” Melania refuses to share a bed with Donald, multiple sources claim

Hi Stranger, The Cranberries, Artificial Sun, James Corden, Neil Gorsuch, Twin Peaks, Hugh Jackman: HOT LINKS

Hi Stranger, The Cranberries, Artificial Sun, James Corden, Neil Gorsuch, Twin Peaks, Hugh Jackman: HOT LINKS

Neil Gorsuch hearingNEIL GORSUCH. Democrats will filibuster nomination: “As the Senate Judiciary Committee was hearing from witnesses for and against Judge Neil Gorsuch, his Supreme Court nomination was delivered a critical blow: Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced he would oppose Gorsuch and join other Democrats in filibustering the nomination, making it likely that the judge will struggle to find the support needed to clear a 60-vote procedural hurdle.”

KHALID MASOOD. Suspect in London’s terror attack identified: “The suspect in Wednesday’s London terror attack, in which four people died and dozens more were injured, is a British-born man who was once on the intelligence community’s radar — with the belief that he was inspired by “Islamic ideology,” Prime Minister Theresa May announced.”

JAMES CORDEN. Messsage to London.

FOOD. Gwyneth Paltrow has given up on the ‘pus. ” They have more neurons in their brains than we do. I had to stop eating them because I was so freaked out by it. They can escape from sea world and shit by unscrewing drains and going out to sea.”

siaIT’S HER. Sia makes rare appearance without wig.

SILENCE. Obama and Trump haven’t spoken since inauguration: “Trump and Obama — with their vastly different styles and personalities — were never likely to be friends. But the former president, perhaps hoping to preserve some influence with his surprise successor, vowed to have a cordial relationship with the 45th president when he left office.”

22TURKEY. Student arrested for insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Twitter.

BARGAINS. Bags of air from Adele’s concerts for sale on eBay.

GOING BOTH WAYS. Neil Gorsuch is doing it on gay marriage: “…don’t be fooled by Gorsuch’s claim that Obergefell is “settled law.” Even if that is true, what’s far from settled is whether LGBTQ people will be singled out among minorities as a group that religious conservatives can wall themselves off from ― getting exemptions from such rulings as Obergefell ―- rendering LGBTQ Americans second-class citizens.”

DEAD AGAIN. Another Putin critic shot in Kiev.

PARTING GIFTS. Hugh Jackman got a film of his dick at the Logan wrap party.

BECKY G. She’s proud to be playing a gay Power Ranger.

twinpeaksTWIN PEAKS. David Lynch spills some deets: “It’s a feature film in 18 parts.”

LIVERPOOL. Oldest gay club prepares to reopen: “The Curzon was among the clubs frequented by the LGBT community when venues such as Paco’s and The Bear’s Paw were the places to go for gay men and women and their pals. It was the last one standing when it closed its doors last year, seemingly to be sold off for flats – but has since been taken over by new owners who are keen to retain the Temple Lane bar’s heritage.”

GERMANY. World’s largest artifiial sun hopes to generate climate-friendly fuel.

#Synlight, die große künstliche #Sonne @DLR_de. Die Lampen sind auf einen Punkt ausgerichtet und sollen 2 cm Alumnate zum schmelzen bringen.

— BINE-Redaktion (@BINEinfo) March 23, 2017

NEW TUNE OF THE DAY. The Cranberries “Why”.

HI STRANGER. Don’t watch this while you’re high.

THIRSTY THURSDAY. NYPD sheriff Miguel Pimentel.

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Hi Stranger, The Cranberries, Artificial Sun, James Corden, Neil Gorsuch, Twin Peaks, Hugh Jackman: HOT LINKS

LIVE BLOG: HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow Testifies Against Gorsuch Nomination

LIVE BLOG: HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow Testifies Against Gorsuch Nomination

HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow is scheduled to testify today before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding Gorsuch’s nomination, and will detail the equality case against the nominee. Gorsuch has a long and troubling career opposing civil rights, including civil rights for LGBTQ people, including calling marriage equality part of the liberal social agenda, saying, “American liberals have become addicted to the courtroom… as the primary means of effecting their social agenda on everything from gay marriage to assisted suicide…” We can’t afford a Supreme Court justice who will rubber stamp Trump’s agenda. And because so many of the LGBTQ community’s hard-fought rights have been secured in the nation’s highest court, HRC opposes Judge Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court. We have no reason to believe he will be an advocate for LGBTQ Americans, and we urge senators to vote “no.” Warbelow’s written testimony, to be accepted for inclusion in the confirmation hearing, can be found here. Warbelow’s oral testimony detailing Gorsuch’s long and troubling career opposing civil rights, including for LGBTQ people, as prepared for delivery can be found here.

2:05 PM: Panel V Begins.

GLAAD to America's coaches and athletic communities: it's time to publicly reject anti-LGBTQ bills across the USA

GLAAD to America's coaches and athletic communities: it's time to publicly reject anti-LGBTQ bills across the USA

Follow the lead of North Carolina’s Roy Williams and ‘Coach K,’ says GLAAD’s Sarah Kate Ellis

NEW YORK – Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD, released the following statement after some NCAA men’s basketball coaches, including Duke University coach Mike Krzyzewski and University of North Carolina coach Roy Williams, reiterated their call for North Carolina’s political leaders to reject the failed HB2 law and the negative effects it has had on the state economy.

“Coaches in American towns are not just key leaders in their communities but they are mentors that set an example for our children. With numerous anti-LGBTQ bills popping up across this country, we need more leaders like coaches Krzyzewski and Williams who will stand up to political bullies while showing what’s the right thing to do – protecting our nation’s most vulnerable.”

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: HB2’s Harmful Impact to North Carolina Economy

Coaches Reject HB2

Duke’s Mike Krzyzewski Rejects HB2 Numerous Times. “’It would be nice if our state got as smart and also would host not just basketball tournaments but concerts and other NCAA events. But maybe we’ll get there in the next century, I don’t know. We’ll see. Look, it’s a stupid thing. That’s my political statement. If I was president or governor I’d get rid of it. And I’d back up my promises. As unusual as that might be. Anyway, I don’t want to get too political.’” [Sports Illustrated, 3.17.17], [USA Today, 7.20.16]

UNC’s Roy Williams on HB2: ‘What we have now is wrong.’ “Roy Williams isn’t shy when it comes to voicing his opinion about North Carolina’s controversial ‘bathroom bill.’ Williams already spoke about House Bill 2 in Brooklyn during the ACC Tournament and again in Greensboro at the start of the NCAA Tournament. He kept up the commentary during a press conference in Chapel Hill on Tuesday ahead of the Tar Heel’s NCAA Sweet 16 game against Butler in Memphis. ‘It shouldn’t just be about athletic events – that’s the most important thing. It should be about what’s right and wrong,’ Williams said. ‘And what we have now is wrong.’ [The News & Observer, 3.21.17]

Former North Carolina State Mark Gottfried was “Appalled” by HB2. “North Carolina State coach Mark Gottfried said he was “appalled” by the bill and is embarrassed when he goes on recruiting visits and parents ask about it. ‘I’m against any law that allows discrimination, whether that’s based on race, gender, sexual orientation,” Gottfried told USA TODAY Sports. “I don’t understand how someone can support this. I think the people at N.C. State, we believe in inclusion. Being a resident of the state, for me and my family, it’s been frustrating.’” [USA Today, 7.20.16]

Elon University’s Matt Matheny Against HB2, Said “As Coaches, We’re Leaders.” “’What I love about coaching is that I can sit down with players of different backgrounds,’ Matheny said. ‘It’s important to expose players to what’s going on outside the basketball court. It’s important that they’re aware of issues that our state and our country faces. As coaches, we’re the leaders. It’s important that we as coaches at programs — big or small — use our platform to promote a positive message.’” [USA Today, 7.20.16]

HB2 Impact on Economy

HB2 Cost North Carolina $5 Billion a Year in Revenue. “North Carolina’s controversial House Bill 2 could cost the state almost $5 billion a year, according to a report Wednesday from the Williams Institute, a UCLA School of Law think tank that focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy. Most of the economic hit would come from the loss of federal funding, since the U.S. government has said HB2 is a violation of the U.S. Civil Rights Act and Title IX. The report, however, also took into account the loss of business investment, reduced travel and tourism, the costs of litigation and enforcement, as well as costs associated with high school dropouts, workplace discrimination, health disparities, productivity loss, retention and recruitment.” [Charlotte Observer, 5.11.16]

HEADLINE: “NCAA Will Pull More Events From North Carolina Unless HB2 Is Repealed, Sports Group Warns” [Huffington Post, 2.6.17]

HB2 Cost North Carolina’s Economy $630 Million. “The fate of North Carolina’s controversial HB2 hangs in the balance of Tuesday’s election. The ‘Bathroom Bill’ is the colloquial, if crude, name for the state’s law that has cost the state at least $630 million in lost business since March, according to FORBES’ estimates. And that number could go even higher.” [Forbes, 11.3.16]

HEADLINE: “PayPal cancels $3.6 million North Carolina expansion over state’s anti-LGBT law” [New York Daily News, 4.5.16]

Bruce Springsteen Cancels Concert Because of HB2. “Canceled Bruce Springsteen concert to cost North Carolina arena $100K in lost revenue” [MassLive, 4.8.16]



March 23, 2017

“Family values” senator ensnared in underage gay prostitution scandal resigns

“Family values” senator ensnared in underage gay prostitution scandal resigns

It sucks to be Oklahoma state Senator Ralph Shortey right now.

In a short, singe-page, one paragraph letter submitted to the Governor Mary Fallin yesterday afternoon, the “family values” Republican said he resigning effective immediately, saying he recognizes the need for the Senator to carry on its business “without distraction.”

The “distraction,” of course, is the fact that Shortey was discovered hooking up in a Super 8 motel room with a 16-year-old boy who he had offered cash for “sexual stuff.” Police were first tipped off by concerned relatives of the boy.

35-year-old Shortley, a married father of three, has since been charged with engaging in child prostitution, engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church, and transporting a minor for prostitution. He faces a maximum of 25 years in prison.

After handing in his resignation letter, Shortey gave the following statement to the media:

Earlier today, I submitted my resignation, effective immediately, to the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma Senate, as well as to Gov. Mary Fallin. I thank the constituents of Senate District 44 for the opportunity they provided to serve. Because I take that responsibility seriously, I recognize that the charges against me are a distraction to their interests and the remaining legislative session, which should serve all Oklahomans. My resignation is evidence of my respect for public service and the duties of our elected officials. I ask respect for the privacy of my family–my wife and four daughters–as I defend myself of these charges.

Related: A Brief History Of Antigay Politicians Caught Doing Very Gay Things In Public Restrooms

Rachel Maddow Ponders Russian Lawyer’s Suspicious Plunge from 4th Floor of Apartment: WATCH

Rachel Maddow Ponders Russian Lawyer’s Suspicious Plunge from 4th Floor of Apartment: WATCH

Rachel Maddow Paul Manafort

Rachel Maddow examined yesterday’s revelations that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was being paid $10 million to influence politics, business, and media coverage in the U.S. to benefit Putin’s government. Influence was promised at the highest levels – the White House, the State Department, and Capitol Hill.

At the same time Manafort was working for Putin in Russia, a famous whistleblower case was underway in Russia, led by Sergei Magnitsky:

Magnitsky uncovered a massive fraud that implicated government officials, but was arrested in 2008 and died in prison in 2009, amid allegations he had been tortured and medical care had been withheld. Russia later put him on trial posthumously for tax evasion.

Now, days before he was to testify in two international money laundering cases (one of which had been being run by Preet Bahrara, the Manhattan U.S. attorney fired recently by Trump), the lawyer for Magnitsky was severely injured in a suspicious plunge from the fourth floor of his apartment building in Moscow.

If the timing of such an “accident” seems kind of suspicious to you, you’re not alone.


The post Rachel Maddow Ponders Russian Lawyer’s Suspicious Plunge from 4th Floor of Apartment: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Rachel Maddow Ponders Russian Lawyer’s Suspicious Plunge from 4th Floor of Apartment: WATCH