Limit(less) Project: Toshiro
mowunna posted a photo:
Toshiro: Queer/Bisexual Ivorian (Canada)
Q. How would you describe your style?
“I don’t like the idea of describing my style, because I believe my style is in constant evolution , depending on where I am in my life( professionally or artistically/ emotionally), who I am surrounded by …For instance, I have been pushing my dancing career to a professional turn for the past year and that have definitely influenced the way I choose to dress on a daily basis, knowing that I might have 3 to 4 differents rehearsal or shows/ casting in the same day where I need to be comfortable in my clothes and at the same time show who I am to create an interest in me a liltte extra, that can make the difference when all the other dancer in the room are looking for that same gig.
But there is few things that are constant in my style and that will be “the fluidity”, meaning the mix and match of what we call “men” clothes and “women” clothes, I do believe that any items of clothing can become an uni-sex garment and the need to look like no one else except myself.”
Q. Comment décririez-vous votre style ?
«Je n’aime pas l’idée de devoir décrire mon style, car je pense qu’il est en constant changement et évolution. Dépendement de comment ma vie évolue et ou je me situe émotionnellement, professionnellement ou artistiquement, et par qui je suis entouré… Justement, le fait que depuis 1 an et quelques mois j’ai décidé de pousser d’avantage au niveau de ma passion qui est la danse et d’en faire une carrière professionnel. Ce choix influence bien entendu la facon que je m’exprime vestimentairement depuis un peu plus d’1 an, s’achant que je peux avoir 3 à 4 répetitions différentes, des shows ou des auditions dans la meme journée et que je dois etre bien sure confortable dans ce que je portes et en même temps montrer un petit plus de ma personnalité, pour attirer un intérêt dans une salle rempli d’autres tres bons danseurs qui veulent tous le même contract que moi.
Mais certaines variantes sont récurrente dans mon style et il s’agit de mon désire de garder une liberté et une fluidité dans le passages et le mélange d’habits dit “masculin” ou “feminin”, je pense qu’il y a moyen de rentre n’importe quel item vestimentaire uni-sexe et enfin le désire d’apporter quelque chose de nouveau et de ressembler à personne sauf a moi même».
– Toshiro (Queer/Bisexual Ivorian, He/Him, IG: @stylistiking Vimeo:
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About Limit(less)
Limit(less) is a photography project by Mikael Owunna (@owning-my-truth) documenting the fashion and style of LGBTQ African Immigrants (1st and 2nd generation) in diaspora. As LGBTQ Africans, we are constantly told that being LGBTQ is somehow “un-African,” and this rhetoric is a regular part of homophobic and transphobic discourse in African communities. This line of thinking, however, is patently false and exists an artifact of colonization of the African continent. Identities which would now be categorized as “LGBTQ” have always existed, and being LGBTQ does not make us “less” African.
Limit(less) explores how LGBTQ African immigrants navigate their identities and find ways to overcome the supposed “tension” between their LGBTQ and African identities through their fashion and style. The project seeks to visually deconstruct the colonial binary that has been set up between LGBTQ and African identities, which erases the lives and experiences of LGBTQ Africans. #LimitlessAfricans
Donate to support the project: HERE
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