George Michael’s Lover Tweeted, Then Deleted a Link to This Gorgeous Unreleased Track: LISTEN

George Michael’s Lover Tweeted, Then Deleted a Link to This Gorgeous Unreleased Track: LISTEN

Fadi Fawaz

George Michael’s lover Fadi Fawaz, who found the singer dead on Christmas day in his Oxfordshire home, tweeted a link to a little known George Michael track, apparently from an unreleased album reportedly produced with Elton John called Trojan Souls.

fadi fawaz

Fawaz reportedly removed the link to the track, “This Kind of Love”, after record execs contacted him over legal issues regarding it.

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The Daily Mail reports:

Those in charge of the estate insist the star did not want the song released and ‘unauthorised reproductions’ are an ‘exploitation of the material’.

It is unclear whether the star’s family are behind the move, but it is thought Michael recorded at least two albums that were never released.

After removing the link, Fadi posted another message, apparently aimed at those trying to prevent fans from hearing it.

The song I posted was found online they are many versions of it, please do your research if u think you r professional in what u do.

— Fadi Fawaz (@fadifawaz) December 28, 2016

The track, however, remains online for now.

Have a listen:

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George Michael’s Lover Tweeted, Then Deleted a Link to This Gorgeous Unreleased Track: LISTEN

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성소수자 부모모임: [커밍아웃 스토리] 5. 성소수자 부모모임에서 희망을 보다
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