Larry Wilmore Tells Alt-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos: ‘Go F*** Yourself’ – WATCH

Larry Wilmore Tells Alt-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos: ‘Go F*** Yourself’ – WATCH

LArry Wilmore milo

After an interview segment (we’re not posting here, you can look it up) in which Bill Maher fawned over alt-right homocon troll Milo Yiannopoulos, some fresh air was allowed in when Maher’s panel joined the conversation and Larry Wilmore told Milo to “go f**k yourself.”

Wilmore’s interjection came after a disgusting back-and-forth between Maher and Milo about transgender people in which Milo misgendered Caitlyn Jenner and made the claim that trans people are “vastly disproportionately involved with sex crimes.”

Maher bolstered Milo’s argument by asking former GOP congressman Jack Kingston, “where do you stand on weirdos peeing?”

Jeremy Scahill, who was booked on the show last week, and canceled when he heard Milo was booked, made the right decision.

Malcolm Nance, the counter-terrorism expert who was booked after Scahill’s departure asked Milo, “Are you the real, true face of the alt-right? I thought the Nazis were in there, how did they take you on board?”


The post Larry Wilmore Tells Alt-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos: ‘Go F*** Yourself’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Larry Wilmore Tells Alt-Right Troll Milo Yiannopoulos: ‘Go F*** Yourself’ – WATCH

What’s up with this creepy ‘pray the gay away’ ad popping up on LGBTQ people’s Facebook feeds?

What’s up with this creepy ‘pray the gay away’ ad popping up on LGBTQ people’s Facebook feeds?

LGBTQ Facebook users aren’t happy about being targeted by a sponsored ad urging them to abandon their gayness and convert to Christianity ASAP.

The creepy video, which runs nearly nine minutes and was produced by a Christian extremist group called Anchored North, has been making its rounds on the social media site since last week, specifically targeted users whose profiles identify themselves as LGBTQ.

Related: Obese “ex-gay” Christian says it was easier to his change sex habits than his eating habits

In it, a sort of cute middle-aged man talks over a soft music soundtrack about how he used to identify as gay and had a pretty fabulous life in Los Angeles–going to cool parties, attending premieres, and dating lots of cute guys. Everything was great! …Until one day he was sitting in a coffee shop and he saw a group of people reading the Bible. He struck up a conversation with them, attended their church, and–ta-dah!–just like that, he magically wasn’t gay anymore!

“I just met the king of the universe,” the man explains about his sudden transformation. “God! Jesus! … I was like ‘God, you have my whole life. This is it. It’s all yours!’”

He continues, “When I was living that gay life for many, many years, I was 100% sure that was my identity.” But, he says, now he knows “beyond a shadow of a doubt that homosexual was not who I was, that my identity was in Christ.”

Related: Moby claims to have highly sensitive info on Trump, and he just let it all out on Facebook

The ad concludes by telling viewers, “Even if you have found your identity in worthless things, Jesus died, and resurrected for you.”

“Worthless things?” Wha-wha-what?!

But based on some of the videos comments, most LGBTQ people don’t seem to be falling for the propaganda:

Watch the creepy video below. Or don’t.

h/t: Unicorn Booty

‘Fans of Love’ Ad Offers Incredibly Moving Twist on the Kiss-Cam : WATCH

‘Fans of Love’ Ad Offers Incredibly Moving Twist on the Kiss-Cam : WATCH

Fans of Love kiss cam fans love ad

The Ad Council has partnered with both the NFL and creative agency R/GA to produce the latest offering from the “Love Has No Labels” campaign that features a “kiss-cam” highlighting diversity in couples and pairings. It was released to coincide with Valentine’s Day this week and centers on the audience at the Orlando Pro Bowl football game in January.

Their 2015 viral video used x-ray imagery to demonstrate the innate nature of love no matter its gender identity, sexual orientation, race or age. This time around, it uses the familiar sports phenomenon of a “kiss-cam,” in which a camera pans over the stadium searching for couples to zoom in on and flash onto the Jumbotron big screen to prompt them to kiss for cheering fans, to put the spotlight on nontraditional duos. It begins by centering a heart-shaped overlay on a man and woman in the crowd, but then switches over to the left so the man could kiss his male partner to his right instead. The twist is greeted with applause and cheers.

The crowd then shows its appreciation in turn for an older African-American straight couple, a lesbian couple—one of whom is wearing an Orlando survivor t-shirt—as well as two young men with Down’s syndrome who hug each other warmly. The video is accompanied by this message:

For years, kiss cams have been a big part of American sports culture. This year, Love Has No Labels puts a twist on the kiss cam by turning it into a symbol for unbiased love. In the stadium, fans cheered for love in all its forms – regardless of race, gender, disability, age or religion.

Love Has No Labels is a movement to open our eyes to unconscious bias. While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see – whether it’s race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability. By becoming aware of our own biases, we can work to end bias in ourselves, our families, our friends, and our communities. Rethink bias at

With the NFL demonstrating its willingness to put pressure on Texas against the passage of an anti-transgender bathroom bill, and its collaboration in the shooting of this video, it is providing an example of how cultural influences—even those sometimes problematically associated with toxic masculinity—can step in even when political setbacks seem to threaten progress. The ad’s creators provided their own insights into the video’s origins:

“The message is not political, it’s apolitical,” said Eric Jannon, an executive creative director at R/GA, adding that the campaign was more than a year in the making. “We’ll keep embracing diversity regardless of what’s going on in the White House.”

“I do believe that releasing this piece of film at this moment in time will be incredibly powerful,” said Ad Council CEO and President Lisa Sherman. She is hoping that all the people “looking for images and messages of coming together” will boost the latest version of the campaign.

“We noticed that [the iconic kiss cam] was often focused on traditional notions of love. We thought, what if we could showcase a more modern take?” said Chris Northam, another executive creative director at R/GA who worked on the spot. “We hope it does cause conversation and, more than anything else, that the fans embrace this message and help spread this movement.”

The post ‘Fans of Love’ Ad Offers Incredibly Moving Twist on the Kiss-Cam : WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

‘Fans of Love’ Ad Offers Incredibly Moving Twist on the Kiss-Cam : WATCH