三ツ矢雄二「偏見をとっぱらいたい」 ゲイをカミングアウトした声優の思い

三ツ矢雄二「偏見をとっぱらいたい」 ゲイをカミングアウトした声優の思い

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HRC Opposes Donald Trump’s Anti-Equality Pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services

HRC Opposes Donald Trump’s Anti-Equality Pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services

Today, HRC announced its opposition to Tom Price’s appointment as Secretary of Health and Human Services. In a report and letter sent to Congress this morning, HRC cited his career-long record of opposing basic human rights for LGBTQ people.

Chad Griffin, President of the Human Rights Campaign, responded:

“Donald Trump has chosen a man to run the Department of Health and Human Services who is on the wrong side of just about every public health concern for LGBTQ people. Today too many LGBTQ people are still turned away from care, denied the right to visit loved ones and treated unfairly by their providers. We deserve a Secretary who will work to end discrimination, not one who has a history of demeaning and marginalizing LGBTQ people. For all of those reasons, and many more, we strongly oppose his appointment..

For more, check out HRC’s report: Tom Price: A History of Anti-LGBTQ Actions, which includes details about his extensive history of anti-LGBTQ lawmaking, including:

  • Price, like Jeff Sessions, voted against the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Act, referring to it as “thought crime” and referred to its passage as “immoral.”
  • Price was a vocal opponent of repealing the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” ban
  • He referred to the notion that transgender people should have equal access to public facilities as “abuse and overreach of power”
  • The fringe Family Research Council wrote to its members: “As one of our good friends in Congress, Rep. Tim Price [sic] (R-GA), told me recently: If the homosexual Left succeeds and ENDA becomes law, you can “Just let your mind run wild and see the consequences: They are remarkably negative.”
  • Price voted against the Violence Against Women Act, which include protections for LGBTQ people — particularly concerning given HHS’ recognition of domestic violence as a public health crisis.
  • He is a vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act, which provides essential health care for LGBTQ people
  • Price sponsored legislation to attempt to pre-empt Washington, D.C.’s recognition of marriages between same-sex couples.


Christian activists are losing their minds over these ads for shoes

Christian activists are losing their minds over these ads for shoes

Volley Australia has launched an ad campaign called #Grassroots that has drawn the ire of one of the heads of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Wendy Francis, ACL Queensland director, tweeted out a warning to parents over the campaign, noting that the brand also sells shoes for children.

Parents be aware Dunlop Volley still sell sandshoes for school kids, but their website has R rated images as they’re now “all about rooting”

— Wendy Francis (@wendyjoyfrancis) January 17, 2017

“Rooting” is slang for sex.

Samuel Leighton-Dore, one of the campaign’s models, told Mashable via Messenger, “I’m not sure she’s offended by the images so much as what they seem to represent, which is freedom, sexuality, and … footwear.”

Related: 20 advertisers that made 2016 gayer than ever

“I think when recognisably Australian brands start to embrace diversity and sexuality in their branding, it’s a sign that organisations like ACL are fighting the tide,” he added.

The campaign’s website has text on the homepage reading:

We’re sick of being socially engineered and we shun political correctness.
We’re young and we’re rooting for change.
We are children of the sun and are comfortable in our own skin, so don’t tell us who to love or how to be.
Our campaign is all about the celebration of sexual expression whilst remembering to stay safe.
For this reason we’ve joined arms with Ansell condoms in support of safe sex, as whilst we’re all about rooting, we believe in ‘safety first’.
So stay safe this summer and root for us, root for change, root for VOLLEY.


Related: Another cute commercial, another Million Moms meltdown

Head here to watch the ad.


Ireland Lifts Lifetime Ban on Gay Men Donating Blood

Ireland Lifts Lifetime Ban on Gay Men Donating Blood


Ireland has lifted the ban on gay men donating blood.

In the move announced by Health Minister Simon Harris, gay men will from this week be able to donate blood if they meet the other blood donor selection criteria, including a one-year deferral for men who have sex with men.

In other changes, those diagnosed with an STD cannot give a blood donation for five years after completing treatment for the infection.

RELATED: FDA Updates Blood Donation Policy for Gay Men

Harris said:

“The [Irish Blood Transfusion Service] provides a safe, reliable and robust blood service to the Irish health system and has the necessary programmes and procedures in place to protect both donors and recipients of blood and blood products. Furthermore, the IBTS will continue to keep all deferral policies under active review.”

According to the Independent, while only three percent of the eligible population of Ireland are active blood donors, 25 percent of people will require a blood transfusion in their lifetime.

In June 2016, Northern Ireland Health Minister Michelle O’Neill announced an end to the lifetime ban on blood donation by gay men.

(Image via Wikimedia)

The post Ireland Lifts Lifetime Ban on Gay Men Donating Blood appeared first on Towleroad.

Ireland Lifts Lifetime Ban on Gay Men Donating Blood

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

New Survey of 50,000+ Young People Reveals Troubling Post-Election Spike in Bullying & Harassment

Today, HRC Foundation released the results of a groundbreaking post-election survey of more than 50,000 young people ages 13-18 revealing the deeply damaging fallout the November election has had on youth across the United States.

The online survey, believed to be the largest ever of its kind, found that 70 percent of respondents have witnessed bullying, hate messages or harassment since the election, with racial bias the most common motive cited. More than a quarter of LGBTQ youth said they have been personally bullied or harassed since Election Day — compared to 14 percent of non-LGBTQ youth — with transgender young people most frequently targeted. Additionally, Hispanic and Latinx respondents were 20 percent more likely than other youth to report having been personally bullied, with harassment targeting both immigrant and nonimmigrant communities.

“Whether the threats come in their schools or from those holding the country’s highest offices, no young person should be bullied or made to feel unsafe,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The alarming results of this groundbreaking survey underscore our fears about the damaging effect the recent election is having on our nation’s youth, and serve as a call to action to all of us committed to helping our young people thrive in an inclusive and supportive society.”

Vast numbers of young people also reported feeling nervous and hopeless post-election, with almost half of LGBTQ youth saying they have taken steps to hide who they are by delaying coming out, dressing differently or questioning their plans for the future. Hispanic and African American young people also reported changing their appearances and routines out of fear of harassment, and Muslim, Jewish and Hindu youth all described concealing symbols of their faith to avoid being targeted.

In responses to open-ended questions on the survey, many young people shared heart-wrenching stories of how the vicious campaign rhetoric had encouraged harassment and bullying. Wrote one Hispanic 18-year-old from Illinois, “My family and I go shopping and wash clothes at 2 a.m. to avoid seeing and hearing people’s comments.” A transgender youth from Idaho wrote that they and a Latinx friend were confronted at school by a fellow student who said, “Donald Trump is gonna deport wastes of space like you, and hopefully he does something about freaks like you too.”

Findings include:

  • Seventy percent of respondents reported witnessing bullying, hate messages or harassment during or since the 2016 election. Of those, 79 percent said such behaviors have been occurring more frequently since the onset of the presidential campaign.
  • Among young people who reported seeing bullying and harassment, 70 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, 63 percent had seen incidents motivated by sexual orientation, 59 percent had seen incidents motivated by immigration status, and 55 percent had witnessed incidents motivated by gender.
  • Over the past 30 days, about half of transgender youth reported feeling hopeless and worthless most or all of the time, and 70 percent said that these and similar feelings have increased in the past 30 days. Thirty-six percent had been personally bullied or harassed, and 56 percent had changed their self-expression or future plans because of the election.
  • Before Election Day 2016, more than half of survey respondents reported thinking about  the election every day, and a third thought about it several times each week.

In one encouraging finding, despite widespread post-election fear and anxiety, young people said they are more committed than ever to supporting others who are targeted for discrimination and harassment. Fifty-seven percent said that since Election Day, they more frequently feel motivated to help people in their community.

Wrote one 15-year-old from North Carolina: “The best way for adults to reassure youth, especially minorities, is to get involved in the community and take action to make the world a better place, whether it is through volunteering at a homeless shelter, working on a campaign, or something else. Actions speak louder than words.”

Respondents were solicited through HRC’s social media channels and those of partner organizations, including Mental Health America, the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Southern Poverty Law Center, True Colors Fund and The Trevor Project.

To acknowledge the very real fears young people are experiencing, and help them cope with the fallout from the election, HRC is recommending five things you can do today to support LGBTQ youth. Find the list here. Read the full survey results here.


Al Franken Calls Out Betsy DeVos on Support for Gay Conversion Therapy and Willingness to Lie: WATCH

Al Franken Calls Out Betsy DeVos on Support for Gay Conversion Therapy and Willingness to Lie: WATCH

Betsy DeVos gay conversion therapy Al Franken

Trump’s Secretary of Education pick Betsy DeVos, a Michigan billionaire with a staunchly anti-LGBT record, sat before a Senate panel last night for her confirmation hearing.

Senator Al Franken (D-MN) aired DeVos’s support for organizations that support gay “conversion therapy”, a practice that she then denied she supports.

Franken then demonstrated her willingness to throw false numbers around.

Said Franken:

“Mrs. DeVos, your family has a long history of supporting anti-LGBT causes including donating millions of dollars to groups that push conversion therapy, the practice of trying to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity. For example, you and your family have given over $10 million to Focus On the Family, an organization that currently states on its website that, ‘homosexual strugglers can and do change their sexual behavior and identity.’

“Mrs. DeVos, conversion therapy has been widely discredited and rejected for decades by every mainstream medical and mental health organization as neither medically nor ethically appropriate. It has been shown to lead to depression, anxiety, drug use, homelessness, and suicide, particularly in LGBT youth. In fact, many of the leaders and founders of conversion therapy, including both religious ministries and mental health professionals, have not only publicly renounced it but have issued formal apologies for their work and how harmful it has been to the individuals involved. Mr. Chairman, I would ask that this be included in the record.

“Mrs. DeVos, do you still believe in conversion therapy?”

Replied DeVos:

“Senator Franken, um, I’ve never believed in that.

“First of all, let me say I fully embrace equality and I believe in the innate value of every single human being and that all students, no matter their age, should be able to attend a school and feel safe and be free of discrimination. So let’s start there and let me just say that your characterization of our contributions I don’t think accurately reflects those of my family. I would hope that you wouldn’t include other family members beyond my core family.”

Franken then proved her willingness to lie:

“Well, in terms of throwing numbers around, you said that student debt has increased by 1,000 percent.”

Answered DeVos: “980 percent in 8 years.”

Said Franken:

“That’s just not so. It’s increased 118 percent in the past eight years. So, I’m just asking if you’re challenging my figures, I would ask that you get your figures straight about education policy and that’s why we want more questions. Because we want to know if this person that we are entrusting to be the secretary of education, if she has the breadth and depth of knowledge that we would expect from someone who has that important job.”


Writes Lambda Legal:

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students contact Lambda Legal every day to seek help being safe at school.  We need a Secretary of Education who will make schools safe for all students, and who won’t tolerate bullying – by peers, parents, or school administrators. What we know so far about Betsy DeVos’s record concerns us. She has supported Focus on the Family, which opposes marriage equality, and her family foundation has funded a group that advances the dangerous practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy.’ Her advocacy for privatizing public education could eject students – LGBT or not – from the protection of federal laws.  A complete confirmation process for Betsy DeVos is necessary in order to fully investigate whether she supports equal rights for LGBT students.

Writes Politico:

Under the Obama administration, the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights has aggressively policed civil rights issues — such as cracking down on colleges that mishandle sexual assault cases, and urging schools to extend anti-bullying policies to cover LGBT students. During the election, the Trump campaign was critical of the civil rights office, with some Trump surrogates questioning its very existence. DeVos has said little about such issues, but civil rights advocates have said they’re “deeply concerned” that she might seek to rein in the office’s enforcement efforts. They note the DeVos family has a long history of supporting anti-gay causes — including donating hundreds of thousands to groups that push “conversion therapy” — raising questions about how DeVos would address discrimination against gay and transgender students. Democrats and advocacy groups are also concerned about donations that DeVos’ foundation made to another group, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which has pushed to raise the standard of evidence in sexual assault cases on college campuses. Ed Patru, a spokesman for a group of DeVos supporters, said she sees private school vouchers and charter schools as a civil rights issue. “In hundreds of communities of color, kids aren’t being taught the skills they need to succeed in college or find the kinds of jobs that pay enough to escape poverty, and Betsy believes that is an alarming civil rights crisis,” Patru said.

And you can read about DeVos’s further conflicts HERE.

The post Al Franken Calls Out Betsy DeVos on Support for Gay Conversion Therapy and Willingness to Lie: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Al Franken Calls Out Betsy DeVos on Support for Gay Conversion Therapy and Willingness to Lie: WATCH