DawnOne posted a photo:
Kent Monkman, from “The Trilogy of St.Thomas”, detail- “The Impending Storm”, 2004 © Linda Dawn Hammond Jan. 22, 2017, Musee des beaux arts, Montreal
DawnOne posted a photo:
Kent Monkman, from “The Trilogy of St.Thomas”, detail- “The Impending Storm”, 2004 © Linda Dawn Hammond Jan. 22, 2017, Musee des beaux arts, Montreal
Death to Silence: Lessons from ACT UP to use against the Trump agenda
It’s impossible for those of us who were not there to ever truly understand what it was like to live through the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and for those who did, impossible to fully explain.
As more people began to succumb to the illness, bureaucracy, greed and apathy held firm, presenting challenges on all fronts.
Related: March on Washington has potential to reignite the full force of the gay rights movement
The government was slow to respond, with the Reagan administration alternately joking about and ignoring the rising death toll. Pharmaceutical companies continued to price drugs out of the reach of most people who needed them. The FDA’s year’s long approval process resulted in a lack of access to potentially life saving medications. The media continued to publish false and misleading information. Many religious groups pointed to the deaths as proof of the sin of homosexuality.
In response, the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) was formed as a political action group in 1987. The fight against AIDS remains an ongoing struggle that the group remains active in today around the world, although not to the degree that it was during the height of the crisis.
Keith Haring – Silence Equals Death 1989
— JCR (@Augthe23R46) December 12, 2016
Their bold, decisive actions helped bring about real change, such as more funding for research, lower drug prices, speeding up the FDA approval process and ending discriminatory practices at hospitals.
The Trump administration has so far moved most aggressively against the immigrant and refugee communities, and has taken some actions that clearly show they are not on the side of the LGBTQ community. The DOJ has stepped back from protecting transgender students, the White House website is noticeably absent from pages about LGBTQ rights and the CDC cancelled a planned LGBTQ youth summit over concerns that it might upset the new administration. There are also concerns that Trump may be looking to shut down the White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP).
Related: Trump fatigue is real and it’s sweeping the nation. Here’s why we must stay woke.
Meanwhile, concerns abound over a leaked “religious freedom” executive order that would provide a license to discriminate against the LGBTQ community. Even if it never comes to pass, a similar piece of legislation, the First Amendment Defense Act, could soon be introduced to Congress. Trump has said he would sign it.
We can learn from the successes of ACT UP and apply them to the fight against the regressive policies of President Trump and his anti-LGBTQ Cabinet. In fact, the process is already underway, as many ACT UP members are now meeting to stop Trump. ACT UP organized a protest during the campaign at Trump Tower over his attempts to use the massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando to “polarize Americans.”
ACT UP group hold massive protest against Donald Trump:
— OUTtv (@OUTtv) June 23, 2016
It wasn’t the first time, either. On Halloween 1989, ACT UP protested against him in front of Trump Tower in an action that saw around 100 costumed people take part, and that was organized by the group’s Housing Committee. It was in response to a lack of housing for homeless people with HIV/AIDS as well as corporate greed generally.
relevant: ACT UP members protest corporate greed in the face of the AIDS crisis at Trump Tower, 1989 !!
— audrey wollen (@audreams) December 16, 2016
Know your message and make it clear
The art of ACT UP is still just so ridiculously good.
— Tyler Evans (@tylerevansokay) February 4, 2017
From the beginning, ACT UP realized they had to become as knowledgeable as those they were going up against, if not more so. They researched the issues thoroughly, built and maintained impressive networks of experts, and had their talking points down solid. It was impossible to deny that the activists knew what they were talking about and once they had the ear of the establishment and the authorities to whom they were appealing, they were able to not only articulate the problems facing them but also offer concrete and actionable solutions.
They also understood the importance of boiling down their message to memorable slogans and chants, such as “Silence Equals Death” and “Stand up, fight back, fight AIDS.” That, mixed with their theatrical demonstrations, made for perfect soundbites and video clips that were made for TV and allowed the messages to spread far and wide.
Direct action works
ACT UP displayed bravery by going big early and often. Some of their most notable actions include shutting down the New York Stock Exchange for the first time, in 1989, interrupting then governor Mario Cuomo’s State of the Union Address in Albany, in 1990, and disrupting the CBS Evening News live broadcast, in 1991, to name but a few.
Their righteous audacity got the attention of the press, and thereby the wider public, without their even having to resort to property damage. Harvey Milk apparently instructed organizers of ACT UP protests in San Francisco to “keep them marching” so that the crowd would be too tired to riot, according to the film “How to Survive a Plague.”
While riots have had their place in the history of the LGBTQ rights struggle, such as at Compton Cafeteria and Stonewall riots, it is often felt that those actions can be used to disparage and dismiss a movement. Trump’s response to violent protests during his inauguration and at UC Berkeley, in response to a speech to be delivered by Milo Yiannopoulous, give some credence to this concern.
Direct Democracy is powerful
ACT UP & Sylvia Rivera. Via
— LaQuisha St Redfern (@LaQuishaStR) February 9, 2017
The group was organized as a leaderless, direct democracy, with working committees reporting to coordinating committees. While leaders did emerge over time, they often changed and everyone’s voice was valued. Not only did this make it harder to attack and dismantle the group, it meant everyone was able to find a place that best suited their abilities and interests.
This form of organization can also help to ensure that the least powerful voices are heard, although that is certainly no guarantee. Those most used to speaking and being heard should check that privilege and center the voices of the transgender and people of color communities.
Remain focused and check your ego
In order to make a big enough statement to bring about real results, numbers are needed.
Disagreements and egos can get in the way of the larger picture and can halt the progress of any movement in its tracks. While ACT UP remains an active organization, disputes over the group’s direction took much of the wind from its sails around the late ’90s. The Trump administration provides enough of a fight all on its own, as did and does the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Adding infighting into the equation is a surefire recipe for failure. Remember that we are all in this together.
Do not let this administration divide us. Let it unite us in resistance and still, somehow, in hope.
Loudest Whispers 2017 #FromWhereIStand
cjcrosland posted a photo:
Isolated vocals from Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl performance have leaked and they’re amazing
Someone has leaked the isolated vocals from Lady Gaga’s epic Super Bowl performance, and they’re pretty f-ing incredible. Seriously, anyone who has ever doubted Mother Monster’s vocal ability (not that many have) can take a seat now.
Related: Did you notice the hidden message in Gaga’s SuperBowl halftime show?
Despite performing live in front of hundred millions of people, an insane dance routine, crazy special effects, costume changes, elaborate staging, and, oh yeah, jumping from the top of the stadium, Gaga, who will be appearing on the Season 9 premiere of RuPaul‘s next month, still managed to deliver a nearly flawless vocal performance.
Related: Lady Gaga will be appearing on RuPaul’s Drag Race season premiere, so…
Seriously, we’re in awe.
Listen to Gaga show everyone else how it’s done below…
British Race Car Driver Danny Watts Comes Out as Gay
British race car driver Danny Watts has come out as gay in an interview with Formula 1 racing website Badger GP.
Watts retired from British auto racing team Strakka Racing last year, a decision he said now allows him to be free to be out:
“Now that I don’t have to think about keeping my team and sponsors happy, I can do what’s right for me.”
Added Watts:
“It’s not a decision I took lightly. This secret has been eating me up inside for a while, and I can’t hold it in any more. Something snapped in me last year, and I began coming out to my friends. Now it’s time for the public to know. I’m thrilled to have opportunities to give back. There have been so may people who have supported me over the course of my career. I want to pay it forward for my community.”
Watts lamented homophobia in the sport:
“Coming out is a very personal decision, and people need to weigh whether they are prepared to potentially sacrifice their careers. It’s sad that that’s our reality, but this is a competitive sport. Being seen as weak has always been the worst possible thing. My dream is that younger generations of racers can be openly themselves without the threat of losing their job. Unemployment and homelessness are real fears for LGBT+ people coming out, despite the laws having changed. There are still people who will try kick you out if you’re not their idea of what a racer should be.”
And Watts plans to be an advocate in the future:
“I can only hope that people will continue to treat me like a normal person. I’m still the same person I’ve always been. I’m just no longer living a lie that I started to protect my career…I want to live in a world where nobody has to lie about who they are to protect their careers. That’s why I want to start work with the queer motorsport community. To make sure they never have to.”
Watts, who is 37, is the highest-profile European racing driver to come out so far, according to
The post British Race Car Driver Danny Watts Comes Out as Gay appeared first on Towleroad.
These vintage drag and gay nightclub matchbook covers are, well, FIRE
The website Dangerous Minds is consistently a treasure trove of obscure and fascinating artifacts; a trend that continues with their recent collection of vintage matchbooks highlighting gay bars, drag queens, and cabaret stars from days of yore.
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From the old-school matchbook for Toronto’s The Barn (pictured above, and owing more than a little to Tom of Finland) and Kansas City’s The Jewel Box Lounge (highlighting a bevy of female impersonators) these examples are hypnotic and transporting; totems from a bygone era that effortlessly bring “you both affectionate sentiment and practical service,” as the copy on matchbook proudly boasts.
Personal fave: The matchbook emblazoned with “That was no lady!”
Related: The Bizarre World Of Gay Dinosaur Erotica Is Very Much A “Thing”
Take a look:
Colton Haynes Shares Bed with Boyfriend Jeff Leatham in the Couple’s First Selfie
Arrow actor Colton Haynes, who revealed his new boyfriend in a post-Valentine’s day photo, has published the first photo of the couple together.
In an Instagram post, Haynes writes: “It’s not every day that someone comes into your life & makes you want to be a better man. I feel so blessed to be by your side @jeffleatham ❤️❤️❤️#WhatMoviesAreMadeOf”
Leatham is a florist and Artistic Director of the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris.
The post Colton Haynes Shares Bed with Boyfriend Jeff Leatham in the Couple’s First Selfie appeared first on Towleroad.
Colton Haynes Shares Bed with Boyfriend Jeff Leatham in the Couple’s First Selfie
Seated in a Scarf
jessicajane9 posted a photo:
Skinny jeans by River island
Top from New Look
Scarf from TK Maxx
Ankle Boots by Mademoiselle
Education Dept.'s LGBT Employees Make Plea to DeVos
A letter set last week asked the controversial Education Secretary to protect LGBT students.
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