Samantha Bee’s Report on Trump’s Obsession with Watersports is Golden: WATCH

Samantha Bee’s Report on Trump’s Obsession with Watersports is Golden: WATCH

Samantha Bee Trumps golden showers

Samantha Bee took on Trump’s golden showers story last night and admitted that “the only verifiable thing about this report is how much joy it gave me.”

“There’s a high probability this story is bullshit,” she adds, “but the fact that it’s plausible bullshit is a terrifying statement about what our nation has come to.”

RELATED: Russia Has ‘Compromising’ Personal and Financial Info on Trump, Says Dossier Circulated by Top Govt Officials

She’s also finding one thing a bit fishy about the claim that he paid to watch prostitutes pee on each other.

“Oh bulls**t, like we’re supposed to believe that Trump has started paying people who work for him?”

Bee also calls out Brian Williams for “taking a trip to euphemism town” by describing Tuesday night as “one of those moments in American politics…a confluence of events.”

Replies Bee:

“Just one of those classic moments where the first Black president gives a farewell speech while the next president watches two chicks piss on a bed.”

Bee then went on to take apart Trump’s past obsessions with peeing and bathroom shaming (remember Hillary Clinton’s trip to the bathroom during the debate?) as well as Trump’s circus of a press conference in which he brought out his “dumbass prop table” again.

Bee concludes, “We can only hope the incontinent sex worker frosting draws attention to the report’s less delicious details about Russia manipulating our president. After all, as the old Disney song goes, ‘A spoonful of hooker urine helps the treason claims go down.’”


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Samantha Bee’s Report on Trump’s Obsession with Watersports is Golden: WATCH

한채윤: 반기문과 동성애 인권

한채윤: 반기문과 동성애 인권
‘반기문은 동성애자의 인권 옹호자’라는 꼬리표를 떼어내기란 그리 쉽지 않을 것이다. 유엔 사무총장 임기 10년 동안 너무 많은 증거를 스스로 쌓았기 때문이다. 그는 어쨌든 한국 역사상 동성애자의 인권 옹호 발언을 가장 많이 한 유력 인사다. 얼마나 열심히 했는지 2015년 6월26일 샌프란시스코에서 열린 유엔헌장 채택 70주년 기념식에서 반기문 사무총장은 미국의 동성애자 인권운동단체인 ‘하비밀크재단’으로부터 성적소수자의 자유와 평등에 대해 노력한 공로를 기리는 메달을 받았을 정도다.

기사 보기: 반기문, 동성애, 사회, 한채윤, 인권, 대선, Korea News

As Trump Met the Press, Protesters Chanted 'No Trump, no KKK, No Fascist USA' (Video)

As Trump Met the Press, Protesters Chanted 'No Trump, no KKK, No Fascist USA' (Video)
Reuters via Wochit

Holding signs portraying Donald Trump as Hitler and denouncing fascism, the dozen or so demonstrators stood outside the Fifth Avenue tower the president-elect calls home and made their voices heard.

FOX News Anchor Shep Smith Denounces Trump for ‘Belittling and ‘Delegitimizing’ Journalists: WATCH

FOX News Anchor Shep Smith Denounces Trump for ‘Belittling and ‘Delegitimizing’ Journalists: WATCH

Shepard Smith

If you missed the circus on display at Trump Tower earlier today, here’s a glimpse of one of the ugliest moments. Trump went after CNN’s Jim Acosta and the network for publishing a legitimate story about the circulated intel report about Trump possibly being “compromised” by  Russia:

FOX News Shep Smith called out Trump today on his newscast:

“President-elect Trump today told CNN’s Jim Acosta that his organization amounts to fake news. CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and distinctly different from the document dump executed by an online news property. Though we at FOX News cannot confirm CNN’s report, it is our observation that its correspondents followed journalistic standards and that neither they nor any other journalists should be subjected to belittling and delegitimizing by the President-elect of the United States.”


(h/t jmg)

The post FOX News Anchor Shep Smith Denounces Trump for ‘Belittling and ‘Delegitimizing’ Journalists: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

FOX News Anchor Shep Smith Denounces Trump for ‘Belittling and ‘Delegitimizing’ Journalists: WATCH

Cyberbully harasses man with creepy notes after being rejected by him on Grindr six years ago

Cyberbully harasses man with creepy notes after being rejected by him on Grindr six years ago

Everyone handles rejection differently. Some people cry and get depressed, others shrug their shoulders and move on more quickly, and then there are those who go absolutely apeshit crazy. This is the story of one of those guys

A Grindr troll with the screen name “Hung Top” has been endlessly terrorizing men in San Diego whenever they reject his advances, continuing to harass them for weeks, months, and even years.

Ricardo Sousa is one of his victims. Six years ago, he turned down “Hung Top.” Ever since then, he says, he’s been harassed with hateful late night text messages, notes, and even death threats.

Related: Turns Out Grindr Is A Godsend If You’re Gay, Twentysomething, And Disabled

Earlier this week, Sousa posted one of the messages he received in the middle of the night to Facebook:

“This has been going on for six years now,” Sausa wrote in the post. “I have ignored, I have blocked, I gave him warnings and he won’t stop.”

Speaking to San Diego Gay and Lesbian News, he added, “I have reported to Adam 4 Adam and Grindr; he gets deleted but creates another profile with a different email. That’s just how these apps work.”

To make matters even worse, “Hung Top” apparently lives in the same building where Sousa works.

“He put notes on my car,” said Sousa. “Threatening notes. … I’m scared of this guy.”

Related: Grindr wants to become your new “lifestyle brand” while helping refugees and stopping AIDS

Apparently other guys in the area have fallen victim to “Hung Top” as well.

“He sees other profiles in the area and hits them up,” Sausa explained. “If you did not reply he would get upset and send those texts.”

After dealing with this guy for more than half a decade, Sausa finally contacted the San Diego Police Department’s LGBT liaison Sgt. Daniel Meyer for help, but the sergeant was out of town. So he went to the San Diego LGBT Community Center during their bi-weekly free legal advice service. He’s currently putting together a legal case to file a restraining order against the cyberbully.

“I only want letters from people who have been harassed by him and send screenshots, that helps a lot,” he told SDGLN.

So far, Sausa says he has collected four letters from guy who claim they, too, have been dealing with “Hung Top.” He hopes more people will come forward to strengthen the case.

“I don’t want him to hurt anybody,” he said, “but he should be in jail for a while, because this is way over the top. There was a shooting in Florida… we don’t need another one.”

Related: Grindr Has Ruined Absolutely EVERYTHING, Disgruntled Blogger Laments