The Artist Who Drew Trump Beheading Lady Liberty is a Cuban Refugee

The Artist Who Drew Trump Beheading Lady Liberty is a Cuban Refugee

Credit: Courtesy of Edel Rodriguez

Credit: Courtesy of Edel Rodriguez

“It’s pretty hilarious that in 2017, a drawing is making the world go nuts.”

That’s what artist Edel Rodriguez says about his cover for Der Spiegel magazine that broke the internet last week.

But to be fair, it’s not just any drawing. It’s a cartoon of President Donald Trump, standing in the pose of a Jihadist warrior. In one hand, he holds the severed head of the Statue of Liberty, which is dripping blood onto the floor. In the other hand, he grasps a bloodstained knife. Der Spiegel’s online version even has an animated version of the image, with the blood dripping from Lady Liberty’s head.

Edel Rodriguez's cover for Der Spiegel magazine on Feb. 4 sparked worldwide controversy. Credit: Courtesy of Edel Rodriguez

Edel Rodriguez’s cover for Der Spiegel magazine on Feb. 4 sparked worldwide controversy. Credit: Courtesy of Edel Rodriguez

The image sparked fierce debate online and in the press. Germany’s Die Welt daily said the cover “damages” and “devalues” journalism. Another paper, the center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, wrote that equating Trump and terrorism is too simple.

The artist, Edel Rodriguez, disagrees: “I don’t think you can be subtle about what’s happening right now,” he said. “ I think we were subtle […] during the primary. And because of that, because the media treated it as sort of a show and wasn’t very serious about it, we have the president that we have right now.”

Rodriguez started doing Trump covers last year.  When it looked like the Trump campaign was in a tailspin, Rodriguez drew covers for TIME magazine that showed Trump’s head melting into a puddle, like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Edel Rodriguez's

Edel Rodriguez’s “Meltdown” illustration of Donald Trump for Time’s cover is shown here. Credit: Time magazine

After Trump won the election, he drew a cover for Der Speigel featuring Trump’s head as a fiery sun hurtling towards planet earth.

This is Der Spiegel's cover artwork for an issue themed around

This is Der Spiegel’s cover artwork for an issue themed around “The End of the World,” which came out on Nov. 12, 2016. Credit: Courtesy of Edel Rodriguez

Rodriguez is already brainstorming for his next cover: “I can have Trump sitting on the Statue of Liberty’s head like [Auguste Rodin’s] The Thinker. And all that’s in his mind is a Twitter bird!”

Or in case the president does a 180 on his political views, Rodriguez says, “maybe he’s on the statue and he’s sewing the head back on and we’re all good again. … Or if he gets impeached, I have an image for that.”

But he’s not giving spoilers on that one.

Rodriguez compares Trump to a schoolyard bully. And, he says, just like with any bully, people have to fight back.

“When I was a kid I would go outside and get in trouble with someone,” he says. “They might punch me, and I’d come home crying, and my dad would say, just go out there and punch them harder next time. That’s how I grew up.”

Rodriguez spent his childhood in Havana, Cuba. He came to the United States as a refugee when he was 9 years old, on the Mariel boatlift in 1980.

Rodriguez says his experience as a political refugee informs his reaction to Trump: “Growing up in Cuba, I saw firsthand how people behave in a dictatorship. How they’re afraid to talk. So when I’ve been here [in the US], and I’ve seen people do that, it jogs my mind.”

Rodriguez says he started making political art to warn people, saying, “Hey, this is very serious! this is very important! Pay attention, pay attention, please pay attention. Part of it is that I’ve been there and I’ve seen what could happen.”

This article first appeared on PRI The World.

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The Artist Who Drew Trump Beheading Lady Liberty is a Cuban Refugee

HRC Statement on Passage of Non-Discrimination Ordinance in Jacksonville, Florida

HRC Statement on Passage of Non-Discrimination Ordinance in Jacksonville, Florida

Today, HRC released the following statement following a vote of 12 to 6 by the Jacksonville City Council partially updating the city’s non-discrimination ordinance to include sexual orientation and gender identity. While expanding parts of the ordinance to include protections for LGBTQ people, the measure stops short of providing LGBTQ people the same protections it does other protected classes.  

Tonight’s vote follows years of work by HRC and our state and local partners to secure crucial non-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in Jacksonville,” said HRC National Field Director Marty Rouse. “Unfortunately, this new ordinance misses the mark by singling out LGBTQ people for fewer protections than any other protected group. Progress shouldn’t come at the sacrifice of full and equal protections under the law.”

HRC believes strongly that LGBTQ people in Jacksonville deserve equal protection under the law. However, troubling provisions in the ordinance passed today treat LGBTQ people differently by creating new exemptions that are much broader than those that currently exist for other people protected by the ordinance. The new ordinance grants broad and troubling exemptions for religious organizations from the non-discrimination protections — only for LGBTQ people and not other protected classes. This language guts protections for LGBTQ people when they experience discrimination by religious organizations such as hospitals and emergency shelters.

Freedom of religion is already firmly protected by the First Amendment. Constitutional protections already allow a religious organization to ensure that activities of faith are carried out by, and provided exclusively to, members of their faith. However, prior to today’s update, Jacksonville law also said that when an organization employs people for non-religious purposes or opens its services up to the general public, the organization is forbidden from excluding or discriminating against people who had different religious views. HRC believes this is the same balance that should have been struck in extending the existing protections of the city code to LGBTQ people, who fundamentally deserve equal protection of the law.

Trump’s press secretary called Canada’s Prime Minister “Joe Trudeau,” and Twitter’s off to the races

Trump’s press secretary called Canada’s Prime Minister “Joe Trudeau,” and Twitter’s off to the races

Press secretary and enemy of enunciation Sean Spicer (artist rendering above) had a lot on his plate during a Tuesday press conference, what with leaks and scandals plaguing his boss’ administration.

And while the majority of the conference was dominated by the Michael Flynn debacle, Spicer did find a moment to discuss Trump’s Monday meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Trudeau.

Mr. Joe Trudeau, that is.

Related: Kellyanne’s latest humiliating interview will almost make you feel bad for her. Almost.

“Yesterday the president set — had an incredibly productive set of meetings and discussions with Prime Minster Joe Trudeau of Canada,” he said, “focusing on our shared commitment to close co-operation in addressing both the challenges facing our two countries and the problems throughout the world. Our countries share a profound economic interest, with more than $2 billion in two-way trade flowing across our border every day.”

We’re sure the actual Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, was happy to hear he made such a good impression.

Naturally, Twitter is having a field day:

For all the Canadians wondering who Joe Trudeau is, he’s Justin Trudeau’s evil twin. Goatee and all. #JoeTrudeau

— ????? (@MrRasimMusic) February 14, 2017

#JoeTrudeau was the sole survivor of the Bowling Green Massacre who went on to become the Prime Minister of Columbia.

— (((Easy D Blake))) (@abradacabla) February 14, 2017

Joe Trudeau is an example of someone who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more. @PressSec #joetrudeau #sorrycanada

— Emily Spencer (@emilyspency) February 14, 2017

Here’s a nice photo of Joe Trudeau and Justin Biden @seanspicer #JoeTrudeau

— Impeach SCROTUS (@vicsepulveda) February 14, 2017

So I guess @seanspicer is wanting to make things easy for SNL’s writers? Maybe? Seriously, this stuff is writing itself. #JoeTrudeau

— Liz Ashe (@spankerella) February 14, 2017

Now we know how Nick Jonas feels being called Joe sometimes. #JoeTrudeau Calling out all your kids’ names until the right one #spicey

— Angela C (@angelayy52) February 14, 2017

#JoeTrudeau?! Looks like Spicey needs a lil nap nap

— Natalie McMillan (@nataliemcmillan) February 14, 2017

“His name is Joe Trudeau. It’s ALWAYS been Joe Trudeau. Period.” – Sean Spicer#joetrudeau

— Dwayne R. James (@restEddy) February 14, 2017

I bet half of you can’t even locate Canada on a map. #JoeTrudeau

— Brandon Tozzo (@BrandonTozzo) February 14, 2017

Turns out Justin Trudeau has been pronouncing his name wrong for years. Thanks for clearing that up, Spicey. #JoeTrudeau #alternativefacts

— Gabriel Thaine (@gabewithafender) February 14, 2017

Gay Couple Assaulted Outside Bar in Missoula, Montana

Gay Couple Assaulted Outside Bar in Missoula, Montana


Montana Landscape

A gay couple in Missoula, Montana was reportedly assaulted this weekend upon leaving a bar, The Rhino, circa midnight Saturday.

The incident occurred as both men held hands as they walked back to their vehicle. Two men passing in the other direction shouted a homophobic slur and, when one of the couple turned around, he was punched in the jaw and hit several more times. When he fled into the bar to seek help, he returned to find his boyfriend being attacked.

Missoula police have not named the victims, although they released descriptions of the attackers. They are contacting nearby businesses to attempt to uncover possible surveillance footage of the attack or the suspects. They have also asked any witnesses to step forward with information.

A local LGBT advocate said of the apparent hate crime:

For David Herrera with the Western Montana LGBT Community Center, the assault came as a surprise.

“People tend to think that Missoula is such a progressive community, and yet it’s kind of surprising when this stuff does happen and make us realize that we still need to be careful,” Herrera said. “There are people that truly hate us and will attack us.”

The couple’s injuries include several bruises, a swollen jaw and a black eye.

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Gay Couple Assaulted Outside Bar in Missoula, Montana

WATCH: America’s gender revolution seen at the local scale in new documentary

WATCH: America’s gender revolution seen at the local scale in new documentary

A new documentary called Kings, Queens & In-Betweens focuses on the drag kings, drag queens and transgender performers in Columbus, Ohio as a lens to view a wider gender revolution that’s gaining momentum in the LGBTQ community and beyond.

So often, we resist ideas that are outside our realm of personal experience. That’s why films like this one are so valuable.

Related: This ‘Kiki’ is marvelous! New vogue documentary is a must-see.

By focusing in on one small community, the documentary makes a complex subject approachable for mainstream audiences — inviting viewers into a conversation about the distinct and important differences between gender, sex, and sexuality.

Check out the trailer below, and look for it in select cities beginning March 3, and on streaming services (iTunes, Amazon, Google Play) on March 7:

Gay Man From Ghana Denied Asylum In Canada

Gay Man From Ghana Denied Asylum In Canada


A gay man from Ghana has been denied asylum in Canada because he had fake papers and so could not be identified.

The 29-year-old man said he left Ghana at the end of 2015 after being attacked by a group of men who stabbed him in the stomach. He alleges that his attackers left him lying in the dirt while they went to get shovels to bury him alive.

Refugee nearly freezes to death crossing Canadian border

— Winnipeg Free Press (@WinnipegNews) January 5, 2017

He left the country with the help of his boyfriend, traveling first to Ecuador then through Colombia and Central America to Mexico. A refugee claim in the U.S. last year was rejected so he made his way to Minneapolis and eventually across the Canadian border. He has been in Winnipeg waiting to find out if he’ll be allowed to stay in Canada since December 2016.

RELATED: British Tourist Held on Sodomy Charges in Ghana

Pulse reports that after the decision was made last week, he said if he has to go back to Ghana he will be killed.

His lawyer Bashir Khan said:

“He has been accused by the member [of the board] to have had fraudulent identity documents and his identity is not clear.

“That is entirely incorrect and we disagree.

“He will not be at risk of deportation, but certainly he will live with the mental fear of how much longer, what’s going to happen in the end.”

Khan added: “He’s gay, he has his freedom to choose his sexual orientation in this country.”

The post Gay Man From Ghana Denied Asylum In Canada appeared first on Towleroad.

Gay Man From Ghana Denied Asylum In Canada

​Bill to Protect LGBTQ Youth from “Conversion Therapy” Moves Through New Mexico Senate Committee

​Bill to Protect LGBTQ Youth from “Conversion Therapy” Moves Through New Mexico Senate Committee

Last night, the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 121, which would protect youth from the discredited and dangerous practice of so-called “conversion therapy.” The bill now moves to the senate floor.

“Conversion therapy,” sometimes referred to as “sexual orientation change efforts” or “reparative therapy,” encompasses a range of practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. These practices are based on the false premise that being LGBTQ is a mental illness that needs to be cured, a theory that has been rejected for decades by every major medical and mental health organization.

California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, New York and Washington, D.C. currently have laws or regulations ​protecting LGBTQ minors from “conversion therapy.”

There is no credible evidence that “conversion therapy” can change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. To the contrary, research has clearly shown that these practices pose devastating health risks for LGBTQ young people. Use of these dangerous practices lead to depression, decreased self-esteem, substance abuse, homelessness, and even suicidal behavior and is condemned by the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, and American Medical Association.

Senator Jacob R. Candelaria introduced the bill.

HRC thanks Sen. Candelaria and Equality New Mexico on their leadership and dedication to ending this harmful practice. 

​NCLR and HRC have partnered with state equality groups across the nation to pass state legislation to end conversion therapy.​

More information on the lies and dangers of efforts to change sexual orientation or gender identity can be found here.​

Laverne Cox stars as a powerful defense attorney in new CBS drama 'Doubt'

Laverne Cox stars as a powerful defense attorney in new CBS drama 'Doubt'

Photo credit: CBS

In the new CBS legal drama, Doubt, Laverne Cox stars as Cameron Wirth, an Ivy League-educated lawyer who fights injustice in the courtoom. Doubt premieres Wednesday, February 15 at 10 p.m. ET on CBS. 

This new role is the next big step in Cox’s already illustrious and celebrated career as an actress and advocate. With her Emmmy nomination for Orange is the New Black, her appearance on the cover of TIME magazine’s “The Transgender Tipping Point” issue, her Daytime Emmy Award for MTV’s Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word, and producing credit for the outstanding documentary Free CeCeCox has taken the media by storm over the past four years. Her talent and passion for education and advocacy have been driving forces behind so many of the recent improvements in the way media portrays trans people.

In an interview with TV Insider, Cox says she always wanted to play a lawyer on television, and her character Cameron Wirth will make that a reality. It is truly groundbreaking that in a workplace legal drama like Doubt, Cox will play a lawyer who just happens to be transgender.

Too often, transgender characters in media are limited to the transition narrative, where the sole focus of their storyline is on their physical transition. Not in Doubt. This is the kind of casual, matter-of-fact inclusion of trans people that GLAAD hopes becomes the standard for trans media representations. Media should reflect the reality that trans people are part of the fabric of everyday life, which includes seeing us at work, in school, in relationships, and participating in everyday life. Photography by Emily Shur. From left: Tony Phelan, Joan Rater, Laverne Cox, Imogen Binnie.

The authenticity of Wirth’s character and storyline on the show can also be attributed to the team behind the creation of Doubt. Husband-and-wife writing duo Joan Rater and Tony Phelan are the parents of Tom Phelan, a young trans actor who appeared on Freeform’s The Fosters. In addition to having a trans child, Phelan and Rater made the decision to bring trans author Imogen Binnie into the show’s writing room. In an interview with OUT magazine, Rater and Phelan said: “We really wanted to put a character on TV who was trans, but the story wasn’t about that. Cameron is smart and funny and a brilliant lawyer, and she also is trans. We’re lucky enough to have a transgender child, and we’re really excited to tell stories for him.”

Binnie, whose novel Nevada earned a Lambda Literary Award nomination in 2014, said of her first-time TV writing gig, “The most rewarding thing for me is putting a smart, successful, and complex Black trans woman on television, and that the stories we’re telling for her don’t feel like stories we’ve seen on television before.” 

The first season will also feature appearances by Alexandra Grey as Delila, a working-class transgender woman who finds herself at the wrong place at the wrong time, and Herstory creators Jen Richards and Angelica Ross as Wirth’s friends, all of whom are trans actresses. 

Tune in to Doubt Wednesday, February 15 at 10 p.m. ET, and follow the cast live on Twitter during the premiere.

February 14, 2017