Politician’s perfect comeback to homophobic rant named ‘Quote of the Year’

Politician’s perfect comeback to homophobic rant named ‘Quote of the Year’


Well, 2016 wasn’t very good, so it probably makes sense that the quote of the year is just kind, you know, meh.

The winner is Denise Roche, a member of parliament in New Zealand. A local church official said that gay people cause earthquakes, to which Denise said, “sex just can’t be that good.”

Haha OK, it’s not bad. Quote of the year, though? It’s not exactly Oscar Wilde material. But eh, why not, let her have it. Like you have anything better to say over the last 12 months?

The runners up are similarly modest. “In the beginning I really admired Colin. It was only as time went on that I realized he was a douche bag,” said a woman on the witness stand at a trial. That’s not bad.

“If Americans were given a choice, they would have a gun on their flag,” said a comedian named Matt Stellingwerf. That’s kind of just true, and not really even a joke at all?

Our favorite is maybe the one attributed to a farmer who helped rescue some cows stranded by an earthquake. “You’re a clever cow to skip and dance while the land beneath you is disappearing down the hill,” he said. That’s got an odd poetry to it, and the fact that it was spoken to a cow makes it even prettier. Imagine that the farmer is a hunky gay porn fantasy and we’ve got ourselves a quote of the century.

But was the cow having gay sex? Is that was caused the earthquake? The world may never know.


AFA’s Tim Wildmon Tickled That Trump Will Flaunt ‘Merry Christmas’ in the Face of the ‘God Haters’ – WATCH

AFA’s Tim Wildmon Tickled That Trump Will Flaunt ‘Merry Christmas’ in the Face of the ‘God Haters’ – WATCH

tim-wildmon merry christmas

Still beside himself with glee following Donald Trump’s election success, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon was all aquiver last week at the thought that PEOTUS might deck the halls of the White House with holly and say the forbidden words “Merry Christmas.”

Speaking on American Family Radio’s (AFR) “Today’s Issues,” Wildmon got the tinsel out to celebrate Trump’s recent victory rally in Wisconsin where he bragged “we are going to say Merry Christmas again” when he is president.

RELATED: Right Wing Hate Group: Stop Having Gay Sex and You Won’t Get AIDS – VIDEO

Considering deeply the big issues of the day, Wildmon said that “progressives” should actually be called “God haters” who treat Christians as if they are “subhuman.”

RETWEET if you’re saying “Merry Christmas” this year! #MAGA pic.twitter.com/yMjL7Mvdzv

— USA For Trump 2016 (@USAforTrump2016) December 18, 2016

Not to be outdone, AFR news director Fred Jackson added that it would be wonderful if President Trump “put ‘Merry Christmas’ on the White House like Obama put the rainbow colors on the White House. Wouldn’t you love to see that?”

Watch via Right Wing Watch below.

[Wildmon image screenshot via Youtube]

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AFA’s Tim Wildmon Tickled That Trump Will Flaunt ‘Merry Christmas’ in the Face of the ‘God Haters’ – WATCH

Cindy from ‘The Brady Bunch’ says it’s “rediculous” you think she’s a homophobe with no chill

Cindy from ‘The Brady Bunch’ says it’s “rediculous” you think she’s a homophobe with no chill


Repellent and sick-making “Brady Bunch” star Susan Olsen is positively tickled that everyone is calling out her homophobia, which led to her being fired after an antigay rant a few weeks back.

In her own words, she finds it utterly “rediculous” [sic].

Related: The Gayest, Sassiest Episode Of The Brady Bunch That Never Aired

Earlier this month, the confirmed Trumpette was ceremoniously sacked from her gig as LA Talk Radio host after some Facebook messages became pubic domain and confirmed the fact that she’s a total bitch.

Writing to openly gay actor Leon Acord-Whiting, Olsen said: “You are the biggest faggot ass in the world, the biggest pussy! My dick is bigger than yours which ain’t saying much! What a true piece of shit you are! Lying faggot! I hope you meet your karma slowly and painfully.”

The radio station quickly confirmed that they were giving her the boot:

LA Talk Radio takes pride in its close and collaborative relationship with the LGBT community… we will not tolerate hateful speech by anyone associated with our radio station and have severed our ties with a host that veered off the direction in which we are going.”

This weekend, Olsen ranted on Facebook again in a series of posts most memorable for the fact that she can’t spell.

Related: Susan Olsen, A.K.A. Cindy Brady: My Gay TV Dad Robert Reed “Would Have Been The Best Husband Ever”

“This is only about me supporting Trump,” she writes. “And I still do! And by the way, how does one get fired from a job they were never paid to do?”

I am very sorry for ever hurting the LGBT community that I love so much. For that, I am sorry and frankly find it hilarious that I am being called a homophobe. What could be more rediculous???

I think the real LGBT community knows that I have and always will support them. I love you!

The real LGBT community was unavailable for comment.


Gay People Are More Likely To Be Victims of Revenge Porn: STUDY

Gay People Are More Likely To Be Victims of Revenge Porn: STUDY


A new report has shown that LGB people are more likely to be victims of revenge porn.

The study carried out by the Data & Society Research Institute and the Center for Innovative Public Health Research (CiPHR) offers the first national statistics on the prevalence of nonconsensual pornography.

The results show that 4 percent of U.S. Internet users – or roughly 10.4 million people – have been threatened with or experienced the posting of explicit images without their consent.

RELATED: This Is What It’s Like To Have Your Gay Sex Tape Posted Online – WATCH

Other findings of the report, “Nonconsensual Image Sharing,” include:

  • Around 3 percent of respondents have had someone threaten to post nude or nearly nude photos or videos of them online
  • Two percent have had someone post an explicit photo or video of them online without their permission
  • Fifteen percent of LGB people said that someone had threatened to post an explicit image online
  • Seven percent of LGB people had such an image posted online.
  • While women are more likely to be threatened with nonconsensual pornography, men and women were equally likely to have photos or videos of themselves actually posted online

According to CiPHR, Amanda Lenhart, a Researcher at Data & Society Research Institute and one of the authors of the report, said:

“This is the first national data that can tell us how many people have been affected by actual or threatened nonconsensual pornography.

“Nonconsensual pornography can have a devastating and lasting impact on victims, so it’s vital that we understand how common this is and who is affected.

“Our findings show that particular groups -such as young adults and lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans – are not only much more likely to be victims of nonconsensual pornography, but are more likely to experience a range of online harassment and abuse. This includes other types of privacy violations, such as having their online or phone activity monitored, or having their passwords stolen or coerced by others.”

Michele Ybarra, President and Research Director at the CiPHR and also one of the authors of the report, added that it is “incredibly important that we recognize that men are also victims of nonconsensual pornography. When we talk about victims of ‘revenge porn,’” she added, “male victims are often invisible – but hopefully this report will challenge us to think differently.”

Watch a (work-unfriendly) Broadly report on revenge porn below.

(Image via Wikimedia)

And a video from Davey Wavey:

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Gay People Are More Likely To Be Victims of Revenge Porn: STUDY

GLAAD responds to reports that North Carolina will repeal discriminatory HB2 law

GLAAD responds to reports that North Carolina will repeal discriminatory HB2 law


GLAAD today responded to reports that the North Carolina legislature will meet to consider repeal of HB2, a discriminatory law targeting LGBTQ people.

“Everyone should be able to live free of the burdens of discrimination,” said GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. “North Carolina’s discriminatory HB2 law has been a scourge on the state, and indeed this country, and its repeal is long overdue. While it is encouraging that this odious law targeting LGBTQ North Carolinians may finally be overturned, it’s extremely troubling that LGBTQ people in Charlotte and across the Tar Heel state are not explicitly protected from discrimination under the law. Full equality for every person should never be compromised, and state lawmakers must fulfill their constitutional duty to ensure that all North Carolinians are protected equally.”

December 19, 2016


A Christian group is going nuts over this “gay” Christmas ornament

A Christian group is going nuts over this “gay” Christmas ornament


A gaggle of very angry Christians are furious at an Xmas decoration that features one too many Josephs for their tastes.

There are, in fact, two Christmas ornaments raising their ire — one featuring two Virgin Marys chillaxing in a manger with little baby Jesus, and another featuring the aforementioned pair of freewheeling Josephs.

Related: Christian Heckler Openly Cackles At Man Giving A Speech About His Dead Husband

They’re currently retailing at $18.


Christian Concern, a querulous group of religious wingnuts, thinks this is nothing but a “blasphemous attempt to rewrite the Christmas story.”  A gay Christmas decoration showing a nativity scene with two Josephs.

“These decorations are a desperate and ridiculous attempt to pretend that homosexual relationships are pure and holy,” says chief executive Andrea Williams.

They blasphemously portray the Lord Jesus parented by a homosexual couple. What depths will the LGBT lobby group stoop in order to try and normalize their behavior?”

God’s design is for children to grow up with a male and a female parent. The Lord Jesus was parented in this way, and this is what is best for children.

The LGBT lobby is not interested in the welfare of children but only in pursuing its own selfish agenda. Trying to rewrite the Christmas story is their latest self-deception.”

Mark Thaler, the California-based artist who created the ornaments for his Zazzle company Pride and More — thinks Christian Concern needs to chill.

Related: Eerie Christians Pose As Pot-Lovin’ Zombies At Toronto Pride

“‘It’s just an image,” he says. “They need to focus on themselves and not worry about what everyone else is doing.”

As The Daily Mail reports, he’s thinking of removing them “out of respect for his fellow humans,” and we hope he doesn’t.

This is only the latest entry in the “War on Christmas” saga that’s found Christian militants getting furious at inanimate objects like Starbucks coffee cups, and we’re eagerly anticipating their projected takedown of candy canes and jingle bells.


Zsa Zsa Gabor, Homeland, Vincent Viola, Baltimore Eagle, Thailand, Charlie King: HOT LINKS

Zsa Zsa Gabor, Homeland, Vincent Viola, Baltimore Eagle, Thailand, Charlie King: HOT LINKS

Zsa Zsa Gabor

DEATHS. Zsa Zsa Gabor has died. She was thought to be 99. The cause was heart failure, her publicist Edward Lozzi told the L.A. Times: “The last surviving Gabor sister, she had been in declining health after being seriously injured in 2002 when the Rolls-Royce convertible in which she was riding, with her hairdresser at the wheel, jumped a curb on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood and struck a light pole. The accident left Gabor partially paralyzed.”

Vincent ViolaVINCENT VIOLA. Florida Panthers owner is Trump’s pick for Secretary of the Army: “Viola, now estimated to be worth $1.8 billion, was born to Italian immigrants in Brooklyn and is ‘living proof of the American dream,’ said a statement from the Trump team. ‘It is an honor to be nominated to serve our country as President-elect Trump’s Secretary of the Army,’ Viola said in the statement.

perkins_tillersonREX TILLERSON. Leak reveals Trump’s Secretary of State pick was the director of a US-Russian oil firm based in the Bahamas: “Though there is nothing untoward about this directorship, it has not been reported before and is likely to raise fresh questions over Tillerson’s relationship with Russia ahead of a potentially stormy confirmation hearing by the US senate foreign relations committee. Exxon said on Sunday that Tillerson was no longer a director after becoming the company’s CEO in 2006.”

tim-wildmonMERRY CHRISTMAS. Conservatives want it projected on the White House: “Good for Donald Trump! Go, Donald, go!” Wildmon cheered as he clapped delightedly at the idea that liberals were probably “seething” because “Trump was there, sort of in your face [saying,] ‘Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.’”

BALTIMORE. Eagle leather bar to open on New Year’s Eve? “The bar, located at 2022 N. Charles St., closed in 2012 following the death of its owner Richard Richardson. The Eagle was purchased by Charles and Ian Parrish in 2013, and a major renovation and construction effort costing approximately $1 million got underway.”

MEXICO. Gay couples fight backlash to same-sex marriage.

ZAMBIA. Suicide a common end for gay men. “It’s a crime to be a homosexual here. Many people in Zambia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, who face potential imprisonment according to local law, say it’s a struggle to cope with the emotional trauma that comes with living in a place where one’s most personal practices or identity is regularly attacked. Suicide is common, they say, and so is alcohol and drug abuse.”

THAILAND. 163 new species discovered, all immediately endangered: “The discoveries, published in a report on Monday, include a gecko in Laos with pale blue skin and a rare banana species discovered in northern Thailand that is critically endangered because of increasing deforestation.”


AppleAPPLE. Company to appeal EU tax ruling this week: “Apple is set to appeal this week against the European Commission’s ruling that it must pay up to 13 billion euros ($13.8 billion) to Ireland in back taxes (via Reuters).  EU regulators concluded in August that Apple had received undue tax benefits from Ireland – where the company’s European headquarters are located – which allowed it to pay substantially less than other companies.”

ICE CASTLES. This is winter in Michigan.

CHARLIE KING. The new Gay Times cover model.

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LIKE FATHER LIKE SON? Justin Bieber is off of Instagram now, so his father is posting his shirtless pics.

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TRAILER OF THE DAY. Homeland Season 6.

MONDAY MUSCLE. Lurias Silva.

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Instagram Photo

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Zsa Zsa Gabor, Homeland, Vincent Viola, Baltimore Eagle, Thailand, Charlie King: HOT LINKS

North Carolina General Assembly Must Immediately Repeal HB2

North Carolina General Assembly Must Immediately Repeal HB2

Today, HRC and Equality North Carolina released the following statements following the Charlotte City Council’s vote to withdraw the city’s non-discrimination ordinance pending the North Carolina General Assembly’s vote to fully repeal the state’s deeply discriminatory HB2. City leaders also reaffirmed their commitment to passing comprehensive non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people after HB2’s repeal.

“Governor-elect Cooper has briefed us on a deal he brokered with state lawmakers to reach a complete and total repeal of HB2,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “HB2 is precisely why North Carolinians went to the polls and ousted Governor McCrory last month. It’s time to chart a new course guided by the state’s values of dignity and respect, not discrimination and hate — and to ensure non-discrimination protections exist in cities, towns and across the state of North Carolina. It’s been 271 days since the shameful and archaic HB2 was first passed, and the entire country has witnessed its devastating impact.  It’s time for state lawmakers to repeal HB2 and begin repairing the harm this bill has done to people and the damage it has done to North Carolina’s reputation and economy.”

“The problem has never been Charlotte. Charlotte’s ordinance was a best practice employed in hundreds of cities across the country,” said Equality North Carolina Executive Director Chris Sgro. “The Charlotte City Council and mayor did the right thing by passing their ordinance — HB2 is wrong. Since its passage, the deeply discriminatory HB2 has hurt our economy and people. Now, the General Assembly must fully repeal HB2 so that we can start the necessary talks for protecting LGBTQ people and bring back businesses across the state. We look forward to working with Governor-elect Cooper to win protections community by community and statewide.”

Recognizing the importance of creating a positive and conducive environment for business, in February, the Charlotte City Council passed the city-wide non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people. While city leaders sent a clear message that discrimination has no place in Charlotte, in response, Governor Pat McCrory and state lawmakers rammed HB2 into law and doubled down on discrimination. Eventually making only one tweak to the law, the General Assembly was unwilling to even consider repealing the substance of HB2, including its provision targeting transgender people, and its removal of municipalities’ ability to pass LGBTQ-inclusive non-discrimination laws and minimum wage ordinances.

A broad range of voices have spoken out over the last 9 months about the need for HB2’s full and complete repeal. The economic fallout — including more than $600 million in lost business — has continued to grow as companies concerned with protecting their consumers and employees have moved conventions, trainings, operations, productions, and other events out of state. The NBA, NCAA, and business leaders have made clear that cities like Orlando and Dallas — cities with full protections — are where they can ensure the safety of their employees and fans. That means Charlotte’s actions must be temporary. The city needs fully inclusive non-discrimination protections, period.

North Carolina polling released by HRC and Equality NC found that HB2 was the critical issue leading to Governor Pat McCrory’s defeat — the only incumbent governor from either party to lose on election day. The HRC and Equality NC survey of 500 North Carolina voters found them opposed to HB2 by a 62 to 30 percent margin. HB2 was also listed as the leading reason to vote against McCrory — with 57 percent citing HB2, 17 points above any other issue.
