Mick Mulvaney's confirmation could scale back vital LGBTQ government programs

Mick Mulvaney's confirmation could scale back vital LGBTQ government programs

Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD, released the following statement after the United States Senate voted to confirm U.S. Congressman Mick Mulvaney as the next Director of Office of Management and Budget.

“As Director of Office of Management and Budget, Congressman Mick Mulvaney now has the power to prioritize federal funding for programs nationwide. Mulvaney’s record on LGBTQ issues indicates that many life-saving programs could now be in jeopardy, including HIV and AIDS research funding – yet again demonstrating that the current administration will not serve all Americans.”

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Mulvaney’s Confirmation Could Scale Back Vital LGBTQ Programs

Mulvaney’s Anti-LGBTQ Record

2007: Co-sponsored a bill to ban marriage equality in South Carolina.

2011: Signed onto a letter that called on the Obama Administration to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

2015: Co-sponsored the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act,” designed to allow anti-LGBTQ people to discriminate for religious without any recourse.

2016: Added his name to a letter questioning the Obama Administration’s transgender guidance for public schools.

Anti-LGBTQ Remarks

2008: Published a state senate campaign robocall, purporting to be from a made-up group called the Alliance for the Advancement of Gays and Lesbians, which gay-baited his opponent for her support of “homosexual unions and abortion rights.”

2010: Wrote in a 2010 Christian Coalition survey that he is a supporter of a “Federal Marriage Amendment to prevent same sex marriage.”






February 16, 2017


TrumpSingles aims to connect lonely bigots labeled as undesirable by the general population

TrumpSingles aims to connect lonely bigots labeled as undesirable by the general population

The most recent Match.com Singles in America survey found that “voting for Trump” was the country’s #2 turn-off when it came to dating, second only to “complaining on Facebook.”

Well, never fear, Trumpers! There’s hope yet. TrumpSingles is a dating site exclusively for single people whose political beliefs have caused them to be labeled as undesirable by the general population.

“At TrumpSingles.com we strive to make dating great again by offering a place where you can find single, like-minded people!” the website promises.

Related: LGBTQ Trump supporters complain about being “excommunicated” by peers

The site, which allows users to search for same-sex or opposite-sex partners, emerged a few months ago, but it has just recently started gaining traction. It claims to have about 25,000 members, and that that number has only increased since Trump took office last month.

“You know, like a liberal doesn’t want to date a Nazi. And a republican doesn’t want to date, well, a whiny snowflake,” creator David Goss recently told NPR.

He added: “[Liberals] are just repeating this left echo chamber of ‘Oh, you must be a racist; oh, you must be a homophobe; oh, you must be a misogynist.’ They’re judging the people based on who they voted for without actually getting to know them.”

Related: Twitter feed documents downtrodden Trump supporters’ regrets over voting for their guy

Borrowing a page from Trump’s playbook, Goss says he does most of his marketing on Twitter, with popular posts such as these:

Love long walks with your love? Find someone who feels the same on #TrumpSingles today! t.co/Zqfp55HUj9 pic.twitter.com/7qJIHUIL2q

— TrumpSingles (@trumpsinglescom) February 14, 2017

Attention ladies! There are amazing men to choose for on our #dating site! t.co/Zqfp55HUj9 pic.twitter.com/cdg80JEpo6

— TrumpSingles (@trumpsinglescom) February 14, 2017

Don’t waster another day alone! Find the right soulmate on #TrumpSingles today! t.co/Zqfp55HUj9 pic.twitter.com/TdKTuQmGaz

— TrumpSingles (@trumpsinglescom) February 9, 2017

Look, dating, like presidenting, is hard, folks.

Related: This Muslim-hating gay Muslim man calls Donald Trump “Daddy”


Twinks4Trump’s Lucian Wintrich Is Now a Credentialed White House Reporter. No, Seriously

Twinks4Trump’s Lucian Wintrich Is Now a Credentialed White House Reporter. No, Seriously

Jim Hoft Lucian Wintrich

Deplorable right-wing gay blogger Jim Hoft (above left) now has his very own White House correspondent in the form of non-journalist Lucian Wintrich (above right).

Twinks4Trump’s Wintrich was announced by Gateway Pundit’s Hoft on Monday and both attended the White House briefing on the same day.

RELATED: There Was a ‘Gays for Trump’ Party at the RNC and It Was Absolutely Insane – VIDEOS, PHOTOS

In photos published on Twitter, Haft and Wintrich are seen standing behind the lectern in the press briefing room, displaying a hand signal associated with the racist “Pepe” meme.

‘Real News’ Joins the White House Briefing Room t.co/Iv3QVHVhQI

— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) February 15, 2017

Yes, you read that correctly – in the press briefing room. Displaying a hand signal associated with the racist “Pepe” meme.

Because that’s ok.

A historic and packed press conference with @netanyahu & @realDonaldTrump today! pic.twitter.com/hzZtPg2NvC

— Lucian B. Wintrich (@lucianwintrich) February 15, 2017

Media Matters explain more about Hoft, their “dumbest man on the internet’s” day trip:

Hoft’s political blog has often served as the single source for completely unfounded reporting that nonetheless catches fire in the right-wing internet world, until it becomes what Kellyanne Conway might deem an “alternative fact.” The frequency with which he posts hoaxes and complete fabrications as fact suggests Hoft either has a reckless and total disregard for the truth or is so incompetent he cannot separate fact from fiction.

On Wintrich, Media Matters notes:

The Gateway Pundit’s new White House correspondent is now attending press briefings, and it’s unclear how “brand strategist and digital creative” Lucian Wintrich, who frequently refers to the new president endearingly as “daddy,” will approach this responsibility. If his past actions and social media persona are any indication, Wintrich will follow the Gateway Pundit formula for irresponsible and dangerous reporting, and perhaps even more explicitly incite harassment from his new White House platform.

…He recently wrote on social media, “I don’t consider myself a journalist, I consider myself the future of journalism.”

Indeed, Wintrich does not appear to have much experience as a political reporter prior to joining The Gateway Pundit; a Nexis search of his name for the last five years reveals only a handful of articles in which he is quoted, and no bylined pieces.

…Wintrich’s experience as a writer seems to have begun with his tongue-in-cheek approach to personal harassment in college. According to a VICE profile of Wintrich, “his writings were rejected by the student newspaper” at Bard College while he was a student there, so Wintrich subsequently started a rival blog, which posted an anonymously written column referring to a fellow student’s vagina as “cold and damp” and linking to her personal Facebook page.

@lucianwintrich @sartoris1960 No worse than allowing CNN to keep press passes!

— D. Scott (@eclipsethis2003) February 14, 2017

Wintrich is known to be close to or associated with such alt-right figures as Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, “Pharma bro” Martin Shkreli, Gavin McInnes, and “citizen journalist” vigilante James O’Keefe.

(Wintrich image via Twitter. Haft image via YouTube)

The post Twinks4Trump’s Lucian Wintrich Is Now a Credentialed White House Reporter. No, Seriously appeared first on Towleroad.

Twinks4Trump’s Lucian Wintrich Is Now a Credentialed White House Reporter. No, Seriously

Southern Poverty Law Center Designates ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’ as an Anti-Gay Hate Group: VIDEO

Southern Poverty Law Center Designates ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’ as an Anti-Gay Hate Group: VIDEO

Southern Poverty Law Center

alliance-defending-freedom_splcThe Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) announced that anti-gay litigation group the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has been designated a hate group.

The ADF is perhaps best known for defending companies that refuse to do business with LGBT people but has also been involved in efforts to spread its message outside of the U.S.

According to the Washington Blade, in a press release yesterday the SPLC described the ADF as “a legal advocacy and training group that specializes in supporting the recriminalization of homosexuality abroad, ending same-sex marriage and generally making life as difficult as possible for LGBT communities in the U.S. and internationally.”

RELATED: Minnesota Couple With No Gay Clients Sues to Refuse LGBT Customers, Because God: WATCH

Today we’re releasing our annual Year in Hate report documenting near historic numbers of hate groups in the U.S. t.co/LMTb73Nxzt pic.twitter.com/NhdQlQFXPc

— SPLC (@splcenter) February 15, 2017

The Alabama-based SPLC also released a series of anti-LGBT statements the ADF has made. These include:

“We mention the new promotion of pedophilia in the context of talking about the influence of homosexual behavior on college campuses, because, despite all objections to the contrary, the two are often intrinsically linked.”(Alan Sears and Craig Osten, The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today, 2003)

“[The] degradation of our human dignity has occurred. It has occurred, with raging effect, and within twelve months, on the heels of government mandated recognition of same-sex ‘marriage’ – an oxymoronic institution if ever there was one.” (ADF-affiliated attorney Charles LiMandri)

“America needs to take note that [India] has rejected the road towards same-sex marriage, and understood that these kinds of bad decisions in the long run will harm society.” (Benjamin Bull, executive director of ADF Global, on the recriminalization of homosexuality in India, 2013)

“And in the course of the now hundreds of cases the Alliance Defense Fund has now fought involving this homosexual agenda, one thing is certain: there is no room for compromise with those who would call evil ‘good.’” (Alan Sears, speaking at the World Congress of Families gathering in Madrid, Spain, 2012)

“In the end, those who profess to be ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian,’ or who have otherwise slipped in and out of homosexual behavior, including ‘cruising’ for anonymous partners, are people who succumb to a dangerous temptation.” (Austin Nimocks, then-ADF senior counsel, writing at TownHall.com, 2007)

SPLC’s Mark Potok said during a conference call yesterday that the ADF has “failed in the effort to keep homosexuality outlawed in this country.”

“[It] has resorted in the wake of the 2013 Lawrence decision,” he continued, “to exporting its hatred to other countries.”

The ADF did not reply to requests for comment from the Washington Blade.

Watch ADF’s “religious freedom” video below.

The post Southern Poverty Law Center Designates ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’ as an Anti-Gay Hate Group: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Southern Poverty Law Center Designates ‘Alliance Defending Freedom’ as an Anti-Gay Hate Group: VIDEO

Acclaimed Author and Columnist Charles Blow to Speak at HRC’s Time to THRIVE Conference

Acclaimed Author and Columnist Charles Blow to Speak at HRC’s Time to THRIVE Conference

Today HRC announced that author and New York Times columnist Charles Blow, whose writing bravely explores issues of social justice, politics and equality, will be a featured speaker at HRC’s annual Time to THRIVE Conference.

HRC’s Time to THRIVE, the nation’s premier conference for K-12 educators, professional counselors and other youth-serving professionals on LGBTQ youth safety, inclusion and well-being, will be held April 28-30 in Washington, D.C., in partnership with the National Education Association and the American Counseling Association.

“Charles Blow has made a career of using his powerful voice to raise urgent issues of race, class, gender and sexual orientation, while holding accountable the powerful whose actions disproportionately affect the lives of the most vulnerable among us,” said Ellen Kahn, Director of the HRC Foundation’s Children, Youth & Families Program. “His decision to come out as bisexual in his brave and honest memoir is an inspiration to so many, and we are honored to have him join us at Time to THRIVE.”

In his column for the New York Times, Blow tackles hot-button issues such as social justice, racial equality, presidential politics, police violence, gun control, and the Black Lives Matter Movement. His critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling memoir, Fire Shut Up in My Bones, in which he movingly related his struggle with coming out as bisexual, won a Lambda Literary Award and the Sperber Prize, and made multiple prominent lists of best books published in 2014. People Magazine called it “searing and unforgettable.”

Blow is also a commentator on CNN, and taught a seminar on media and politics at Yale as a Presidential Visiting Professor.

Other special guests at HRC’s Time to THRIVE include Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric, Miss America contestant Erin O’Flaherty, Out of Iraq stars Nayyef Hrebid & Btoo Al Lami, transgender advocate Jazz Jennings, and members of HRC’s Parents for Transgender Equality Council — including Jazz’s mother, Jeanette.

HRC’s Time to THRIVE Conference features 72 workshops by more than 45 national and grassroots organizations dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ youth. Special conference guests and additional speakers.

HRC’s Time to THRIVE is the premier national convening of educators and youth-serving professionals to build awareness and cultural competency, learn current and emerging best practices, and gather resources from leading experts and national organizations in the field. Time to THRIVE will take place April 28-30 in Washington, D.C. with Toyota and AT&T as the presenting sponsor. To register, visit www.TimeToThrive.org


Why everyone's talking about last night's trans representation on TV

Why everyone's talking about last night's trans representation on TV

People are expressing their enthusiasm on social media for Doubt on CBS–which trended on Twitter–and Star on FOX, both of which featured Black trans women playing transgender characters in significant storylines last night.

On DoubtLaverne Cox stars as Cameron Wirth, an Ivy League-educated lawyer who fights injustice in the courtroom. It’s clear in the pilot that Cameron’s co-workers know and accept her as a trans woman, and their interactions are all about her legal strategies and whether or not she can win her case — not about her trans identity. The show premiered last night on CBS and airs every Wednesday at 10 p.m. ET.

In Star, Amiyah Scott stars as Cotton, the trans daughter of matriarch beauty salon owner Carlotta Brown. Their mother-daughter relationship took center stage in the last night’s powerful episode when Pastor Harris, the man Carlotta has been dating, tried to “cure” Cotton by forcing her to renounce her identity as a woman. (It didn’t work.) The show airs Wednesday nights on FOX at 9 p.m. ET.

It’s rare to see the real, lived experiences of transgender people, embodied by trans actors, on network television — let alone two in primetime on the same night. In both shows, the characters are exceptionally well cast, and their storylines transcend transition narratives where the sole focus is on the character’s physical transition. Transgender people, like everyone else, navigate careers, dating, relationships, religion, community, and family. Showing these type of stories is the type of casual, matter-of-fact inclusion that GLAAD hopes becomes the standard for trans media representation.

It’s no wonder everyone is talking. There is a great need and demand for trans people to see themselves represented and reflected in diverse story arcs with multi-dimensional characters, from lawyers to beauty salon receptionists. And essential for people who are not familiar with trans people to see that we are part of and participating in everyday life. 

Both Scott and Cox celebrated each other’s roles, while many more shared in on the significance.

Now, I gotta support my girl @Lavernecox in her new show @DoubtCBS Starting NOW!!!

— Amiyah Scott (@KingAmiyahScott) February 16, 2017

Having a viewing party with the girls to celebrate 2 black trans women on prime time television at the same time. @STAR and @doubtcbs t.co/EFA1cqmGyr

— Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) February 14, 2017

Tonight, I’m switching channels between two black trans women @Lavernecox @KingAmiyahScott in primetime TV. #girlslikeus #BlackHistoryMonth

— Janet Mock (@janetmock) February 15, 2017

Tonight begins a prime time network show with a trans lead, a trans writer, and at least three other trans women in guest spots. @DoubtCBS

— Jen Richards (@SmartAssJen) February 15, 2017

Read Richards’ full tweet thread commentary.

Read her full tweet thread: twitter.com/SmartAssJen/status/831912924994113536

Tonight I get to turn on my TV and see 2 trans characters played by trans actors during primetime @Lavernecox @KingAmiyahScott #Doubt #STAR

— Trace Lysette (@tracelysette) February 15, 2017

20 min in and no mention of @Lavernecox character’s trans identity. So refreshing. She’s a Lawyer, everything else is secondary #doubt

— Trace Lysette (@tracelysette) February 16, 2017

A historic moment for Black trans folks tonight in two shows @STAR @DoubtCBS with major Black trans characters played by Black trans women

— Monica Roberts (@TransGriot) February 15, 2017

Shout out to @KingAmiyahScott for her vulnerability and realness in portraying Cotton on #STAR. She is on the rise and doing the damn thing. pic.twitter.com/MbYSgW7AQi

— Raquel Willis (@RaquelWillis_) February 16, 2017

I couldn’t even tweet during #star ….the episode hit so close to home I was just glued…… Such an amazing show and cast! Amiyah..

— Isis King (@MsIsisKing) February 16, 2017

I keep wondering which bars are playing @DoubtCBS because in my head it is as big as the Superbowl (and i’m a HUGE football fan).

— Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) February 15, 2017

As a trans law student, it means the absolute world to me to see @Lavernecox play a trans lawyer. #Doubt

— Miles Walser (@KilometersW) February 16, 2017

The first time I learned the word “transgender” it was in a punchline in a comedy. Tonight, @Lavernecox shatters stereotypes on CBS.

— Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) February 16, 2017

February 16, 2017


법원이 남성에서 여성으로 성기 수술 받지 않은 성전환자 성별정정을 허가하다

법원이 남성에서 여성으로 성기 수술 받지 않은 성전환자 성별정정을 허가하다
남성에서 여성으로 성전환한 성전환자 여성이 성기를 형성하는 수술을 받지 않더라도 성별을 남성에서 여성으로…

기사 보기: 사회, 동성애, 성전환자, 트랜스젠더, 인권, Korea News


Journalist Cancels Appearance on 'Real Time' with Bill Maher Because of Milo (Video)

Journalist Cancels Appearance on 'Real Time' with Bill Maher Because of Milo (Video)

HBO had to find someone else for its live panel discussion Friday night after Jeremy Scahill of The Intercept backed out, over his objection to the booking of the controversial out Breitbart editor. 
