Christians Denounce Footwear Ad Featuring Frolicking Nude and Gay Models (Video)

Christians Denounce Footwear Ad Featuring Frolicking Nude and Gay Models (Video)

Australia’s biggest Christian group is up in arms about Dunlop Volley’s fast-paced, body-affirming, sex-positive and same-sex relationship-approving commercials and ads for its shoes.

Zebra Shark Gives ‘Virgin Birth’ After Years Away from Mate

Zebra Shark Gives ‘Virgin Birth’ After Years Away from Mate

zebra shark

Chalk it up to 2016. For the first known time, a shark has reproduced asexually after having previously produced offspring through mating. A zebra shark in an Australian aquarium has been reported to have made the switch in April of last year.

The proud and apparently determined mother, Leonie, delivered three pups, Cleo, CC and Gemini, at the Reef HQ Aquarium in Townsville, Queensland. She had previously had a male partner from 2006 through 2012, birthing 20 pups, until aquarium staff had trouble keeping up with the number of young she was having. But she had apparently not let that separation cramp her maternal style with the arrival of new litter of pups. Christine Dudgeon, a biologist at the University of Queensland, came to investigate and published her findings this week.

“There were two possible explanations for Leonie’s eggs hatching,” said Dudgeon. “One was sperm storage, which has been documented in several occasions. Sharks have been known to store sperm from male sharks for extended periods of time. “The other was parthenogenesis [asexual reproduction]. This has been seen in a handful of sharks, but none that had mated previously.”

When analysis of the newcomers only turned up genetic material from their mother, it confirmed that Leonie had accomplished the feat on her own. While asexual reproduction in which eggs mature on their own without fertilization, known as parthenogenesis, is not an unknown phenomenon among vertebrates, including isolated instances recorded among sharks, it occurs in creatures who have been completely isolated from mating partners.

What makes Leonie distinctive is that she was equipped to opt for the alternative after previously having sexually reproduced. Researchers now plan to track the pups through maturity to observe whether they revert to more typical mating patterns. They will also see if their reduced genetic diversity exposes them to health problems, the main selling point for sexual reproduction over asexual.

In a species that is now listed as endangered, some unexpected additions might not be such a bad thing. Zebra sharks were once commonly found in tropical waters worldwide, and their new reduced status is a troubling sign:

“These sharks are an apex predator, so they are like the proverbial canary down the mineshaft — they are a poignant indicator of the quality of the environment in general,” said Tristam, who is grateful that Leonie’s case is attracting increased attention to the plight of the species. “The news that they are endangered was horrific news for biologists all over the world,” he added. “It’s a real concern.”

The post Zebra Shark Gives ‘Virgin Birth’ After Years Away from Mate appeared first on Towleroad.

Zebra Shark Gives ‘Virgin Birth’ After Years Away from Mate

윤태웅: 시민적 정체성과 전문가적 정체성

윤태웅: 시민적 정체성과 전문가적 정체성
얼마 전 JTBC 기자가 정유라씨의 소재를 경찰에 알리고 체포 장면을 취재한 바 있습니다. 논란이 일었습니다. 훌륭한 방송사의 기자가 선의로 좋은 일을 했으니 괜찮다 할 수도 있겠지요. 그럼 극우 언론사의 기자가 수배 중인 해고 노동자를 뒤쫓다 자신의 신념에 따라 경찰에 알리는 경우는 어떤가요? 기자의 가치관이 판단의 기준일까요? 간단치 않습니다. 시민으로서 신고하고 기자로서 취재한 제이티비시 기자의 선택이 정당했다 하더라도, 제기된 문제는 그 자체로 중요한 의미가 있겠다 싶습니다.

기사 보기: 윤태웅, 전문가, 시민, 사회, Jtbc, 동성애, 정유라, Korea News

HRC’s Statement on Betsy DeVos’ Confirmation Hearing

HRC’s Statement on Betsy DeVos’ Confirmation Hearing

This evening HRC responded to Betsy DeVos’ hearing for Education Secretary.

David Stacey, Government Affairs Director of the Human Rights Campaign, responded:

“It’s good that Betsy DeVos rejects the dangerous practice of conversion therapy and is distancing herself from extremist organizations that practice it. But will she protect LGBTQ young people and commit to keeping crucial protections in place for transgender students? That is a key, critical question and should be an easy answer. Does she reject Focus on the Family’s call for the Department of Education to rescind guidance ensuring the safety of transgender students? Will she reject attempts by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty to have taxpayers foot the bill for discrimination against LGBTQ students and families? We still don’t know those answers and we must. The next Secretary of Education deserves a thorough vetting and this drive-by hearing is inadequate and inexcusable.”


  • DeVos personal foundation has donated $275,000 to Focus on the Family, an organization that promotes, among other things, conversion therapy
  • DeVos’ personal foundation has donated $15,000 to the Becket Foundation, an organization that advocates for taxpayers funding discriminatory schools
  • DeVos’ personal foundation has donated $65,000 to the Thomas More Law Center, an organization that represented organizations that challenged the constitutionality of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

Young Irish Catholic clergyman whisked off to Rome in attempt to cure him of Grindr addiction

Young Irish Catholic clergyman whisked off to Rome in attempt to cure him of Grindr addiction

It’s no surprise that the world’s seminaries are chocked full of sexually-frustrated gay men. For centuries, the priesthood has been where parents sent their sensitive sons. But lately technology has been messing that all up.

You may recall the incident that happened at St. Patrick’s College, Ireland’s oldest seminary, last summer involving several male students who were discovered to be maintaining private Grindr accounts and hooking up on the DL. According to the Irish Independent, Deacon Michael Jack Byrne was one of the students involved in the scandal. And now he’s gone missing. Sort of.

Bynre’s Grindr profile said he was “versatile,” “likes deep conversations,” and “enjoys no-strings-attached sex every now and then” with a preference for guys “between 50 and 90” years old. But not just that. This week, the young cleric was accused of inviting a man back to his room at the presbytery and sexually assaulting him.

Related: Ireland’s Oldest Seminary Rocked By Widespread Grindr Use Among Priests

The alleged incident happened in 2015, when Byrne purportedly met a middle-aged man, whose name has not been released, on on the app. They chatted for a while and exchanged a few racy pics before the priest-in-training invited the man over for a slumber party.

It’s unclear whether the men were planning on having sexual relations, or just staying up late giggling and talking about boys, but at some point in the evening the man says he awoke to find Byrne performing unwanted sex acts on him. Afterwards, the victim contacted Archbishop Diarmuid Martin about Byrne.

“I believe this young man is not suitable for priesthood,” he tells the paper, adding that he worries the young cleric, who recently took a vow of celibacy, “may do this (sexual assault) again in the future.”

In an effort to squash the scandal, sources say the archbishop transferred Byrne to Rome, where he has been hiding out in a monastery ever since. ChurchMilitant reached out to sources close to Byrne who confirmed, “The accusation was made that the assault took place at a parish Byrne was serving at on pastoral work. He was the only student there at the time.”

As of now, the Archbishop is not commenting on the scandal or on Byrne’s exact whereabouts. Bynre’s Grindr profile has also been deactivated.

Related: Orgy-Loving Priest Outed For Keeping Secret Grindr Account

Jake Tapper, Summer Zervos, Orlando Bloom, DB Cooper, Mahershala Ali, Alligator: HOT LINKS

Jake Tapper, Summer Zervos, Orlando Bloom, DB Cooper, Mahershala Ali, Alligator: HOT LINKS

SUMMER ZERVOS. Former Apprentice contestant suing Trump. “Ms. Zervos was ambushed by Mr. Trump on more than one occasion,” the complaint states. “Mr. Trump suddenly, and without her consent, kissed her on her mouth repeatedly; he touched her breast; and he pressed his genitals up against her. Ms. Zervos never consented to any of this disgusting touching.”

TrumpDONALD TRUMP. Taking the weekend off after being sworn in: “One of the first orders I’m gonna sign — day one — which I will consider to be Monday as opposed to Friday or Saturday. Right? I mean my day one is gonna be Monday because I don’t want to be signing and get it mixed up with lots of celebration, but one of the first orders we’re gonna be signing is gonna be strong borders.”

NO CONFLICTS. Trump announces expansion of Scottish golf course

JAKE TAPPER.  On the dangers of Donald Trump: “He was obviously trying to get us to stop focusing on the story and to discredit all of us.”

HE’S BACK. Rick Santorum coming to CNN.

LAURA INGRAHAM. The FOX News host is considering running against Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA): “I’m considering,” Ingraham told “Fox & Friends,” adding: “I haven’t made any decisions but a number of folks in Virginia who are well connected are very interested in my running, and that’s very flattering.”

.@IngrahamAngle announces she is considering a Senate run in Virginia challenging Sen. Tim Kaine

— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) January 17, 2017

ORLANDO BLOOM’S JUNKFeatured guest at his 40th birthday party thrown by Katy Perry.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. President Obama pays tribute to Michelle on her 53rd.

MYSTERIES. New clues bring answer closer in DB Cooper planejacking: “Titanium was a rare metal in 1971 and this makes it extremely unlikely it is a post-event contamination,” Citizen Sleuths notes on its site, which lays out in painstaking detail all of the findings from the case. “Its presence constrains Cooper to a limited number of managers or engineers in the titanium field that would wear ties to work.”

CHRIS VOTH. Volleyball player was denied pro contract because he was gay: “We almost had a contract and were negotiating details, housing and small things. All of a sudden they announced they weren’t interested any more after all. It was because I’m gay. They said [to my agent] they didn’t want to take that risk — they didn’t want to have a player in their team who breaks boundaries. They claimed they were worried that the opponents’ fans would endanger my safety, but some things made me suspect it was an excuse.”

MoonlightMOONLIGHT. Mahershala Ali says he mourned having to leave his character Juan: “Maybe I was just more open on this particular gig, but I learned so much from working on Moonlight. I was invested in a way that I can’t say I’ve ever been. I want to be that invested on every project, but I would leave working on Moonlight to go work on something else — I was working on several things — and I would really miss Juan.”

JUGHEAD. Cole Sprouse says he wants his Riverdale character to be asexual: “Asexuality is not one of those things in my research that is so understood at face value and I think maybe the development of that narrative could also be something very interesting and very unique and still resonate with people, and not step on anyone’s toes.”

FINLAND. Same-sex marriage comes into effect on March 1.

OTTAWACentreville Pub, one of the province’s first gay bars, closes abruptly: “The owner of the pub had been trying to sell the business for close to a year. Last January, the pub was listed for $399,000 while the building was for sale for $849,000. A notice of termination from Windle Law Firm was found on the doors of the pub Monday.”

GATOR. Massive reptile caught on film at Florida nature center.


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The post Jake Tapper, Summer Zervos, Orlando Bloom, DB Cooper, Mahershala Ali, Alligator: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.

Jake Tapper, Summer Zervos, Orlando Bloom, DB Cooper, Mahershala Ali, Alligator: HOT LINKS

BREAKING: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

BREAKING: Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

Various outlets are reporting that Chelsea Manning’s sentence has just been commuted by President Obama.

The former Army intelligence officer was incarcerated in 2010 after stealing roughly 700,000 military dossiers and diplomatic cables and turning them over to Wikileaks.

As NBC News reports, the decision — made in the very last days of Obama’s presidency — means that Manning can go free May 17th after serving seven years of her sentence.

Related: Chelsea Manning Begins Hunger Strike To Get Treatment For Gender Dysphoria

Following Edward Snowden’s Tweet that said if Obama should free one person, it should be Manning, over 117,000 citizens signed a petition asking the President to cut the sentence short.

The request didn’t fall on deaf ears. Last week, Obama spokesperson Josh Earnest said in a White House briefing that there was a “stark difference” between Manning’s crimes and Snowden’s actions, with Snowden’s being “far more serious and far more dangerous” and, to our mind, ultimately awesome.

Manning applied for a presidential pardon there years ago and was rejected at the time. This November, she said in a petition that her previous request was “too soon” and “too much”.

“I should have waited,” she said.

I needed time to absorb the conviction, and to reflect on my actions. I also needed time to grow and mature as a person.

I take full and complete responsibility for my decision to disclose these materials to the public. I have never made any excuses for what I did. I pleaded guilty without the protection of a plea agreement because I believed the military justice system would understand my motivation for the disclosure and sentence me fairly. I was wrong.

Manning says she hasn’t been able to get proper medical treatment for her gender dysphoria while being incarcerated.

Related: Caitlyn Jenner Is “The Grinch Who Stole And Sold Out The Trans Movement,” Says Chelsea Manning

“The bottom-line is this,” she says. “I need help and I am still not getting it. I am living through a cycle of anxiety, anger, hopelessness, loss, and depression. I cannot focus. I cannot sleep. I attempted to take my own life.”