ELECTION NIGHT HOT LINKS: Azusa, Trump/Clinton Cakes, Joe Arpaio, George W. Bush, Susan B. Anthony, Cindy McCain, Electoral Map
CALIFORNIA. One person killed, three wounded in shooting at polling place in city of Azusa. Active shooter is heavily armed, police say: “Few details were released about the shooting, which occurred sometime after 2 p.m. in a residential neighborhood in the area of Fourth Street and Orange Avenue, said Officer Jerry Willison of the Azusa Police Department. ‘This is a very volatile and critical situation,’ he said.”
#BREAKING: Reports 4 people wounded after shooting near a polling station in Azusa California. #TenNews t.co/O0QPzvPXkw
— TEN Eyewitness News (@channeltennews) November 8, 2016
HERSTORY. Hundreds wait in line for hours to leave “I Voted” stickers on grave of Susan B. Anthony: “The cemetery where women’s suffrage activist Susan B. Anthony is buried extended its hours Tuesday “to accommodate those wishing to celebrate their vote” at her gravesite. Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, N.Y., will be open until polls there close at 9 p.m. ET.”
SOUTH CAROLINA. Lindsay Graham voted for Evan McMullin: “‘Well, I voted for Evan,’ Graham said. ‘He shares my view of the world, he was on the ballot, and I couldn’t go where Trump was taking the party, and I certainly couldn’t go where Clinton is going to take the country either. So I was sort of a man without a choice, and I thought Evan was, for a lack of a better word, a protest vote for me,” the senator added. “I couldn’t write anyone in in South Carolina.’”
KENTUCKY. Rand Paul reelected.
ICYMI: Rand Paul re-elected to Senate pic.twitter.com/IvgcOt0VxC
— WHAS11 News (@WHAS11) November 9, 2016
THE GEORGE W. BUSHES. George and Laura didn’t vote for anyone for president: “George W. Bush and his wife, however, did vote for down-ballot candidates, according to reports. Reports had suggested both presidents Bush could vote for Clinton, though it was not immediately known for whom the elder bush cast his ballot.”
George W. and Laura Bush didn’t vote for president, per spox: “They left the top box blank and voted Republican downballot.”
— Will Rahn (@willrahn) November 8, 2016
NASTY WOMAN. Ana Navarro gets a standing ovation on The View: “The ladies then showed a supercut of some of Navarro’s most famous moments on CNN over the last year from Navarro calling out Scottie Nell Hughes to her notable catch-phrases like “50 shades of crazy” and calling Trump a racist in two languages. After airing the video the audience cheered, but Whoopi Goldberg stood up from the head of the table and gave Navarro a standing ovation.”
CAKES. There are terrifying Trump and Clinton cakes among us.
This is the official Trump-cake for the official Trump-party – escorted by the Secret Service! @BILD #ElectionDay #Elections2016 pic.twitter.com/ETxS11cpNS
— Kai Diekmann (@KaiDiekmann) November 8, 2016
#Trump cake was made by Melissa Alt. She also made a Clinton cake for a private party. The Trump one was a surprise: t.co/rTBppxTevf pic.twitter.com/VviJ2tepTo
— Steve Annear (@steveannear) November 8, 2016
SARTORIAL SUBTWEETING. Cindy McCain wears white pantsuit to cast her ballot.
The award for most expert trolling since Obama sent up his budget with Denali on the cover goes to Cindy McCain pic.twitter.com/EA4OsnETGD
— Andy Wright (@AndyMcCanse) November 8, 2016
ARIZONA. Students walk out of two Arizona high schools to canvas against Joe Arapaio: “Uniting under the hashtag #StudentsAgainstArpaio, students at two Phoenix high schools have staged a walk-out in protest of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is seeking a seventh term. Students at Maryvale and North high schools announced the walkout just after noon on Tuesday.”
Big day for this Arizona teen who walked out of school and got a “Fuck Joe Arpaio” in on live TV pic.twitter.com/ndYQrDhYXY
— Travis Hughes (@TravisSBN) November 8, 2016
ELECTORAL MAP. Updating live all night.
VOTING IS SEXY. Towleroad Instastud Steven Araujo voted. Did you?

The post ELECTION NIGHT HOT LINKS: Azusa, Trump/Clinton Cakes, Joe Arpaio, George W. Bush, Susan B. Anthony, Cindy McCain, Electoral Map appeared first on Towleroad.

ELECTION NIGHT HOT LINKS: Azusa, Trump/Clinton Cakes, Joe Arpaio, George W. Bush, Susan B. Anthony, Cindy McCain, Electoral Map