They’ve Found Kellyanne Conway: She’s Barefoot on the Oval Office Couch
Kellyanne Conway has been out of sight since she made the mistake of saying that Michael Flynn had the “full confidence” of the president a day before he was jettisoned from the Trump administration.
But they’ve found her. She’s relaxing in the oval office, barefoot.
Trump was meeting with leaders of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).
Naturally, the internet had a lot to say about it.
Kellyanne Conway checks her phone after taking a photo of President Donald Trump and leaders of black universities, colleges in Oval Office
— AFP news agency (@AFP) February 28, 2017
Why is Kellyanne photobombing the black caucus, spreading her knees with her janky feet on the couch?
The incredulous dude is all of us.
— Laura (@SheWhoVotes) February 28, 2017
Zoom in on the couch
— #1 samir (@samir) February 28, 2017
kellyanne on that couch looking like every drunk girl at the after party texting to find the next after party
— isaiah (@isaiahcs) February 28, 2017
@anamariecox this ones my favorite
— keith thornhill (@keiththornhill) February 28, 2017
Breaking news: Kellyanne Conway uses “alternative etiquette” by putting her feet on the couch of the Oval Office.
— Chris Arthur (@arthurct20) February 28, 2017
If it’s my profile you’re looking at, @KellyannePolls, please swipe left. Thank you.
— Jeff Hecht (@JeffHechtAZ) February 28, 2017
did no one’s mama tell Kellyanne Conway to take her feet off that damn taxpayer-funded couch?
— Mathew Rodriguez (@mathewrodriguez) February 28, 2017
The post They’ve Found Kellyanne Conway: She’s Barefoot on the Oval Office Couch appeared first on Towleroad.

They’ve Found Kellyanne Conway: She’s Now Ruining the Oval Office Upholstery