Hillary Clinton to Speak to Staff and Supporters in New York City: Watch LIVE

Hillary Clinton to Speak to Staff and Supporters in New York City: Watch LIVE

closing argument clinton

Hillary Clinton will deliver remarks to staff and supporters at 10:30 am ET at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City, according to her campaign.

Clinton, who beat Donald Trump in the popular vote, conceded to her opponent  last night by phone after reaching just 218 electoral votes to his 279.

CNN reports: “Much of the seating at Clinton’s remarks will be for staff and aides and the campaign is treating it as a farewell to the people who have spent the better part of two years working on her behalf, per an aide.”

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Hillary Clinton to Speak to Staff and Supporters in New York City: Watch LIVE

Donald Trump Wins Presidency in Shocking Upset: Watch His Speech to Supporters

Donald Trump Wins Presidency in Shocking Upset: Watch His Speech to Supporters

Donald Trump is now the president-elect of the United States.

If you’re having a hard time processing this sentence as you wake up this Wednesday morning, you are not alone. The Republican Party has retained control of the Senate.

In a jaw-dropping run of the electoral map, Trump defied nearly every forecast put forth by the major media to win 279 electoral votes, defeating Hillary Clinton who reached just 218.

Hillary Clinton did not speak last night.

Trump looked away from the trail of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, lies, and insults that formed the basis of his argument to voters over the past year as he spoke to supporters in New York last night:

“I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past – of which there are a few people – I am reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.”

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Donald Trump Wins Presidency in Shocking Upset: Watch His Speech to Supporters

GLAAD responds to the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States

GLAAD responds to the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States


GLAAD today responded to the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States:

Donald Trump sits atop the most hateful Republican platform in history, one that sorely endangers the most fundamental American values of fairness and equality for all. America stands tallest when it stands firmly in its founding principle that all people are created equal. With the election behind him, President-elect Trump must now rise above divisive politics and side with the vast majority of Americans who demand equality for their LGBTQ friends, family, and neighbors. While disappointed, we are certainly not defeated; the pursuit of full acceptance will continue until everyone, no matter who they are or who they love, can simply live the life they love.

November 8, 2016


Pride Over Fear

Pride Over Fear

rjrgmc28 posted a photo:

Pride Over Fear

I don’t normally do photos like this, but in light of the U.S election result and the amount of hate towards the American LGBT community by a certain group of supporters (in which I’ll not name), I had to show my support in these dark times.

Rest assured, even though things might look bad, there will always be a way and they will work out in the end.

Pride Over Fear

The Next Four Years Are Going To Be Awful. How Awful Is Anyone’s Guess.

The Next Four Years Are Going To Be Awful. How Awful Is Anyone’s Guess.


President Donald Trump.

Those may be the three scariest words in the English language. Unfortunately, they are also reality for the next four years.

The pundits will spend countless hours trying to figure out just what combination of events led Trump to pull the most stunning political upset since Truman’s defeat of Dewey in 1948. Was it that Clinton was too damaged and establishment of a candidate? Was it that the polls seriously underestimated Trump’s appeal? Was it that white working class voters were making one last stand for dominance, motivated by hate? Was it the economy, improving but slowly?

In the end, it doesn’t much matter. (And Queerty will take our hits for being among the legions who got it wrong.) What we will have over the next four years–or at least the next two–is a government completely in the hands of the Republican party. The Supreme Court? Antonin Scalia will look like Bernie Sanders compared to his replacement.

Obamacare? Hope you have good insurance through your employer.

Russia? Let’s have our pal Putin over for a slumber party in the Lincoln Room.

What does it all mean for us? As with so much else in Trumpland, it’s almost impossible to tell. Trump has sent so many mixed signals in a campaign characterized by chaos that what actually happens when he takes over the reins of government simply can’t be predicted.

On the one hand, Trump doesn’t really seem to hate us the way he genuinely hates many other groups, like immigrants, Muslims, and Latinos. In fact, Trump made a favorable remark about us at the Republican convention. At his rallies, his campaign distributed LGBTQs for Trump signs, an unimaginable turn of events from previous GOP presidential campaigns. These aren’t the marks of a man who bears us the deep-seated ill will of a hard-core homophobe.

On the other hand, he’s surrounded himself with a nasty cast of characters who have no such qualms. His campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, was a pollster for the National Organization for Marriage. His political adviser, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, can always be counted on to spout some homophobic nonsense. And then there’s Mike Pence, in a category by himself.

Moreover, none of the potentially moderating forces in the GOP ever fully backed Trump. That role fell to some of the worst figures in the religious right, who gladly stepped up to support Trump even after he was caught on tape admitting to sexual assault and accused of the same by more than a dozen credible women. They will be lining up at the Oval Office door on January 20, with the full expectation that their support will be repaid, and not just with a Supreme Court appointment.

So what happens? Probably a genuinely weird mixture of both nice words from Trump and vicious policies from his backers. Of course, that will pale in comparison to the sufferings of a lot of other people (and the economy). It’s going to be a really rough ride for the next four years.

Let’s just hope it’s not as rough as as a lot of us think it will be now.


HRC Statement on the Election of Donald Trump: Our March Toward Equality Continues

HRC Statement on the Election of Donald Trump: Our March Toward Equality Continues

Tonight, HRC issued the following statement on the election of Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

HRC President Chad Griffin made the following statement:

“Throughout our nation’s history, we’ve faced devastating setbacks in our pursuit of a more perfect union. But even in the darkest of moments, Americans have summoned the courage and persistence to fight on. The results of tonight’s presidential election require us to meet tomorrow with the same resolve and determination.

“This is a crucial moment for our nation and for the LGBTQ movement. The election of a man who stands opposed to our most fundamental values has left us all stunned. There will be time to analyze the results of this election, but we cannot afford to dwell. We must meet these challenges head on.

“Over the last 18 months, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have intentionally sowed fear and division for cynical political purposes. They now face a decision about whether they will also govern that way. We hope, for the sake of our nation and our diverse community — which includes women, people of color, those with disabilities, immigrants, and people of all faiths and traditions — they will choose a different path.

“For our part, HRC will continue our fight for equality and justice for all with greater urgency and determination than ever before. We must. Lives literally depend on it.

“Despite the outcome of this presidential race, we know that the tide has irreversibly turned in favor of LGBTQ equality. Today, we draw strength from the vast majority of Americans who believe that our lives and rights are worth fighting for. Thanks to you and your tireless work, we deployed the largest get out the vote effort in our organization’s history. In North Carolina, it appears we have defeated the hateful Governor Pat McCrory and helped elect Roy Cooper to repeal HB2. We were proud to support Hillary Clinton, and she made history as the most pro-equality candidate to ever run for president of the United States.

“The defeats we have suffered tonight demonstrate that our future victories will require us to dig deeper and work harder to continue bending the moral arc of the universe toward justice and equality. We must fight to protect our progress, and to limit the damage that Donald Trump has promised.

“To every LGBTQ person across this nation feeling stunned and disheartened, and questioning if they have a place in our country today, I say this: You do. Don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise. Be bold, be strong, and continue to stand up for the principles that have always made America great.

“At a time like this, we don’t slow down. We double down. Tomorrow, HRC will set to work once again, undeterred and focused on our mission to realize a world in which every single LGBTQ person is safe and equal and valued.”


Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 
