California bans students and public workers from state-funded trips to anti-LGBT states

California bans students and public workers from state-funded trips to anti-LGBT states

hagmannreport posted a photo:

California bans students and public workers from state-funded trips to anti-LGBT states

Just weeks after Donald Trump’s controversial “Muslim travel ban” was imposed and then lifted by judges, the state of California has implemented its own travel ban, which bars state-funded travel to “anti-LGBT states”.
The new law was issued by the Californian Department of Justice and is……

Depeche Mode has just been declared the “official band of the alt-right”

Depeche Mode has just been declared the “official band of the alt-right”

Further evidence that everything is terrible: Never-not-punchable neo-Nazi Richard Spencer has just declared Depeche Mode the “the official band of the alt-right.”

Of course, this is all news — fake news — to members of the long-running industrial-pop band.

Related: Are gay supremacists ‘literally’ Nazi stormtroopers? This guy thinks so.

Shortly before being whisked out of the Conservative Political Action Conference for being “repugnant”, he sarcastically invoked the band’s name to New York‘s Olivia Nuzzi:

Richard Spencer, asked if he likes rock music, says “Depeche Mode is the official band of the alt-right.”

— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) February 23, 2017

To be clear, he made no mention of New Order, possibly due to the viral video in which he’s punched repeatedly in the face to the beat of 1983 romper stomper “Blue Monday” …?

While there’s no shortage of ’80s bands that decided to dubiously straddle the fine line between the fascistic and fetishistic —

— Spencer decided to settle on the band behind decidedly not-evil 1984 anthem “People Are People,” which features the following palpably humane lyric:

People are people / So why should it be / You and I should get along so awfully / So we’re different colors / And we’re different creeds / And different people have different needs / It’s obvious you hate me / Though I’ve done nothing wrong / I’ve never even met you so what could I have done / I can’t understand / What makes a man / Hate another man / Help me understand

Related: Bryan Fischer’s Gays-As-Nazis Slander Debunked By Holocaust Historian, Once And For All

Esquirewasting no time in reaching out to the band for a quote, received the following from Depeche Mode’s apparently quite busy representative:

That’s pretty ridiculous. Depeche Mode has no ties to Richard Spencer or the alt right and does not support the alt right movement.

Which, duh.

Spencer has since — heh? — made it clear that he was “joking”:


I was joking obviously. I’m a lifelong Depeche Mode fan.

— Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) February 23, 2017

If any clarification is needed as to what Depeche Mode could possibly think of this fresh taint on their name, look no further than new single “Where’s the Revolution?” —

— which, through our lens, roughly translates to:

National education and civil rights orgs are standing strong with transgender students

National education and civil rights orgs are standing strong with transgender students

In addition to the outpouring of support from celebrities, national education and civil rights organizations have also come out strongly in support of transgender students in response to the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw guidance outlining protections for trans students under Title IX.

National Education Association: “Schools have a legal and a moral duty to support all students, including transgender students. In fact, states, school districts, and schools nationwide are supporting and affirming transgender students, and we believe they will continue to do so with or without guidance from the Trump administration.” Read the full statement. NEA President Lily Eskelsen García added: 

“Every student matters, and every student has the right to feel safe, welcomed, and valued in our public schools. This is our legal, ethical and moral obligation. The Trump administration’s plans to reverse protections for transgender students by rescinding the Title IX guidance, is dangerous, ill-advised, and unnecessary. We reject this discriminatory plan because it is a drastic departure from our core values. We don’t teach hate, we do not tell people how to pray, and we do not discriminate against people based on their religion, gender, or identity. Period.”

National Parent-Teacher Association: “National PTA is extremely disappointed that the Administration has rescinded the guidance. Every child deserves to receive a great education in a setting free from discrimination, harassment and violence. The vast majority of LGBTQ students, however, are bullied, physically assaulted and feel unsafe in school because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or identity. There is a need for explicit protection of LGBTQ youth as it is critical to their overall health and well-being and long-term success.” Read the full statement.

The American Federation of Teachers: “Reversing this guidance tells trans kids that it’s OK with the Trump administration and the Department of Education for them to be abused and harassed at school for being trans. We want to be clear to those kids: It is not OK with your teachers or with us at the AFT, and we will continue fighting to protect you.” Read the full statement

National Association of Secondary School Principals: “In rescinding the guidance, President Trump sends an equally strong and opposite message. It diminishes the value of transgender students, discourages educators’ efforts to support them, and emboldens their harassers. Principals will continue their efforts to support transgender and all other students in the face of new opposition and, sadly, with the knowledge that their president might not share their concern for the needs of each student.” Read the full statement.

National Council of Jewish Women: “Rescinding this guidance doesn’t change the law — transgender students are still protected under Title IX — but it does send a clear message to these students that their safety does not matter to this administration. Further, by couching this as a state issue, it also ignores the historic and critical role the federal government plays in protecting students from discrimination. NCJW denounces the rollback of this important guidance, which will make going to school more difficult for many students. We urge President Trump, Education Secretary DeVos, and Attorney General Sessions to reconsider their role in protecting vulnerable children seeking a safe education.” Read the full statement.

Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights with the National Center for Transgender Equality, GLSEN, the National Women’s Law Center, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., the ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign, and MALDEF uniformly condemned the administration’s decision to withdraw the guidance: “By rescinding the guidance today, the Trump administration has taken the opposite stance. They have sent a deeply troubling message to students that the administration will not stand up for students’ civil rights. We condemn the administration’s decision, vow to fight to enforce Title IX, which continues to protect transgender students, and call on individual schools and districts to treat students consistent with their gender identity and consistent with the rescinded guidance that accurately explained the law.” Read the full statement

In May 2016, under President Obama, the Department of Education and the Department of Justice issued guidance to all public schools explaining that Title IX, the Federal non-discrimination law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, should be interpreted to mean that transgender students must be treated fairly and equally in school. This week, the same Departments under Trump reversed this guidance, which sends the message that states and local districts may choose to discriminate against trans students.

On March 28, the United States Supreme Court will hear Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., a case about a 17-year-old transgender student named Gavin Grimm who is suing his school district for discrimination under Title IX because the school singled him out and treated him differently simply because he is transgender.

According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, transgender students already face extremely high rates of harassment and bullying in schools.

  • The majority of respondents who were open about being transgender while in school (K-12) experienced some form of mistreatment, including verbal harassment (54%), physical attack (24%), and sexual assault (13%) 
  • 17% experienced such severe mistreatment that they withdrew from school
  • Forty percent of respondents (40%) have attempted suicide, nearly 9x the rate in the U.S. population (4.6%)
  • Seven percent (7%) attempted suicide in the past year nearly 12x the rate in the U.S. population (0.6%)

This strong show of support from national education and civil rights organizations indicates an understanding that all students deserve the opportunity to learn in safe and affirming school environments. 

February 24, 2017

Chad Griffin schools Sean Spicer on Trump’s trans student discrimination

Chad Griffin schools Sean Spicer on Trump’s trans student discrimination

Hey Sean — Chad Griffin from the Human Rights Campaign here.

Caught your response to our statement during yesterday’s briefing. I’m sure you’ll likely face more questions about this today, so there were a few things I was hoping to correct before you do. If you don’t mind, I’ve BCC’d many of the WH press corps that have been asking these questions.

1. You might want to have a few good lawyers look at your legal claims. Five circuit courts have determined that our nation’s civil rights law prohibiting sex discrimination protect transgender people. The EEOC agrees as have numerous district courts. The legal trend is clear, robust, and well reasoned.

2. Whether or not transgender people were discussed when Title IX was enacted in 1972, you really need to stop pretending like the transgender movement just got started. I refer you to this wikipedia page. You’ll notice there’s a long section on the 70s…and decades before! Another fun fact, Minneapolis passed an ordinance protecting transgender people way back in 1975. Literally almost every major city in America has followed suit.

2a. Also, when Title VII of the Civil Rights Act became law in 1964, sexual harassment wasn’t part of the conversation. That didn’t stop the Supreme Court from ruling that Title VII prohibits sexual harassment. Because, duh. Does this White House also think that’s wrong?

3. Rather than answering whether or not this was a civil rights issue, you continued to say that this was better left to the states. You’ll recall that this is the same argument cynically used by opponents of civil rights to allow state sanctioned discrimination to continue for decades. Your boss loves tweets, so check out the list I sent out the first time you trotted out this argument:


The fact of the matter is that there are hundreds of thousands of trans kids across the country right now who are deeply, incredibly afraid of going to school because their government is no longer unequivocally standing with them. It doesn’t matter if they live in New York City or Idaho, kids deserve protection. Don’t you agree?

4. You said the President cares about the troubles transgender kids face in schools. Did he see this report that shows nearly 50 percent of transgender people attempt suicide at least once in their lifetime? Did he know that since the election, 70 percent of LGBTQ teens reported feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness? In that same survey, 36 percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.

And if he cares so much, will he commit to meeting with the families that this devastating decision will affect? You may have seen that they’ve requested a meeting with your boss Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, and Betsy Devos — after more than 1,000 of them pleaded with the administration not to do this last week. We would love nothing more for him to explain to a transgender teen or their parents why they shouldn’t be worried about why they shouldn’t be alarmed by this devastating decision.

We would greatly appreciate your prompt response.



As of Queerty’s press time, Spicer had not responded to HRC

Trump Dictatorship Bars New York Times, CNN, L.A. Times and Politico from White House Press Briefing

Trump Dictatorship Bars New York Times, CNN, L.A. Times and Politico from White House Press Briefing

The New York Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times and Politico, were barred from a White House press briefing on Friday following Donald Trump’s speech at CPAC in which he attacked the media.

Trump-friendly media outlets were allowed inside the briefing, the NYT reports:

Those organizations included Breitbart News, the One America News Network and The Washington Times, all with conservative leanings. Journalists from ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Fox News also attended.

Reporters from Time magazine and The Associated Press, who were set to be allowed in, chose not to attend the briefing in protest of the White House’s actions.

“Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties,” Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The Times, said in a statement. “We strongly protest the exclusion of The New York Times and the other news organizations. Free media access to a transparent government is obviously of crucial national interest.”

The White House Correspondents’ Association denounced the exclusions:

“The W.H.C.A. board is protesting strongly against how today’s gaggle is being handled by the White House. We encourage the organizations that were allowed in to share the material with others in the press corps who were not. The board will be discussing this further with White House staff.”

Later on Friday, a video recorded two months ago emerged in which White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said full and open access for the press is a requirement in a democracy:

Two months ago, in a panel discussion, he insisted that open access for the media is “what makes a democracy a democracy versus a dictatorship.”

The post Trump Dictatorship Bars New York Times, CNN, L.A. Times and Politico from White House Press Briefing appeared first on Towleroad.

Trump Dictatorship Bars New York Times, CNN, L.A. Times and Politico from White House Press Briefing

A White House with a menacing undercurrent

A White House with a menacing undercurrent

Photo Credit:

The following is a guest post by Jeremy Hooper, special projects consultant at GLAAD and lead researcher on GLAAD’s Trump Accountability Project.

We all heard they were considering rescinding protections for transgender students long before they actually did. None of us were all that surprised considering the Attorney General and Education Secretary have a history of anti-LGBTQ statements, advocacy, and votes. Nevertheless, we all kind of lay in wait for several days as new reports of internal strife and vague statements from the press secretary muddied the situation further. By the time they actually got around to taking away the federal guidance that allowed transgender students to use the bathrooms matching their gender identities, it wasn’t the slightest bit surprising, even to those who found it shocking.

It brought to mind the rumors of the anti-LGBTQ executive order that were leaking from this very leaky White House just a few weeks ago. By all credible accounts, there was a draft executive order that would have repealed LGBTQ workplace protections put in place by President Obama. As with the transgender protections, there were reports of internal division and overall confusion. In that case, the order didn’t end up moving forward. But let’s be clear: It still could. This is especially true if some positive LGBTQ development gets under the skin of Trump, his extremely anti-LGBTQ Vice President Mike Pence, or any of the other like-minded advisers who make up this administration. One gets the sense that our ever-moving progress toward equality and acceptance is what threatens them the most.

And what about the so-called “religious freedom” executive order, which would give business owners a pass when it comes to discriminating against LGBTQ clients? Many of us have seen a draft of that order, and most political watchers expect it to come any day. It’s become a bit of a parlor game to determine at what anti-LGBTQ event the administration might choose to announce this, a move that this nation’s most ardent anti-LGBTQ activists consider to be one of their biggest prizes as they search for ways to circumvent our gains.

What we are learning with this new administration is that the actions don’t have to be loud and overt to keep us awake at night. Indeed, we are used to those who oppose our equality spending more time talking about the anti-LGBTQ policy proposals they are going to push Congress to enact. This administration is different though. Their brand is unpredictability, and they thrive on chaos and misinformation. The relative subtlety of the anti-LGBTQ engagements we have seen so far should do nothing to appease fears. In many ways, it exacerbates them.

For LGBTQ people and our allies, living with the Trump administration in the White House is like living in nice clothes but waiting for the bucket of paint that the pranksters rigged up overhead to drop on you at any minute. It’s like being at a dinner party with a host who gushes over how nicely “you gays” style your weddings, then overhearing the host and his guests telling jokes at your expense when they think you’re out of earshot. 

Or, it’s like living as an American who deserves life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but knowing that the keepers of the clock might choose to turn it back on any given day. We cannot let them.

February 24, 2017