This tiny bug has been named after Trump — see the resemblance?

This tiny bug has been named after Trump — see the resemblance?

Any minute now, reality star and President-Elect Donald Trump (The Apprentice, The White House) will be firing off a maelstrom of angry Tweets directed at moths — particularly the recently-named Neopalpa donaldtrumpi. 

A teeny-tiny moth (even by moth standards), this little vermin has a wingspan of a mere 0.4 inches (sad!), and is distinguished by its yellow and white scales, which bear an uncanny resemblance to the high-treason hairstyle long enjoyed by the bungling blowhard business tycoon.

Related: Donald Trump made a video begging people to attend his inaugural festivities and the comments are hilarious

This is appropriate, since flies and other insects have proven to be instinctively drawn to Trump’s hair, as you can see in the photograph above.

“Its distinctive wing pattern and its unique DNA bar code immediately flagged it as a new and undescribed species,” says evolutionary biologist Vazrick Nazari.

Related: Is There A Shady Secret Message On TIME’s Donald Trump Cover?

And things get even weirder. As NBC News deadpans:

The shapes of certain folds and pouch-like structures on N. donaldtrumpi’s genitalia were also unique to the species.”

Naming new species after cultural figures helps foster public interest — for the creature, as well as its ecosystem.

“I hope that the president will make conservation of such fragile ecosystems in the U.S. his top priority,” Nazari tells Live Science. “These ecosystems still contain many undiscovered and undescribed species, and deserve to be protected for future generations.”

How Trump Could Destroy Obama’s LGBT Progress: WATCH

How Trump Could Destroy Obama’s LGBT Progress: WATCH

Matt Baume

With tomorrow’s inauguration looming, Matt Baume has enumerated the ways in which the incoming administration could rollback the advances and protections the LGBT community has achieved over the course of two terms under President Obama.

Baume’s rundown serves both a primer for activist vigilance going forward as well a look back on how the Obama administration advanced LGBT causes in ways both great and small. While marriage equality garners the most visibility and attention, there are various bureaucratic approaches that served to codify and enact LGBT recognition and privileges equal to those others have enjoyed.

These include federal hate crime prosecution, nondiscrimination by federal contractors, and applicability of the Family and Medical Leave. The likely forthcoming repeal of the Affordable Care Act will remove provisions that prevent the denial of coverage simply for being gay. And even before the potential winding judicial road which could lead to the appointment of new Supreme Court justices that would be inclined to revisit or reverse decisions such as Windsor and Obergefell, there were ways in which the Obama administration streamlined the implementation of across-the-board recognition of same-sex unions that a Trump administration could conversely complicate or let wither through not-so-benign neglect.

Baume also sifts through the numerous cabinet appointees who are on the record as ambivalent or openly hostile to LGBT equality and rights, covering various major departments from Justice to Education to Housing and Urban Development to State. The latter, in particular, could have negative repercussions not just at home but globally, as the current tens of millions of dollars in allocations the State Department contributes to the Global Equality Fund, which promotes LGBT tolerance and rights abroad, are unlikely to continue.

The overall effect is not simply to discourage or alarm, although both are certainly valid reactions, but also as a call to action to ensure pushback from the grassroots against a Trump and GOP stranglehold on all the levers of power for the foreseeable future.

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How Trump Could Destroy Obama’s LGBT Progress: WATCH

5 ways the new Queerty is better than ever

5 ways the new Queerty is better than ever

Don’t worry: you didn’t fall asleep at your desk and drift into dreamland.

We’ve changed. No, really — we have.

Queerty was long overdue for a major design overhaul — like, long overdue — so we’ve been working overtime to reimagine just what the site should look like in 2017. How’d we do?

It’s a pretty massive overhaul by any standards, with a top-to-bottom redesign, an updated commenting system, intriguing new categories, and a way more enjoyable mobile experience. To leave no stone unturned, we even reworked our logo.

Change is inevitable, so don’t panic!

Instead, let us talk you through each of the five most important developments.

1. Design 

Remember 2005? So do we — every time we look at our old homepage. But that’s all behind us now! As of today, we’re giving the site a desperately needed makeover, so you’ll no longer wonder if you slipped through a time tunnel every time you visit us.

Since we update our content roughly every fifteen minutes give or take an hour, we thought we should go ahead and spruce up the design for once. (Even if it takes us another decade for the next refresh.)

And for those who wrote in wishing there was a way to easily keep track of which stories you’ve already read, now posts will get a subtle grey treatment and check-box after you view them.

Like this:

2. Categories

We love that our coverage is all over the road and hope you do too, but many of you have asked for an easier way to dive into the particular types of content that help get you through the day. That’s why we did you a solid and split our posts into four main categories: Life (current events); Entertainment (arts and celeb culture); Politics (like it says); and Goods (hello sailor). Feel free to explore ’til you explode, and rest assured there’s always a new piece of ridiculousness right around the corner.

3. Mobile

You love your phone. You worship your phone. You probably just checked your phone while reading this sentence. Fun fact: More than half of you visit us from you mobile devices, and that’s why we redesigned the site to look equally appetizing on small and large screens alike.

As of today, you’ll no longer have to manually zoom to see the homepage content, or to make the copy large enough to realistically read.

4. New Logo

What can we say about the old Queerty logo? A lot — but right now we’re on the clock. Let it suffice to say, the logo wouldn’t have been out of place pinned to the wall of a nominally talented kindergarten class, and we thought we could do better.

5. Improved Commenting

Scroll on over to our comments section and you’ll find a more user-friendly experience awaits. Over the years, we’ve received countless complaints about the inconsistency and overall herky-jerkiness of our commenting system, so we’ve assembled a crack team of specialists to work overtime to create a far more satisfying experience. (And now, Queerty commenters, you can use this as an opportunity to be nice to each other.)

Take a look and let us know what you think (in the comments, naturally). We’ll brace and hope for the best.

Sherry Vine is Ready for the Resistance with ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – WATCH

Sherry Vine is Ready for the Resistance with ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – WATCH

Sherry Vine

Sherry Vine, the drag performer known for her deliciously raunchy reboots of pop hits, has bigger things on her mind these days: Donald Trump and the culture wars he is bringing back to the nation.

She’s back with a new clip using Billy Joel’s classic anthem “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. While Joel’s hit was meant to call out the world’s malevolent events from the ’50s to the late ’80s, Vine has her eyes on a more modern era and its oppressors.

Said Vine:

“This is a very different kind of parody for me. While most of my parodies tend to be funny and naughty, there’s an element of anger and cynicism in this latest. It reflects how many of us in the LGBTQ community feel today. We don’t know what the future has in store for us. At any moment, the other shoe may drop and we’re scared. Very scared.”

The clip, which she’s sharing first with Towleroad, was directed by Josh Rosenzweig and conceived by Rosenzweig,, Karl Beck, and Vine.


The post Sherry Vine is Ready for the Resistance with ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Sherry Vine is Ready for the Resistance with ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’ – WATCH

Praying against their fellow Americans: Inauguration prayers from anti-LGBTQ activists

Praying against their fellow Americans: Inauguration prayers from anti-LGBTQ activists

Photo credit: dabdiputs via / CC BY-SA

Inaugurations have historically included prayers from religious leaders whose prayers featured in the inauguration ceremony represent the ideology and often the agenda of the incoming president.

President Obama chose prayers who reflected the historically inclusive nature of his election. He invited openly gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson to offer a prayer at his 2009 inauguration, and in 2013 tapped Myrlie Evers-Willians, the first woman and layperson to deliver the invocation. The Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, then Moderator of the LGBTQ community serving Metropolitcan Community Church, read scripture at the 2013 interfaith prayer breakfast. However, in an attempt to create space for diverse religious views, Obama also invited anti-LGBTQ pastor Rick Warren to offer the invocation in 2009. In 2013, Pastor Louie Giglio had originally been invited to offer a benediction, but later withdrew amid controversy regarding an anti-gay sermon he had delivered in the past. In his place, the Rev. Dr. Luis León, an affirming Latino Episcopal, offered the benediction.

Donald Trump’s inauguration has given an elevated platform to a number of high profile anti-LGBTQ extremists. Two in particular, have previously earned profiles on GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability Project for their inflammatory and extremist statements. While they are not the only anti-LGBTQ faith leaders included, Samuel Rodriguez and Franklin Graham, are perhaps the most worthy of alarm for LGBTQ people.

Franklin Graham has long used the name and mantle of his father, famed evangelist Billy Graham, as a blunt force object for political gain and the persecution of LGBTQ people. From the Commentator Accountability Project:

— Claims Satan is behind LGBTQ rights and advocacy: “This is a full-scale assault against Christianity and the followers of Christ. When prayer is banned from the public square, when our President fails to defend biblically defined marriage, and he openly and zealously advocates for gay rights; when legislators rush to overrule existing laws to promote gay marriage; when schools and courts consistently suppress religious freedoms; we know we are locked in a war against the Christian faith, not culture. The architect behind this offensive is none other than Satan himself. The Scripture says that the devil, our archenemy, is bent on as much destruction as possible.”

— Insists that same-sex couples cannot have families: “[Marriage for same-sex couples] takes the family away and there is no way you can have a family with two females or two males, if you just think biologically how God made us our plumbing is completely different.”

— Supports Russia’s draconian laws against “gay propaganda”: “Isn’t it sad, though, that America’s own morality has fallen so far that on this issue—protecting children from any homosexual agenda or propaganda—Russia’s standard is higher than our own? In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues. Obviously, he may be wrong about many things, but he has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda. Our president and his attorney general have turned their backs on God and His standards, and many in the Congress are following the administration’s lead. This is shameful. The world used to look to America for moral leadership. But those days are long gone.”

— Insists “there is no place for compromise” on marriage equality

— Says that by allowing openly gay youth, the Boy Scouts supported “corrupt values”: The Boy Scouts of America recently announced that they were reconsidering their long-standing policy against admitting homosexuals into their ranks. The Scouts have been under fire by liberal activists for years, and a reversal of their policy would demonstrate just how much pressure our politically correct culture has placed on institutions to conform to their corrupt values. This is an organization that has stood for moral integrity for over a century. The tide of immorality has risen to new heights.”

— Accuses gay people of “recruiting” children

Graham was also incredibly active during the presidential campaign last year, using his Twitter account to attack LGBTQ people and their allies:

.@TimKaine says he has “evolved” in his beliefs about same-sex marriage & homosexuality. Well, the truth of God’s Holy Word never changes.

— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) September 12, 2016

The LGBT community is trying to force Christian colleges to accept the homosexual lifestyle—or be on a “shame list”

— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) September 10, 2016

.@CharMeckSchools wants to brainwash children into accepting homosexuality & transgender behavior.

— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) August 5, 2016

God is clear in His Word that marriage is between a man and a woman and that homosexuality is wrong.

— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) August 3, 2016

Today @POTUS officially named #Stonewall Inn as a national monument to gay rights. I can’t believe how far our country has digressed.

— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) June 25, 2016

Rodriguez is senior pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, California, and president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. According to the organization, he is the first Assemblies of God pastor to take part in a presidential swearing in. However, his previous claims demonstrates what animus he has for the LGBTQ community.

— Equates “difficult” nature of marriage equality with Boston terror bombings (at 7:02): “We do live in difficult times. These are times with great uncertainty, angst.  The terror in Boston.  Fear.  Consternation flux. The attempt to redefine a God-ordained institution.  These are difficult times.”

— Lumps gays who seek equality with other “radicals;” calls on “devil stomping” Christians to reject all: “We have radical Muslims. Radical homosexuals. Radical abortionists. We need radical, born again, spirit filled Christians to arise. Do you follow me? We don’t need any sissy Christians, Oprah Winfrey Christians. We need prophetic, devil stomping, demon rebuking, blood washed, Bible believing, free-from-sin Christians.”

— Vocal opponent of LGBTQ provisions in immigration reform; says protecting LGBT couples would be the “death knell” for reform

— Claims: “The legalization of gay marriage in Iowa and Vermont should be seen as a declaration of war on traditional values.”

— Links his fight against marriage equality to fighting destructive behavior: “To the Latino family, traditional marriage represents the antidote to destructive social behavior such as drug activity, teenage pregnancy, gang involvement, high school dropout and many others”

Graham and Rodriguez represent two of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ voices who will be given an international platform, not for unity but for the active persecution of LGBTQ people, as well as other minorities. They will urge their fellow Americans to decelerate acceptance for the LGBTQ community, and they will have the backing of not just a faulty theology, but the power of the president.

But Graham and Rodriguez are not alone. In addition, other anti-LGBTQ leaders are being given an international platform for the inauguration.

New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan will speak. Dolan has been for both his folksy speaking style, his easygoing rhetoric, and his rabid opposition to LGBTQ acceptance. He lashed out at the New York legislature, comparing marriage equality to oppressive regimes like China or North Korea. He wrote a letter to President Obama criticizing him for his decision to stop defending the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA) against legal challenges. As president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Dolan was a part of the early push for so-called “religious freedom” laws.

Bishop Wayne T. Jackson, pastor of Great Faith Ministries in Detroit, Michigan, joined a statement from the National Coalition of African-American Ministers to oppose marriage equality in 2004. Interestingly enough, Jackson has drawn criticism for a ritual performed during the ordination of his fellow bishops, which involves having them lay down, covering them with cloth and convulsing on top of them.

GLAAD has been tracking the words and actions of the incoming Trump Administration’s appointees, as well as those who may be in consideration to join his team, through the Trump Accountability Project. Take action and join GLAAD’s grassroots Rapid Response Team. Together, we can fight back and make a difference. 

January 19, 2017

‘Clerical error’ to blame for Betsy DeVos’ 13 years of antigay donations — really?

‘Clerical error’ to blame for Betsy DeVos’ 13 years of antigay donations — really?

It’s like the Donald Trump administration is trying to set records for the most incompetent government officials in American history. Even when they do something insane and dangerous, their way of dealing with it is even worse.

Case in point: Betsy DeVos, the billionaire heiress who thinks she’s qualified to run the nation’s schools despite not really knowing anything about education. What’s worse: her family has given millions of dollars to various dangerous groups like Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, both of which exist to spread lies and denigrate LGBT families. Great use of money, there, Betsy.

Related: Al Franken challenges Betsy DeVos on million$ in antigay donations

When pressed on the donations, which happened over the span of years, her excuse now is that she was never involved in them; and that her name appeared on the paperwork — for 13 years — by mistake. Uh-huh. And the dog ate her homework we hear.

Even if her ridiculous claim was true, it doesn’t really make anything better.

As Secretary of Education, DeVos will be in charge of (among many other things) ensuring that students’ civil rights are protected. It’s great that she’s not pretending that she never supported ex-gay camps and abusive homophobic rhetoric. But what’s she going to do to keep that garbage out of schools? Or will she just turn a blind eye to it for thirteen years by “mistake”?

Staunchly Catholic Peru Sees a Surge in Gender Activism and Progressive Policies

Staunchly Catholic Peru Sees a Surge in Gender Activism and Progressive Policies

Oscar Ugarteche

Seeing a rise in the visibility of LGBT and women’s rights movements in their country, Peruvian conservatives responded with a “March for Heterosexual Pride.”

To counter a ministry of education curriculum promoting sex education and gender equality, some people launched a NIMBY-ish movement, Con Mis Hijos No Te Metas (“Don’t Mess With My Children”), to fight against “gender ideology” and teachings that they think promotes homosexuality.

This staunchly conservative, Catholic nation is in the middle of a fight about its moral core.

For the decade and change I lived in Peru — from my birth through primary school — homosexuality was presented to me as a sin. A shameful, mockable perversion I should hope to never catch.

And being female? That came with a full package of body shaming and wolf whistles, the wandering hands of old men a constant danger, young as I was.

Still, I was lucky. I’m fairly straight, and the worst harassment I ever endured was a Peeping Tom. Besides, I left. And that might be why I’m surprised by the progressive gender initiatives underway.

When the March for Heterosexual Pride event appeared on Facebook — the original has been deleted due to all the trolling, leaving only this smaller event made for people to leave more “trolly” remarks — Congressman Alberto de Belaunde commented: “Hello. I’m confused by the event date. I thought every day was heterosexual pride day.”

De Belaunde is a proponent of civil unions for same-sex couples in Peru. This late 2016 proposal would grant same-sex couples “rights and responsibilities within the code of law,” but not allow for marriage nor adoption.

Recently, a court ruled to recognize the marriage of activist Oscar Ugarteche, who married his partner in Mexico and sued for it to be considered valid in his native Peru. Religious and conservative leaders were shaken by the ruling, but the court’s reasoning was based in civil law. The court also cited social changes throughout the world expanding access to same-sex unions.

No te pierdas la entrevista a Óscar Ugarteche sobre el fallo que exige a Reniec reconocer su matrimonio con el mexicano Fidel Aroche

— Diario Perú21 (@Peru21pe) January 12, 2017

But same-sex marriage is still not legal in Peru. So far, only Ugarteche’s marriage will be recognized.

That ruling, along with abortion-rights protests and the ministry of education’s new curriculum — which the government says advances gender equality, teaching children about reproductive rights and sexual identity — would have been unthinkable when I was growing up in Peru.

The opposition to these things — that seems like a more familiar Peru to me.

But as fellow ex-pat Gabriela Wiener wrote in The New York Times last year, something has changed. Wiener wrote specifically about women, who last year gathered by the thousands in Lima and other major cities to denounce their domestic abusers, their rapists.

“It is historic, it is painful,” she wrote, “but it also fills you with hope to see how thousands of Peruvian women lost their fear and decided to unite.”

That loss of fear may not be the same force driving efforts toward civil unions or gender equality in classrooms. But that all this has happened in the last year signals a shift in the political and social climate of the country.

The machismo that drives so much of our social norms is meeting its match.

This article first appeared on PRI The World.

The post Staunchly Catholic Peru Sees a Surge in Gender Activism and Progressive Policies appeared first on Towleroad.

Staunchly Catholic Peru Sees a Surge in Gender Activism and Progressive Policies