Kellyanne Conway says it’s none of anyone’s business where absentee First Lady Melania Trump lives

Kellyanne Conway says it’s none of anyone’s business where absentee First Lady Melania Trump lives

Despite the fact that the First Lady is currently suing the Daily Mail for $150 million over an article it published last year, Kellyanne Conway went on TV last  weekend to insist Melania Trump couldn’t care less what people say or think about her.

“I so admire the fact that Melania Trump, our first lady, is so comfortable in her own skin that she doesn’t have to disprove anybody’s negative stories or even positive stories,” Kellyanne gushed to MediaBuzz on Sunday.

Related: On second thought, Melania Trump might not move to Washington, D.C. after all

When asked about reports that Melania doesn’t ever plan on moving into the White House, Kellyanne called the rumors “nonsense” and said it was none of anyone’s business.

Did you catch that, Americans? Where the First Lady of the United States resides is none of your concern, even if you’re the ones footing the daily $1 million bill for it. So shut up!

Kellyanne also showered Melania with a flood of hollow compliments, including calling her “beautiful inside and out,” “a successful entrepreneur,” “a loving and supportive wife and mother,” and “a great friend and great role model.” Then she said she would perform her role as First Lady with “dignity and class and elegance and eloquence.”

“She doesn’t call attention to herself,” Kellyanne blabbered on about the former swimsuit model, “and I think people can’t stand that.”

Related: Melania Trump has no plans to live in the White House, but she’s still going to redecorate it

Afterwards, she followed up the interview with a tweet, reaffirming everything she said on television:

@Foxnews #Mediabuzz Respect 4 @FLOTUS making best decision for her son. Brilliant, beautiful inside/out, successful in biz, supportive wife.

— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) February 12, 2017

Given Kellyanne’s track record when it comes to stating alternative facts, we think it’s probably safe to assume that the exact opposite of whatever she says is true.

We also can’t help but wonder who she pissed off, Donald or Melania, that made her dote so publicly on the absentee First Lady.

Related: Donald “Easy D” Trump absolutely hates being president, according to new White House leaks

Trump Evades Questions About Michael Flynn as Top Dems Call for His Firing

Trump Evades Questions About Michael Flynn as Top Dems Call for His Firing

Michael Flynn

National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who likely discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia in secret talks with the Russian ambassador a month before Trump took office, remains in his position, and although the story is leading news broadcasts nationwide, Donald Trump is refusing to take questions on an appointee who has engaged in potentially treasonous behavior:

For the record – I asked the President if he still has confidence in General Flynn. He sure seemed to hear the question but did not answer

— Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) February 13, 2017

Trump walks off ignoring multiple shouted questions about Flynn

— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) February 13, 2017

As Trump was leaving I shouted out, “Mr. President, does Gen. Flynn still have your confidence?” No answer.

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) February 13, 2017

If you need a quick catch-up on why the Flynn-Russia story is so important, watch this segment from Rachel Maddow.

RELATED: Rachel Maddow Explains Why The Flynn-Russia Revelations are a Really, Really Big Deal: WATCH

And in his news briefing with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Trump received questions that required no substantive answers, causing journalists – even those from FOX News channel – to suggest that the questions were all plants.

No questions about Flynn’s status even though it is leading every newscast?? Are these planted questions on the Washington side?

— Jennifer Griffin (@JenGriffinFNC) February 13, 2017

By handpicking reporters, Trump manages to get through news conference without being asked about Flynn.

— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) February 13, 2017


— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) February 13, 2017

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi today called for the firing of General Flynn.

Nancy PelosiSaid Pelosi:

“Michael Flynn’s conduct was alarming enough before his secret communications with the Russians were exposed.  Now, we have a National Security Advisor who cannot be trusted not to put Putin before America.

“The conduct of the Trump White House speaks for itself.  The reports of the Trump-Russia dossier gain credence with each passing day.  As long as Republicans refuse to compel the release of President Trump’s tax returns, they are complicit in covering up Russia’s financial, personal and political hold on the Administration.

“This Administration has exhausted its excuses.  Vladimir Putin’s grip on President Trump must be investigated, exposed and broken.   National security demands that General Flynn be fired immediately.”

USA Today adds:

The problems with Flynn are a “reflection on the president,” Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said on MSNBC. “And this is a president who is erratic, who is inexperienced, who may be very well in over his head, who starts the day generally by Tweeting things that his national security team then has to chase after and make sense out of.”

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Trump Evades Questions About Michael Flynn as Top Dems Call for His Firing

Celebrate Black History Month in the Classroom

Celebrate Black History Month in the Classroom

Post submitted by Kimmie Fink, Welcoming Schools Consultant

If you’re looking for ways to engage your students in conversations about race for Black History Month, Welcoming Schools has you covered.

During February (and all year long), elementary educators across the country can engage the nation’s youngest students in conversations about race using the Welcoming Schools approach. The resource Looking at Skin Color provides picture book suggestions to foster conversations about skin color in a positive, affirming way, as well as links to lesson plans and activities that honor difference. For example, the bilingual book All The Colors We Are/Todos los colores de nuestro piel allows students to mix paint to match their skin tone to create a display of handprints.

Children don’t come into this world colorblind, and we’re not doing them any favors by pretending they do (or that we ourselves don’t see color). Children actually begin categorizing people by race very early on. When a child asks about different skin tones they are being curious, not racist. It’s the job of teachers to give children the language necessary to talk about and appreciate difference. This, in turn, can help them to form positive racial associations for themselves and others.

Education about race should occur throughout the school year, both through planned lessons and teachable moments. Black History Month is the perfect opportunity to get students talking about race in a positive way and to celebrate the “colors of us.”

HRC’s Welcoming Schools is the nation’s premier program dedicated to creating respectful and supportive elementary schools in embracing family diversity, creating LGBTQ-inclusive schools, preventing bias-based bullying, creating gender-expansive schools, and supporting transgender and non-binary students.

The most “sexually diseased” states in the United States ranked 1-50 on one handy map

The most “sexually diseased” states in the United States ranked 1-50 on one handy map

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, which means all across the country people are going to expressing their love for one another. There will be lots of chocolates, lots of roses, and lots of hanky panky.

To help you prepare/totally kill the mood, the good folks over at have put together a handy map of the most “sexually diseased” states in the country.

Related: Not To Alarm You, But This Interactive Map Shows Per-City STD Rates

“With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, love is in the air,” the editors write. “Before the hormones make you do something stupid, take a look at this map and see how likely it is you’ll grab an STD before the day is out.”

The map looks at reported cases of gonorrhea and chlamydia per 100K residents in all 50 states then weighted the scores to see which states fared the worst.

Alaska ranked #1, followed by Louisiana at #2 and North Carolina at #3. States in the Deep South made up for seven of the top 10 when it came to sexually transmitted infections.

On the other end of the spectrum, New Hampshire came in last place, meaning it is the least sexually diseased, followed by West Virginia at #49 and Maine at #48.

Related: Dating Website For People With STDs Outs Hundreds Of Thousands Of Users

According to the CDC, STDs reached an all time high in 2016. Much of the rise is believed to be due to hookup apps Grindr and SCRUFF.

See where your state falls in the map below. And remember to play safe this VD!

Watch LIVE: Donald Trump and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Hold Joint Press Conference

Watch LIVE: Donald Trump and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Hold Joint Press Conference

Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are scheduled to hold a joint press conference on Monday at 2 pm ET.

ABC News reports:

A White House official and a senior Canadian government official said the two countries plan to launch a new task force called the United States Canada Council for the Advancement of Women Business Leaders-Female Entrepreneurs. The officials agreed to confirm the move only if they were not quoted by name because they were not authorized to make the information public.

Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter who has been an advocate for policies benefiting working women, was involved in recruiting participants and setting the agenda for the roundtable. Female executives from the United States and Canada are expected to participate.

Trudeau’s close cooperation with Trump and the first daughter could ease some worries among Canadians that the U.S. president will enact protectionist measures that could hurt the Canadian economy. It could also alleviate some fears that Trump will be as combative with Trudeau as he has been with the leaders of Mexico and Australia.

The two met for the first time at the White House this morning.

Pres. Trump greets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the White House

— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 13, 2017

The post Watch LIVE: Donald Trump and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Hold Joint Press Conference appeared first on Towleroad.

Watch LIVE: Donald Trump and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Hold Joint Press Conference

GLAAD set to share expertise, best practices on media advocacy in upcoming Australia trip

GLAAD set to share expertise, best practices on media advocacy in upcoming Australia trip

Screen NSW

For two weeks later this month, GLAAD will be working with entertainment media professionals and LGBTQ advocates on the ground in Australia through is Global Voices initiative. Ray Bradford, Director of Entertainment Media, and Ross Murray, Director of Programs, Global and US South, will be participating in public forums, on-stage panels, roundtable discussions, and one-on-one meetings in Melbourne and Sydney to share GLAAD’s best practices in media monitoring, creating annual industry reports, guides and stylebooks, strategies for challenging defamatory images and biased storylines, engaging with the news media, conducting media training, and strategies for accelerating acceptance for LGBTQ people.

In Melbourne, GLAAD will lead a workshop on advocacy and communications across LGBTQ issues in partnership with The Equality Project. We will also participate on a panel sponsored by The Channel to “explore challenges and opportunities, now and in the future for LGBTQIA+ Australians.” We will spend time with entertainment creators of the GLAAD-nominated Please Like Me, and the organizers of the Midsumma Festival, “Victoria’s premier queer arts and cultural Festival, for and by LGBTQIA+ communities.”

While in Sydney, GLAAD will be heavily involved with events at the Mardi Gras Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. Ray and Ross will headline a public forum, In Conversation with GLAAD: Accelerating LGBTIQ Acceptance Through the Media , at the Mardi Gras Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, hosted by Screen NSW and ACON.  Author and journalist, Benjamin Law, and comedian Jordan Raskopoulos, will join Ray and Ross in a public discussion on the power of news and entertainment media to shape attitudes and change cultures. We will meet with the organizers of the Asia Pacific Queer Film Festival Alliance to talk about the creation and promotion of LGBTQ media. We will also be working closely with the Australian LGBTI Media Centre, a new organization based on GLAAD’s work in the US. GLAAD will share best practices on tracking journalism on LGBTQ people, as well as provide newsrooms with resources on covering LGBTI people and issues while also calling out problematic and defamatory coverage.

It is a critical time for the LGBTQ movement in Australia, and the general state of the LGBTQ community in Australia mirrors that of the U.S. in many ways.  Basic nondiscrimination protections are in place, but the fight continues for marriage equality. Australia also has a formidable anti-LGBTQ industry and media empire, which shapes public opinion and challenges acceptance for LGBTQ people. While there were previously a few established organizations addressing marriage equality and legal assistance, there are now a bourgeoning variety of LGBTQ organizations addressing politics, cultural acceptance and media.

We are excited to link arms with our Australian partners on the work of LGBTQ acceptance through the media.  We expect our work in Australia will further the acceptance of LGBTQ people in that country and have a continued impact around the world. Follow along on GLAAD’s social media channels to stay connected to our work in Australia. 

February 13, 2017