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GLAAD: Jeff Sessions’ confirmation endangers LGBTQ Americans nationwide

GLAAD: Jeff Sessions’ confirmation endangers LGBTQ Americans nationwide

Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD, the world’s LGBTQ media advocacy organization, issued the following statement after the United States Senate voted to confirm Jeff Sessions as the nation’s next Attorney General.

“As Attorney General, Jeff Sessions is tasked with leading the Justice Department and advocating on behalf of all Americans, including LGBTQ people. If his discriminatory record is any indicator, workplace and hate crimes protections could be in danger – and that is a terrifying prospect for the future of equality and acceptance in America.”

BACKGROUND: Jeff Sessions Endangers LGBTQ Americans Nationwide

Votes against LGBTQ Community

2004 & 2006: Senator Sessions voted for the Federal Marriage Amendment, a constitutional amendment that would have made marriage equality illegal.

2009: Voted against the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

2010: Voted against the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Act repeal, which effectively ended the nation’s ban against allowing LGBTQ Americans to serve in the armed forces.

2013: Voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act which bans federally funded service providers from discriminating against LGBTQ victims.

2013: Voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

2015: Sessions co-sponsored the so-called State Marriage Defense Act, a bill designed to circumvent federal protections for same-sex married couples.

2015: Sessions co-sponsored the so-called First Amendment Defense Act, which would allow opponents of marriage equality to discriminate against LGBTQ (or even supportive) customers and contractors.

Outrageous Actions against LGBTQ Americans

1996: As Alabama’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions reportedly fought to stop LGBTQ conference: As Alabama’s attorney general in 1996, Sessions attempted to stop the Southeastern Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual College Conference from meeting at the University of Alabama under a state law passed in 1992 that made it illegal for public universities to fund in any way a group that promotes “actions prohibited by the sodomy and sexual misconduct laws.”

1997: While attempting to defund the National Endowment of the Arts, Sessions echoed social conservative claims that “the National Endowment for the Arts showed explicit homosexual activities on the screen using a $31,000 grant.”

2006: Sessions claimed the Supreme Court’s ruling overturning sodomy laws “divorced morality from law.”

2009: Sessions once referred to a gay sexual orientation as having “gay tendencies.”

2010: In midst of the Prop 8 court hearings, Sessions condemned California federal judge for finding the state’s discriminatory marriage ban to be unconstitutional, claiming he “was citing his own views, emotions and feelings” rather than the law.

2010: Sessions opposed the nomination of US Supreme Court justice Elena Kagan in large part because of what he perceived as her LGBTQ support.

2010: While opposing the nomination of a DC Superior Court judge, Sessions cited (and placed on record) letters from viciously anti-LGBTQ groups like the Traditional Values Coalition, which faulted the nominee for her “radical lesbianism, anti-marriage” views.

2015: Following the historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling which granted marriage equality across the nation, Sessions implied the US Supreme Court was not allowed to find a right to marriage equality and that he might continue the fight: “…what this court did-they can’t to do, nothing in the constitution for such a result no mention of marriage in the constitution,’ says Sessions. It’s an issue that evokes a lot of passion on both sides and may not be over.”



February 8, 2017

Twitter trolls Donald Trump after he tweets about waiting anxiously for “EASY D”

Twitter trolls Donald Trump after he tweets about waiting anxiously for “EASY D”

Twitter fingers is back.

Donald Trump used his tiny hands to send a bizarre tweet from his unsecured Android phone this morning, ranting incoherently about his totally unconstitutional “not a Muslim ban” Muslim ban, then mentioning something about “EASY D”:

Big increase in traffic into our country from certain areas, while our people are far more vulnerable, as we wait for what should be EASY D!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 8, 2017

People wasted no time responding to his call for “EASY D”:

Dude, if you want easy D, you can find it on Grindr.

— Josh Barro (@jbarro) February 8, 2017

Sorry. But. I’m dying over here, y’all. #EasyD #Waiting

— Anthony M. Kreis (@AnthonyMKreis) February 8, 2017

“Tremendous news that EASY D has agreed to play the Bowling Green memorial concert! It’s going to be terrific. BIG FAN!”

— ??Elle? (@TrickOrTreackle) February 8, 2017

When you got that Easy D

— Matthew Kick (@MatthewKick) February 8, 2017

And thus was born a thousand parties at gay clubs titled #EASYD.

— Tim Newman (@tnewmstweet) February 8, 2017

Oh, but it doesn’t stop there…

can’t believe POTUS is tweeting about the gay agenda: life, liberty, & the pursuit of EASY D

— Tyler Oakley (@tyleroakley) February 8, 2017

Look me up on Grindr “Easy D” #easyd

— Beer Breath (@Beer_Breath) February 8, 2017

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning for Easy D.

— Tyler Coates (@tylercoates) February 8, 2017

when he says he’s waiting for easy D

— David Mack (@davidmackau) February 8, 2017

SPICER: I can’t do it. There’s no way to make “easy D” sound presidential.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: *smoking two cigarettes at once* Hold my beer.

— Carlos Maza (@gaywonk) February 8, 2017

We’d say this meme sums the whole situation up pretty perfectly:

Just another Wednesday in Trump’s America, right?

Related: WATCH: Kellyanne Conway finally starting to crack as CNN anchor corners her on live TV

NEW MUSIC: Jens Lekman, Missy Elliott, The Cranberries, All Tvvins

NEW MUSIC: Jens Lekman, Missy Elliott, The Cranberries, All Tvvins

Jens Lekman

This week in New Music: Swedish sad-pop star Jens Lekman (above) is on fine form on latest track “Evening Prayer,” Missy Elliott returns with “I’m Better,” The Cranberries announce a new acoustic album and Irish duo All Tvvins channel classic 80s indie rock on debut album IIVV.

Jens Lekman – “Evening Prayer”

Jens LekmanSweden’s Jens Lekman will release album number five Life Will See You Now next week.

The follow up to 2012’s (honestly, slightly lackluster) I Know What Love Isn’t, based on single “Evening Prayer” Lekman has regained some of the indie pop carefree tweeness of his earlier work.

A press release says Life Will See You Now “inverts pop’s writing norm by making songs with sad concerns sound happy and songs with a happy subject sound sad.”

Yup, that’s what he does.  See “The Opposite of Hallelujah.”

Missy Elliott – “I’m Better”

Missy ElliottWell now, there’s a turn up for the books as former queen of hip hop Missy Elliott resurfaces with “I’m Better,” a follow up to 2015’s “ETF” and 2016’s “Pep Rally.”

Is a new album on the horizon?

Don’t know.


The Cranberries Announce New Album

Putting (alleged) differences behind them and following on from 2012 album Roses, Irish rock quartet and 90s legends The Cranberries have announced a new European tour to coincide with a new “unplugged.”

No details for the album yet but it is known that it will include three new songs along with orchestral re-workings of some of their biggest hits including “Linger” and “Zombie.”

The tour also includes some dates in Mexico.

Details of all dates here.

All Tvvins – IIVV

all tvvinsIrish duo All Tvvins actually released their debut album IIVV late last year but it’s worth noting now as their enviable press seems to be leading to a modicum of mainstream success.

Conor Adams and Lar Kaye have been part of the Irish music scene, Kaye mostly being known for his work with post rock act Adebisi Shank, Adams for the less-than-successful but formidable Cast of Cheers.

With All Tvvins the duo have a plan – proper indie rock aimed at actual commercial success.

What we have here is ten songs over 37 minutes that are sparse and highly efficient. If that makes the album sound clinical, it’s really not.

In fact the overall impression is of an early U2 or a late-career The Police – in other words some classic rock with enviable production values.

Have a look at their storming recent performance on Irish music show Other Voices below.


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NEW MUSIC: Jens Lekman, Missy Elliott, The Cranberries, All Tvvins