How Trump’s love for Putin is allowing the Russian right to export anti-LGBTQ hatred

How Trump’s love for Putin is allowing the Russian right to export anti-LGBTQ hatred

We’ve already discussed why Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin is terrible for us. But in light of the expanding firestorm over Russia’s outsized influence in the Trump administration, the question is, just how terrible. As it turns out, it could be worse than we imagined.

Trump’s campaign was bizarrely and distressingly cozy with anti-democratic Russia. The candidate himself openly admired Putin and even egged Russia on its hacking of the Democratic National Committee. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia was trying to put a finger on the scale in the election, an unprecedented intrusion into American democracy.

That much everyone knows. But less known is the extent to which Russia has emerged as a ringleader of the American religious right. In fact, according to one new study, Russia is the leader of the global Christian right. Which in part explains why the Trump administration remains enamored of a nation with a smaller economy than the state of California.

To say that this is a disastrous development is an understatement. Russia’s homophobia runs deep and virulent. Here’s a sampling of the type of harassment and violence that are now commonplace in the country, where three-quarter of its citizens believe homosexuality should not be accepted by society.

Here are a few examples from the many available:

Much of this has been done in concert with the Russian Orthodox Church, which has emerged as an ally of Putin and which now provides a template for the type of Church-State relationship the religious right would like to see in America.

The American religious right’s admiration for Putin and Russia soared during the Obama administration. Such high-profile figures as Franklin Graham, Bryan Fischer, and Brian Brown have proclaimed Russia to be on the right track when it comes to gay issues. But for a long time, the assumption was that the religious right was simply exporting its particular brand of homophobia to a friendly venue.

As it turns out, according to the report from People for the American Way, we may actually be a net importer of Russia hatred. At the heart of this disturbing trend is Brian Brown. Brown headed the rapidly dying National Organization for Marriage but he has managed to fail upwards as head of the International Organization for the Family, formerly known as the World Congress of Families. In this role, Brown has been hitting the road, landing in Russia just last week to promote closer relations between the U.S. and Putin.

But IOF is not a homegrown organization. It is, according to report author Casey Michel, “a product of joint Russian-American homophobic ingenuity.” Two sociology professors in Moscow, concerned that progressive legislation would bring about the collapse of Russia, were instrumental in its formation. Since then WCF and now IOF have tightened its relationship with Putin’s authoritarian regime, even planning to hold a summit inside the Kremlin in 2014. (WCF dropped out of the event after Russia invaded the Ukraine, but some WCF leaders attended anyway.)

What has changed over the years is that, by increasing repression (and violence), Russia has been able to position itself as the promised land for the homophobic right in the U.S. and claim the moral (if that’s thew word) high ground.

Exactly how deep the relationships run is anyone’s guess. Putin has deep pockets and grand ideas, and he’ll be happy to collaborate with anyone who espouses his nationalist viewpoints. But the salient point is that Russia has gone from being the recipient of homophobic outreach to the standard against which the far right judges the U.S. At a minimum, it is setting the tone for our bitterest enemies.

Just one glance at the hell Russia has made for the lives of its LGBTQ citizens is chilling. What’s even more chilling is the growing power of the eager audience that would like to see that hell replicated in the U.S.

Kellyanne Conway Denies She’s Been Sidelined by Trump: VIDEO

Kellyanne Conway Denies She’s Been Sidelined by Trump: VIDEO

Kellyanne Conway press

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway denied that she has been sidelined for making statements that are at odds with the administration’s official stance.

Conway appeared on Fox News last night but had not given an interview on tv since Monday of last week.

In that interview, she said that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had Trump’s “full confidence” just hours before he was given the presidential heave-ho. The following day, Conway said Flynn had offered to resign. However, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Trump had asked Flynn for his resignation.

According to CNN, those statements led Trump and his top advisers to conclude that her appearances were doing more harm than good for the administration.

RELATED: Kellyanne Conway: ‘I Don’t Know Who’ Tweeted ‘Love You Back’ to a White Supremacist from My Account

Prior to the Flynn scandal, Conway was already under fire for urging people to purchase Ivanka Trump’s clothing products, a move House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz called “unacceptable.”

Speaking to CNN, Conway denied that she has been sidelined, claiming instead that she is “trying to focus on other pieces of my portfolio.” She added said that Trump is his own best “communicator and connector” and did not need her to be a constant presence on television. “None of us do it like he does,” she helpfully noted.

White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders also dismissed the allegations as a “wild goose chase.”

.@KellyannePolls: “This is @realDonaldTrump putting together a really brilliant, very conservative cabinet.” #Hannity #CPAC2017

— Fox News (@FoxNews) February 23, 2017

“Kellyanne has a number of media appearances this week and also has a large portfolio at the WH and is spending significant time focusing on it,” said Sanders.

However, sources said the Trump administration is “enjoying a reprieve from the controversy created by her appearances.”

“Trump was using her as an effective surrogate, then she started becoming ineffective,” said one source, “so they’re letting the heat cool off.”

Watch Matt Lauer take on Conway’s Flynn explanation below.

“That makes no sense.” @MLauer to @KellyannePolls while discussing Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) February 14, 2017

The post Kellyanne Conway Denies She’s Been Sidelined by Trump: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Kellyanne Conway Denies She’s Been Sidelined by Trump: VIDEO

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