Roly – Why Digital Pride is so important

Roly – Why Digital Pride is so important
Roly - Why Digital Pride is so important

UK based YouTuber Roly talks about the meaning of Pride, social media and the importance of Digital Pride to the wider LGBTI community.

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Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
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Trump cancella la norma di Obama sull'uso dei bagni per studenti transgender

Trump cancella la norma di Obama sull'uso dei bagni per studenti transgender
Primo colpo di Donald Trump ai diritti della comunità gay. Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha infatti revocato una norma siglata Barack Obama che per…

Continua a leggere: Esteri, Diritti, Donald Trump, Gay Voices, Gay, Transgender, Bagni Per Studenti Transgender, Trump Transgender, Italy News

레즈비언으로 커밍아웃한 뒤 남성과 사랑에 빠졌다

레즈비언으로 커밍아웃한 뒤 남성과 사랑에 빠졌다
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トランプ大統領、トランスジェンダー保護政策を撤回 「自認する性に応じたトイレの使用」認められず

トランプ大統領、トランスジェンダー保護政策を撤回 「自認する性に応じたトイレの使用」認められず

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Trump Administration Withdraws Obama Guidance on Transgender Bathroom

Trump Administration Withdraws Obama Guidance on Transgender Bathroom

Trump Mexico City

The Trump Administration has withdrawn transgender guidance issued to U.S. schools under President Obama calling on all U.S. school districts to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms they choose.

CNN reports:

In a two-page “Dear Colleague” letter to public schools, the Trump administration said the existing guidance did not “contain extensive legal analysis or explain how the position is consistent with the express language of Title IX, nor did they undergo any formal public process.”

The letter — which does not offer new guidance but simply withdraws the Obama administration policy — says there must be “due regard” for the role of states and local school districts in shaping education policy in schools.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released a statement:

@BetsyDeVosED the word “transgender” doesn’t even appear in your statement (except for “LGBTQ” abbreviation). Why are you like this?

— USC (@AlumniUSC) February 23, 2017

Lambda Legal reacts:

The U.S. Department of Education today rescinded the Obama administration’s 2016 Title IX guidance clarifying the rights of transgender students. Rachel B. Tiven, CEO of Lambda Legal, the nation’s oldest and largest LGBT legal organization, released the following statement:

“We all know that Donald Trump is a bully, but his attack on transgender children today is a new low. The U.S. Department of Education’s decision to withdraw guidance clarifying the rights of transgender students endangers the well-being and safety of children across the country.

“Trump’s actions do not change the law itself—transgender students remain protected by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972—but abandoning the guidance intentionally creates confusion about what federal law requires. The law bars discrimination – the new administration invites it.

“Betsy DeVos became Education Secretary just one week ago. At her brief confirmation hearing she publicly committed to protecting LGBT students – this harms them.

“Over the past week Donald Trump has attacked perhaps the two most vulnerable groups of children in America:transgender children and refugee children. While his Education Secretary was busy withdrawing protective guidance for trans kids, his Homeland Security Secretary signed memos that strip legal protections from children who arrive alone at our borders, seeking refuge.

“Now Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary DeVos give us sickening echoes of the racially segregated schools era by claiming that enforcement of this federal civil rights law is a ‘states’ rights issue.’ This is not just a bizarre misunderstanding. We recognize that language. This is a cynical rejection of the federal government’s responsibility to enforce federal law protections for vulnerable students.

“While the Trump/Pence administration wages its War on Children, Lambda Legal will redouble our efforts to protect transgender and other vulnerable kids. At Lambda Legal, we are already in court fighting for transgenderstudents, and we are prepared to sue any school district that discriminates in the wake of the Trump administration’s actions today.”


The post Trump Administration Withdraws Obama Guidance on Transgender Bathroom appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Administration Withdraws Obama Guidance on Transgender Bathroom Use in Schools

HRC President Chad Griffin: We must #ProtectTransKids

HRC President Chad Griffin: We must #ProtectTransKids
HRC President Chad Griffin: We must <a href=#ProtectTransKids“>

“I want every young trans person in America to hear this: you are valued, you are important, you matter. Donald Trump is one little man who happens to be the President. But millions upon millions of people have your back.” – HRC President Chad Griffin in response to Trump’s decision to rescind transgender student protections
