On Thursday, October 27, Identity, Edinboro University's LGBTQIA student group, held the annual Halloqueen Ball at the Franklin G Pogue Student Union Center.

On Thursday, October 27, Identity, Edinboro University's LGBTQIA student group, held the annual Halloqueen Ball at the Franklin G Pogue Student Union Center.

Michael Mahler posted a photo:

On Thursday, October 27, Identity, Edinboro University's LGBTQIA student group, held the annual Halloqueen Ball at the Franklin G Pogue Student Union Center.

On Thursday, October 27, Identity, Edinboro University’s LGBTQIA student group, held the annual Halloqueen Ball at the Franklin G Pogue Student Union Center.

On Thursday, October 27, Identity, Edinboro University's LGBTQIA student group, held the annual Halloqueen Ball at the Franklin G Pogue Student Union Center.

Does Not Being On PrEP Make A Guy Less Desirable?

Does Not Being On PrEP Make A Guy Less Desirable?


To PrEP Or Not To PrEP? That is the question plaguing Brian Moylan at Vice.

“Last summer, I picked up a gentleman on Fire Island,” he writes in a new op-ed titled Not Being on PrEP Is Making It Harder for Me to Get Laid. “We retired back to his place for a makeout sesh and found ourselves naked, with him straddling me, when out of the blue he sat right down on my dick without a condom.”


When Moylan said he wasn’t OK with that, the man assured him it was fine because he was on PrEP. Moylan, however, felt otherwise.

“I told my summer lover that I don’t have anal sex without condoms,” he writes. “If it wasn’t going to be bare, he wasn’t interested.”

Related: Five Sexy Gay Men On HIV PrEP Explain Why They Are Taking The Pill

An estimated 80,000 people currently take PrEP, with the number steadily growing since the drug first became available back in 2012. At the same time, Moylan says, condom use among HIV-negative young gay men appears to be on the decline. He points to a July 2016 study published by the Centers for Disease Control, which found 28.7 of men reporting having bareback sex in 2005, compared to 40.5 percent in 2014.

Moylan says what happened on Fire Island wasn’t the first (and likely won’t be the last) time this issue has come up for him.

“I’ve had several similar experiences over the past couple years when talking to guys on hookup apps like Grindr or Scruff: I’ll be on the verge of an invite to someone’s house until they ask me my HIV status. ‘Neg and only play safe,’ I always reply. It’s sometimes met with either stony silence or the abyss of being blocked by them on the app forever.”

Related: If You Favor HIV Filters On Dating Apps, You’re Living In Ignorance, Blogger Says

While PrEP may protect a person against HIV, Moylan says his concern has to do with all the other STDs being passed around out there.

A 2015 study released by the DCDC found the total combined cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis had reached their highest level in history, and that gay and bisexual men made up the majority of new gonorrhea and syphilis cases.

“The bottom line is that there are more ways to define ‘safe’ than ever before,” he concludes, “but with some tolerance, respect, and a bit of communication that involves something other than well-placed grunts, we should all be able to get laid while staying both happy and healthy.”

What do you think? Does not being on PrEP make a man less desirable? Share your thoughts in the comments below…



There’s A Gay-Themed Superhero Comic Called “Night Twink”

There’s A Gay-Themed Superhero Comic Called “Night Twink”


Perhaps we do need another hero. Perhaps we need Night Twink.

Related: 37 Unintentionally Gay Moments In Comic Book History

Clad in what looks like a custom-made, strategically shorn PVC catsuit, he flits, flirts, and flies through the metropolis, fighting baddies in singular style.


Created by self-described “hobbyist comic creator”” Shane Rivett, the first issue opens with our hero saving a handsome blonde who “looks like he just stepped off a Bel Ami porn shoot” from a would-be gay basher. Get him, Night Twink. Get him good.

Related: 13 Homoerotic Superhero Costumes


Night Twink, you’re our hero. But watch your back.


Yes, it’s true: There’s a little Night Twink in all of us.

He’s that promiscuous.

You can explore the world of Night Twink here.


Ease Your Election Dread with This Brand New Club Track from Robyn: LISTEN

Ease Your Election Dread with This Brand New Club Track from Robyn: LISTEN

trust me robyn

Robyn is back.

The Swedish pop singer-songwriter has returned and announced a forthcoming EP called Trust Me in which she collaborates with fellow Swede Mr. Tophat.

Instagram Photo


Their first release is the title track for the EP, “Trust Me”, a building, grinding 10-minute club track that sparkles with Robyn’s intermittent vocals. It also features ABBA drummer Per Lindvall and David Lindvall on bass.

PREVIOUSLY: Robyn and La Bagatelle Magique’s New Music Video ‘Love Is Free’ is a Psychedelic Romp – WATCH


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Ease Your Election Dread with This Brand New Club Track from Robyn: LISTEN

Vatican Denounces Right-Wing Catholic Radio Host for Blaming Italian Earthquakes on Gay Sin

Vatican Denounces Right-Wing Catholic Radio Host for Blaming Italian Earthquakes on Gay Sin

The Vatican denounced a right-wing Catholic radio station on Friday for blaming the recent earthquakes in Italy on the country’s passage of civil unions for gay couples.

giovanni cavalcoli earthquake gayIn a statement on its website, the station, Radio Maria, said it had suspended Father Giovanni Cavalcoli (right), the announcer who had made the remarks.

RELATED: Tim Kaine’s Bishop: The Catholic Church Isn’t Going to Change Its Position on Same-Sex Marriage

This is the moment a dog was rescued from the rubble of the earthquake in Italy where it could have been trapped for days pic.twitter.com/phsJheCPbb

— ITV News (@itvnews) November 2, 2016

Cavalcoli had said that the earthquakes were “God’s punishment” for the sins of man which included the same-sex civil unions passed in May, the BBC reports:

But the Vatican rejected the remarks as pagan, and said they had nothing to do with Catholic theology.

“They are offensive statements for believers and scandalous for those who do not believe”, said Monsignor Angelo Becciu, deputy secretary of state, who is close to Pope Francis.

Monsignor Becciu said Radio Maria, which has come under criticism in the past for comments seen as anti-Semitic, had to “moderate the tone of its language” and conform to the Church’s message of mercy. But the friar at the centre of the scandal stood by his description of the quakes as divine intervention.

“Just read the catechism,” Father John Cavalcoli said, referring to Roman Catholic religious instruction.

Religious extremists have a long history of blaming natural phenomenon on gay sin. Just last month a conservative evangelical writer blamed Hurricane Matthew’s assault on Florida on a Pride parade set to take place in Orlando.

The post Vatican Denounces Right-Wing Catholic Radio Host for Blaming Italian Earthquakes on Gay Sin appeared first on Towleroad.

Vatican Denounces Right-Wing Catholic Radio Host for Blaming Italian Earthquakes on Gay Sin

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パートナーシップ証明書から1年、渋谷区の次なる取り組みは? 長谷部健区長「マジョリティに変化を起こせるか」

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