Michael Flynn Urged Trump Supporters to Lock Hillary Up for Putting Nation’s Security at Risk: WATCH

Michael Flynn Urged Trump Supporters to Lock Hillary Up for Putting Nation’s Security at Risk: WATCH

Michael Flynn

At the Republican National Convention, Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who resigned last night over potentially treasonous discussions with Russia, urged Republicans to “lock her up.”

Said Flynn, in the video now being recirculated on social media.

“I have called on Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race because she, SHE, put our nation’s security at extremely high risk with her careless use of a private email server.”


General Michael Flynn at the #RNCinCLE. #FlynnResignation
LOCK HIM UP.pic.twitter.com/e38syUtsn5

— Girls Really Rule. (@girlsreallyrule) February 14, 2017

In related news, Donald Trump responded to a national security crisis with North Korea amidst a dinner party at Mar-A-Lago.

The Washington Post writes:

Trump became president, in part, because of Democrat Hillary Clinton’s neglect of information security. During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly called for Clinton to be jailed — and his crowds at rallies often chanted “Lock her up!” — for her use of a private email server to handle government business while she was secretary of state.

Now, Trump is drawing fire from Democrats for his own seemingly loose attitude toward information security. He has continued to use an insecure cellphone, according to the New York Times. He may have left a key to classified information on his desk while visitors were in the Oval Office, according to a tweet from a Democratic senator.

And now, Trump has used his bustling club in Palm Beach, Fla., as a “winter White House,” except that, unlike the actual White House, the club is full of other people.

Mar-A-Lago Trump

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Michael Flynn Urged Trump Supporters to Lock Hillary Up for Putting Nation’s Security at Risk: WATCH

#AM_Equality Tipsheet February 14, 2017

#AM_Equality Tipsheet February 14, 2017

NOT-SO-HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY — STATE BILLS ATTACK LGBTQ COUPLES AND THEIR FAMILIES: Today presents an opportunity for anti-equality state lawmakers to reflect on how the discriminatory measures they are pushing undermine loving LGBTQ couples and their families. Texas SB 6 — dishonestly titled the “Privacy Protection Act” — expressly intends to discriminate against transgender Texans. The bill would overturn non-discrimination ordinances currently providing critical protections in several major Texas cities; further, it would force state agencies, municipalities, public schools and public universities to discriminate against transgender people. In Alabama, HB 24 — deceptively called the “Child Placing Agency Inclusion Act” — is simply a thinly-veiled attempt to exclude qualified LGBTQ people from becoming parents to a child in need of a family. Tennessee’s SB 127 would promote taxpayer-funded discrimination against LGBTQ Tennesseans and their families — including allowing hospitals to deny visitation and decision-making rights to same-sex married couples. And in Virginia, HB 2025 could allow taxpayer-funded organizations including homeless shelters and adoption agencies to refuse service to same-sex couples, transgender people, and anyone suspected of having intimate relationships outside of a heterosexual marriage (such as single mothers or a cohabiting straight couple) without losing taxpayer funding, contracts, licensing, or other forms of state recognition. Read more about HRC’s efforts to stop anti-LGBTQ bills here.

  • And in better news: Kentucky House Speaker Jeff Hoover told the Lexington Herald-Leader last week that the anti-transgender HB 106 is “dead.” He said the same of HB 141, a bill similar to HB 106 that would force transgender people to use restrooms inconsistent with their gender identity in public schools. More from the Lexington Herald-Leader.
  • A coalition of musicians and actors signed a letter to the Texas Legislature calling on them to abandon anti-LGBTQ bills — such as SB6. Signers include Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Sia, Britney Spears and Juanes. Read the letter here.

LGBTQ GROUPS CALL ON TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO KEEP PROTECTIONS FOR TRANSGENDER STUDENTS: HRC, the National Center for Transgender Equality, the National Women’s Law Center and GLSEN have signed a letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Attorney General Jeff Sessions asking them to preserve Title IX guidance documents, including the guidance regarding transgender students established during the Obama Administration. The guidance documents address important issues such as sexual violence prevention and response, bullying and harassment, and the needs and rights of transgender students. The guidance documents provide practical answers to schools on issues they face every day. This news comes after the Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw a request to halt an order against the Obama administration’s protections for transgender students. This action will effectively continue to halt the protections nationwide. More from The Washington Blade.

TUESDAY TWEET: Nike has unveiled a powerful new campaign promoting equality in sports. The #EQUALITY campaign’s introductory video, featuring LeBron James (@KingJames) and Alicia Keys (@AliciaKeys), also highlights openly gay professional soccer player Megan Rapinoe (@mPinoe) and other other athletes from all walks of life. “Equality,” the video’s narrator says, “should have no boundaries… Opportunity should not discriminate.” More from Nike.

If we can be equals in sport, we can be equals everywhere. #EQUALITY pic.twitter.com/ki5NaJN12d

— Nike (@Nike) February 12, 2017

ON THIS DAY — ELLEN PAGE CAME OUT AT HRC’S TIME TO THRIVE: Academy Award-nominee Ellen Page (@EllenPage) came out three years ago today at HRC’s first annual Time to THRIVE conference. Since then, she has frequently discussed the positive effect coming out has had on her life, emotionally sharing her journey toward love and acceptance with Seth Meyers and Ellen DeGeneres, on the cover of American Way Magazine, and on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. “And for me, honestly, being a closeted person hurt my career way more because I was sad. I was uninspired,” Page told Ellen DeGeneres. “And now I feel more excited about life and a sense of happiness that I’ve probably never felt.” Watch her coming out here.

HALLMARK FEATURES SAME-SEX COUPLE IN VALENTINE’S DAY AD: For the third year in a row, Hallmark has featured a same-sex couple in its Valentine’s Day commercial. The ad includes footage of a viral video of Spencer Stout and Dustin Reeser’s engagement following a flash mob in a Home Depot. More from Teen Vogue.

BUSINESSES STAND FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE WHEN GOVERNMENT WON’T: When state and federal lawmakers fail to step up and protect LGBTQ Americans, the private sector can play a huge role by enacting policies to protect LGBTQ employees, and putting pressure on legislators to pass good laws, says Movement Advancement Project Executive director Ineke Mushovic (@inekemushovic) for Fast Company. HRC’s most recent Corporate Equality Index found that 82 percent of Fortune 500 companies protect their employees on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity — even those headquartered in states with few legal protections for LGBTQ people. More from Fast Company.

CHARLES BLOW ON THE POWER OF DISRUPTION: Openly bisexual New York Times columnist Charles Blow (@CharlesMBlow) writes about the power of resistance and what acts of resistance mean in the time of Trump. He writes, “When LGBT people fought back at The Stonewall Inn, they were being disruptive. When Act Up flooded Times Square, they were being disruptive.” Read the full piece from The New York Times.

TRANSGENDER ATHLETE OPENS UP ABOUT HB2: Transgender competitive sailor Connie Berchem writes for the Asheville Citizen-Times about a recent competition where competitors made fun of the state because of its discriminatory HB2 law, not knowing that she is a transgender woman. Read the full piece from the Citizen-Times.


Wisconsin Gazette reports on what is believed to be the first transgender doll, based on youth advocate Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__)… People sits down with transgender star Gigi Gorgeous (@TheGigiGorgeous) to talk about her journey to realizing that she is a lesbianBuzzFeed shares a photo series featuring transgender and gender-nonconforming people across the Unites States…


Have news? Send us your news and tips at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to #AM_Equality and follow @HRC for all the latest news. Thanks for reading!


Michael Flynn Resigns, Says He Gave Pence ‘Incomplete Information’ on Russian Phone Calls

Michael Flynn Resigns, Says He Gave Pence ‘Incomplete Information’ on Russian Phone Calls

Michael Flynn

General Michael Flynn resigned as National Security Advisor last night, saying he “inadvertently briefed” Vice President Mike Pence “with incomplete information” regarding phone calls he had with the Russian Ambassador.

Those calls, held before Trump was sworn in, included discussions about sanctions put in place by the Obama administration as punishment for interference in November’s elections according to those who had seen a transcript of a wiretap.

The NYT reports:

Officials said Mr. Pence had told others in the White House that he believed Mr. Flynn lied to him by saying he had not discussed the topic of sanctions on a call with the Russian ambassador in late December. Even the mere discussion of policy — and the apparent attempt to assuage the concerns of an American adversary before Mr. Trump took office — represented a remarkable breach of protocol.

The F.B.I. had been examining Mr. Flynn’s phone calls as he came under growing questions about his interactions with Russian officials and his management of the National Security Council. The blackmail risk envisioned by the Justice Department would have stemmed directly from Mr. Flynn’s attempt to cover his tracks with his bosses. The Russians knew what had been said on the call; thus, if they wanted Mr. Flynn to do something, they could have threatened to expose the lie if he refused.

RELATED: Rachel Maddow Explains Why The Flynn-Russia Revelations are a Really, Really Big Deal: WATCH

Wrote Flynn in his resignation letter, which the White House released:

In the course of my duties as the incoming National Security Advisor, I held numerous phone calls with foreign counterparts, ministers, and ambassadors. These calls were to facilitate a smooth transition and begin to build the necessary relationships between the President, his advisors and foreign leaders. Such calls are standard practice in any transition of this magnitude.

Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology.

Throughout my over thirty three years of honorable military service, and my tenure as the National Security Advisor, I have always performed my duties with the utmost of integrity and honesty to those I have served, to include the President of the United States.

I am tendering my resignation, honored to have served our nation and the American people in such a distinguished way.

I am also extremely honored to have served President Trump, who in just three weeks, has reoriented American foreign policy in fundamental ways to restore America’s leadership position in the world.

As I step away once again from serving my nation in this current capacity, I wish to thank President Trump for his personal loyalty, the friendship of those who I worked with throughout the hard fought campaign, the challenging period of transition, and during the early days of his presidency.

I know with the strong leadership of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the superb team they are assembling, this team will go down in history as one of the greatest presidencies in U.S. history, and I firmly believe the American people will be well served as they all work together to help Make America Great Again.

RELATED: Trump Evades Questions About Michael Flynn as Top Dems Call for His Firing

The White House said Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr. was replacing Flynn as Acting National Security Advisor

President Donald J. Trump has named Lt. General Joseph Keith Kellogg, Jr. (Ret) as Acting National Security Advisor following the resignation of Lt. General Michael Flynn (Ret).  General Kellogg is a decorated veteran of the United States Army, having served from 1967 to 2003, including two tours during the Vietnam War, where he earned the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with “V” device, and the Air Medal with “V” device.  He served as the Commander of the 82nd Airborne Division from 1997 to 1998.  Prior to his retirement, General Kellogg was Director of the Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Directorate under the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The post Michael Flynn Resigns, Says He Gave Pence ‘Incomplete Information’ on Russian Phone Calls appeared first on Towleroad.

Michael Flynn Resigns, Says He Gave Pence ‘Incomplete Information’ on Russian Phone Calls

Lesbisches Elternpaar bringt AfD-Politikerin von Storch in Rage

Lesbisches Elternpaar bringt AfD-Politikerin von Storch in Rage
Regenbogenfamilien mit homosexuellen Elternpaaren gehören mittlerweile zum in AlltagDamit gehören sie auch zur werberelevanten GruppeDas will AfD-Po…

Weiterlesen: Gay, Homosexualität, Familie, Afd, Beatrix Von Storch, Deutschland, Nachrichten, Politik, Germany News


ღ San Valentine 14 February 2017!!!! ღ

ღ San Valentine 14 February 2017!!!! ღ

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ღ San Valentine 14 February 2017!!!! ღ

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2017 02 14

Hell♥’ L♥vers!!! Many kisses from in this day!!! Im so in L♥ve with my Life in this Time!!!! Lovely Hugs for AllYou!!!! today is a very sunny day! What are you doing to do today? What do you think about my shot?? Thanks for yours cute comments on my photos, I l♥ve you So Much!!!! Kisses!!!! If you like this photo leave a (cute 🙂 comment!!!! :* ♥♥♥


National security adviser Michael Flynn resigns over contacts with Russia

National security adviser Michael Flynn resigns over contacts with Russia

Michael Flynn resigned late Monday as President Trump’s national security advisor after it became clear Flynn lied about his conversations with a Russian diplomat.

Just hours earlier, senior Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway went on MSNBC and said the President had “full confidence” in Flynn, which was then quickly contradicted by White House press secretary Sean Spicer, who told reporters that Trump was “evaluating the situation.”

JUST IN: Gen. Flynn “does enjoy the full confidence of” Pres. Trump, Kellyanne Conway tells @MSNBC. t.co/Wdk532l0Ai

— NBC Nightly News (@NBCNightlyNews) February 13, 2017

The confusion came after days of speculation over whether Flynn had discussed sanctions implemented by President Obama with the Russian ambassador in December, then lied about it to Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

In their Christmas week conversation, Flynn reportedly urged the ambassador to convince the Russian government not to retaliate against expected sanctions from President Obama, assuring him that whatever the Obama administration did could be easily undone.

Just days before Trump’s inauguration, Vice President-elect Pence denied that Flynn and the ambassador had talked about sanctions. Pence said that he’d personally discussed the conversation with Flynn, who told him that the talk was more of a casual chat involving Christmas wishes.

“They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States’ decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia,” Pence said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

Flynn, a retired general, still hasn’t explicitly admitted he lied to Pence. In his resignation letter, he says he mistakenly briefed Pence and top White House officials with “incomplete information.”

Right. So he remembered saying “Merry Christmas” but not the part about highly sensitive matters of national security.

After serving as national security advisor for less than one month, Flynn is both the latest embarrassment for the young administration and another worrying tie between Trump and Russia.

It remains unknown if Flynn was acting on the instruction of then-President-elect Trump or another administration official in his dealings with the ambassador.

Late last month, acting attorney general Sally Yates informed the White House she believed Flynn was vulnerable to Russian blackmail. Days later, Yates clashed with the President by refusing to implement his immigration ban, and was swiftly fired.
