BREAKING: Ben Carson to HUD Marks Yet Another Trump Cabinet Candidate with Long Anti-LGBTQ Record

BREAKING: Ben Carson to HUD Marks Yet Another Trump Cabinet Candidate with Long Anti-LGBTQ Record

HRC blasted President-Elect Donald Trump’s nomination of retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, an outspoken opponent of LGBTQ equality, to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Carson, whose ugly rhetoric includes equating marriage equality with bestiality, also opposes laws that protect LGBTQ Americans from discrimination and that ban the debunked practice of so-called “conversion therapy.” He has has joked that same-sex couples might have their wedding cakes poisoned by anti-equality bakers, and asserted that being LGBTQ is a “choice.” He has also suggested that transgender people be required to use separate bathrooms.

“The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is charged with enforcing the U.S. fair housing laws that could prove challenging given that Ben Carson doesn’t even believe LGBTQ people exist,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Throughout his failed presidential campaign, Carson ran on a platform on inequality, and, if nominated, his hateful views could have disastrous effects on LGBTQ people. As a community already faced with housing insecurity, we need an ally, not an agitator, who will protect every American’s right to a safe place to lie down each night.”

Consistent research shows that LGBTQ youth are over-represented among the homeless, comprising up to 40 percent of the total unaccompanied homeless youth population, even though they make up five to 10 percent of the overall youth population.

HRC has compiled a database of the anti-LGBTQ statements made by Carson here. Since Donald Trump was elected to office on November 8, he has named several members of his administration and transition team — and amongst his White House hires and cabinet picks are four individuals with particularly troubling anti-LGBTQ records: Steve Bannon, Representative Tom Price, Betsy DeVos and Senator Jeff Sessions. For more on their records, visit HRC’s blog.

Transgender Woman Goes Off on Donald Trump in Epic Viral Twitter Rant: READ

Transgender Woman Goes Off on Donald Trump in Epic Viral Twitter Rant: READ

danielle muscato

As Donald Trump continues to focus on the big issues of his forthcoming presidency via Twitter rants, the world is watching, worrying and taking note.

Not content to sit on the sidelines and cringe, civil rights activist and trans woman Danielle Muscato lost it in epic style over the weekend after Trump tweeted his dissatisfaction with Saturday Night Live’s latest Trump sketch.

In the sketch, as Alec Baldwin’s Trump constantly loses focus during a security briefing, The (real) Donald couldn’t hold it in, tweeting:

Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016

Poor Donald.

Betwixt the he-said she-said outrage following the tweet, Muscato went on an epic rant over 30 tweets. In her first tweet, since liked 100k times, she wrote: “Jesus fucking Christ, @realDonaldTrump. You are the president-elect. Pick your fucking battles, man. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

Jesus fucking Christ, @realDonaldTrump. You are the president-elect. Pick your fucking battles, man. You’re embarrassing yourself.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

But she was only getting started.

@realDonaldTrump (cont) anything better to do than tweet abt a comedy show. You know that actual lives are at stake, right? You’re pathetic.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump This is not a joke, Donald. Don’t you have anything better to do? Are you so narcissistic that a PARODY is your priority?

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump Do you know how many children went to bed tonight without enough food to eat? Do you even care? What is *wrong* with you?!

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump No, of course you don’t know those things. You don’t even know what a “blind trust,” and you call yourself a businessman.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump You’re pathetic. You ran for prez for attention. You are a fake,a fraud. You never wanted to win anyway; we can all see it.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump You are not fooling anyone. You’re scared, and overwhelmed, and you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing. And it shows

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump You think we’re all too polite, too aghast, to call you out. I see through you, Donny. I’m calling you out. You’re a joke.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump With every fiber of my being, I am disgusted by you. And you know what the real secret is? You’re disgusted by you, too.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump That’s why you surround yourself with gold, and beautiful women that you objectify. You know you’re a loser, so you try to

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

@realDonaldTrump make yourself feel better, feel successful, authoritative, with things, and money. You are an impostor. You are a fraud.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

We CANNOT “wait and see.” @realDonaldTrump is telling us, here and now, what he is going to do. BELIEVE HIM.

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

.@realDonaldTrump=TELLING US he’ll suppress votes. Our democracy is at stake. We cannot wait,let him enact policy, then whine—We must resist

— Danielle Muscato (@DanielleMuscato) December 4, 2016

50,000 people have since followed Muscato.


Release your tax returns and I’ll stop.

— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) December 4, 2016

Watch the SNL sketch that got Trump all mad below.

(Image via Twitter)

The post Transgender Woman Goes Off on Donald Trump in Epic Viral Twitter Rant: READ appeared first on Towleroad.

Transgender Woman Goes Off on Donald Trump in Epic Viral Twitter Rant: READ

Record Number of Top U.S. Businesses Embracing Inclusive Policies for LGBTQ Workers

Record Number of Top U.S. Businesses Embracing Inclusive Policies for LGBTQ Workers

The nation’s major companies and law firms are advancing in record numbers vital policies and practices to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) workers around the world, according to the 2017 Corporate Equality Index released today by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of the nation’s largest LGBTQ civil rights organization.

The Corporate Equality Index (CEI), launched in 2002 to assess LGBT-inclusive policies and practices at Fortune 500 companies, also highlights how corporate leaders are increasingly stepping up to play a leading role in opposing anti-equality legislation — from statehouses to the U.S. Capitol. Through their actions, taken as LGBTQ workers and customers have been facing a record number of anti-LGBTQ bills in state legislatures across the country, business leaders are building on their longstanding commitment to expanding workplace equality for LGBTQ people.

This year, a record-breaking 517 businesses earned the CEI’s top score of 100, up from 407 last year. That’s a single-year increase of more than 25 percent — the largest jump in the 15-year history of the nation’s premiere benchmarking tool for LGBT workplace equality. Leadership demonstrated by these businesses, including speaking out against discriminatory laws like North Carolina’s HB2, reflect more than a decade of work inside these companies to expand LGBT, and particularly transgender, workplace equality. 

“Even in the face of relentless attempts to undermine equality, America’s leading companies and law firms remain steadfast and committed to supporting and defending the rights and dignity of LGBTQ people,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The unprecedented expansion of inclusive workplaces across the country and around the globe not only reflects our progress, it helps drive it.  As we enter a new chapter in our fight for equality, support from the business community will be more critical than ever to protect our historic advancements over the last decade and to continue to push equality forward for workers, customers, and families around the world.”

Over the last several years, CEI-rated companies have dramatically expanded their support for transgender workers. When the CEI launched, just three percent of Fortune 500 companies had non-discrimination protections that included gender identity. Today, that number is 82 percent.  In a historic display of support for transgender equality, 68 companies joined HRC to file an amicus brief earlier this year supporting the U.S. Department of Justice’s effort to block some of the most egregious anti-transgender aspects of North Carolina’s HB2 law. And more than 200 business leaders signed on to an open letter urging North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory and the state’s General Assembly to repeal the harmful law.

The record number of companies earning a score of 100 in the most rigorous evaluation in the history of the CEI, reflects their commitment to sexual orientation and gender identity non-discrimination protections — at home and around the world — as well as to adopting LGBT-inclusive practices and benefits such as establishing employee resource groups and offering trans-inclusive health benefits.

“Through 15 editions of the annual Corporate Equality Index, major private sector employers have demonstrated over and over that inclusion is not just the right thing to do, it makes for a stronger, more successful business,” said Deena Fidas, Director of HRC’s Workplace Equality Program. “From centuries-old companies to those that have existed for just a few years, major employers have adopted LGBT-inclusive policies and benefits at rates that continue to outpace lawmakers and lead the way forward.”

Last year, the CEI for the first time expanded its benchmarks for inclusion to include global policies, recognizing the worldwide impact of many Fortune 500 companies. The community has responded, and this year 92 percent of CEI-rated companies include both sexual orientation and gender identity non-discrimination protections that apply to workers domestically and internationally.

This fall  HRC Equidad MX: Global Workplace Equality Program was launched: it is a formal program with partners on the ground to grow the number of Mexican and Latin American businesses adopting LGBT-inclusive policies and practices. The launch event is later today at The Dow Chemical Company in Mexico City. In addition to The Dow Chemical Company, HRC Equidad MX staff will be joined by leaders from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico, J.P. Morgan Chase, and PEMEX, the Mexican state-owned petroleum company to celebrate and mark the importance of full LGBT inclusion in their respective organizations.

The CEI rates companies and top law firms on detailed criteria falling under five broad categories:

  • Non-discrimination policies
  • Employment benefits
  • Demonstrated organizational competency and accountability around LGBT diversity and inclusion
  • Public commitment to LGBT equality
  • Responsible citizenship

This year 887 companies and firms were officially rated and, in addition to the record number of companies receiving a perfect score of 100, progress continued across workplaces, including:

  • 93 percent of rated companies had adopted sexual orientation equal employment policies for U.S. and global operations and 92 percent had gender identity equal employment policies for U.S. and global operations.
  • Same-sex domestic partner or spousal benefits were provided by 98 percent of rated companies.
  • 73 percent of rated companies offer transgender-inclusive healthcare coverage, up from 60 percent from last year, the largest single year increase in trans-inclusive health benefits since the coverage was added to the CEI.

The full report is available online at