City Planner Wants Parks To Be More Accommodating For Gay Cruising

City Planner Wants Parks To Be More Accommodating For Gay Cruising


An urban planner in Toronto says the city needs to be more accommodating when it comes to creating public places where gay men can hook up.

Cruising is a “long standing tradition in urban centers,” Jen Roberton, who specializes in public safety planning for LGBTQ communities, says in a new interview. “I feel as though in many cities, sex is already happening. You know, if we already have public sex taking place, why not acknowledge that as a fact and kind of plan for that?”

Related: Is It Too Much to Ask That Sex Offenders Don’t Have Sex In Public Parks?

Roberton’s call for designated public cruising areas comes in the wake of a police sting operation in Toronto that involved 65 men being arrested.

“Heterosexual couples do have sex in parks as well, but more often than not, they’re asked to move along,” she explains. “I would be very surprised if this amount of costly undercover policing was put into a sting operation against heterosexuals. This seems very much a targeting of gay men having sex.”

Related: Toronto Police Charge 65 Men In Major Public Sex Crackdown

Believe it or not, Roberton’s proposal isn’t totally unprecedented either. She points to Vondelpark in Amsterdam as an example, which allows public sex as “long as patrons do not litter, do not engage in sexual activities near the playground, and limit public sex to evenings and nighttime.”

“When considering seemingly conflictual use of parks, the problem is not public sex, and it certainly isn’t cruising,” she says. “An effective way forward involves planning that balances the needs of park users who do not wish to see explicit sexual acts, with the equally essential needs of queer people to have spaces to express their sexuality, in which they will not be traumatized and violated.”

Related: It’s OK, Mom. You Don’t Need To Understand Public Cruising.

Fiona Apple’s ‘Trump’s Nuts’ is the Holiday Classic 2016 Has Been Asking For: WATCH

Fiona Apple’s ‘Trump’s Nuts’ is the Holiday Classic 2016 Has Been Asking For: WATCH

Fiona Apple

‘Trump’s Nuts’, Fiona Apple’s remake of Nat King Cole’s ‘The Christmas Song’ is the holiday song 2016 has been asking for.

Trump’s nuts roasting on an open fire
as he keeps nipping at his foes.
you’ll cry creepy uncle
every time he arrives
for he keeps clawing at your clothes
everybody knows some money and entitlement
can help to make the season white
mothers of color with their kids out of sight
will find it hard to sleep at night.

They know that truuump is on his way.
he’s got black boys in hoodies locked up on his sleigh
and every working man is going to cry
when they learn that Letch don’t care how you live or if you die

Sooo I’m offering this simple phrase
to kids from 1 to 92
although it’s been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas
Donald Trump, f**k you

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Fiona Apple’s ‘Trump’s Nuts’ is the Holiday Classic 2016 Has Been Asking For: WATCH

Businesses and Corporations Take Pride in LGBTQ Workplace Inclusion

Businesses and Corporations Take Pride in LGBTQ Workplace Inclusion

On Monday, HRC Foundation released the 2017 Corporate Equality Index, the premier national benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices pertinent to LGBT employees. This year, a record-breaking 517 businesses earned the CEI’s top score of 100, marking a single-year increase of more than 25 percent.

Businesses and corporations are taking to Twitter to demonstrate their pride and celebrate their commitment to LGBTQ equality in the workplace. Check out the list below to see some of the top performers in the 2017 CEI.

CEI 2017 – Curated tweets by HRC

톰 포드 “모든 남자가 한 번은 삽입 당해봐야 한다”

톰 포드 “모든 남자가 한 번은 삽입 당해봐야 한다”
나이가 들고 아버지가 되어도 톰 포드는 물러지지 않는다.

솔직한 발언으로 유명한 패션 디자이너 겸 영화감…

기사 보기: 동성애, 패션, 스타일, 디자이너, 톰 포드, 삽입, 섹스, 라이프스타일, Korea News